Pre-Social Work Full Audit sheet
Report for degree: Degree: Pre-Social Work (SWKW) (200930); (BS10IF;0434;BSGEIF) (120 credit(s)) (20063)Completed Credits (Including Present Registrations): 15 of 120 / Completed Requirements: 2 of 18
Total Earned Credits (Including Present Registrations): 15
Non Visual Requirements
Requirement / Minimum / Maximum / Applied / Status
BSC quality point average / 2.00
Upper-Division / 33 / 0
Major Residency / 6 / 0
Campus Residency / 32 / 15
Major GPA / 2.00
120 Credit Hour Minimum / 120 / 15
/ Requirement V1: Foundations of Inquiry - Types : GE
A total of 1 course from { Foundations of Inquiry (BSC): BSC101 HON100 ( BSC101 ) }
with at least 1 course from / { Foundations of Inquiry (BSC): BSC101 HON100 ( BSC101 ) }
Courses used:
BSC101 ( 3, 20093, current )
This requirement is (will be) satisfied.
1 / Requirement V2: Basic Writing - Types : BC
The required number of courses from 1 of the following sets of courses:
SAT Writing score 600 or Higher. ACT score 25 to 27. CWP102 is Required. Exemption to 101 provided by Director of the Writing Program::
A total of 1 course from { CWP102 }
with at least 1 course from / { CWP102 }
orSAT Writing Score 400 to 590. ACT Score 21 to 24. CWP101 & CWP102 Required::
A total of 2 courses from { CWP101; CWPEX1; SATEX1; CWP102; CWPEX2 }
with at least 1 course from / { CWP101; CWPEX1; SATEX1 }
and at least 1 course from / { CWP102; CWPEX2 }
orSAT Writing Score less than 400. ACT Score less than 16. CWP099 is also required::
A total of 3 courses from { CWP099; CWP101; CWPEX1; CWP102; CWPEX2 }
with at least 1 course from / { CWP099 }
and at least 1 course from / { CWP101; CWPEX1 }
and at least 1 course from / { CWP102; CWPEX2 }
Courses used:
CWP101 ( 3, 20093, current )
1 more course is needed to satisfy this requirement.
/ Requirement V3: Foreign Language: Proficiency in a single foreign language equivalent to the successful completion of two semesters of college-level work. Please note 101 is a pre-requisite for 102 at Buffalo State College - Types : FL
A total of 1 course from { Foreign Language (F) ( SPA102 ) }
with at least 1 course from / The Audit is looking for 102, 201 or 202 to show this complete:
{ Foreign Language (F) ( SPA102 ) }
Courses used:
SPA102 ( 0, 20091, P, HS, TFR_EX_HS_SPA102 )
This requirement is (will be) satisfied.
1 / Requirement V4: Math/ Quantitative Reasoning - Types : QR
The required number of courses from 1 of the following sets of courses:
Transfer Coursework: GenEdIF-Quantitative Reasoning (X) Transfer:
A total of 1 course from { GenEdIF-Quantitative Reasoning (X) Transfer }
orPrerequisite with BSC Coursework: Prereq: ACT16, SAT460, HSMAT3, MAT097, MAT098: GenEdIF-Quantitative Reasoning-(X):
A total of 2 courses from { Prereq: ACT16, SAT460, HSMAT3, MAT097, MAT098; GenEdIF-Quantitative Reasoning-(X) }
Courses used:
SAT460 ( 0, 20091, P, HS, TFR_EX_HS_SAT460 )
1 more course is needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V5: Cognate Foundations : Arts : Coursework must come from two different prefixes - Types : GE
A total of 6 credits from { Cognate Foundations: Arts (J) ( THA106 ) }
with at least 6 credits from / { Cognate Foundations: Arts (J) ( THA106 ) }
Courses used:
THA106 ( 3, 20093, current )
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
6 / Requirement V6: Cognate Foundations : Humanities: Coursework must come from two different prefixes - Types : GE
A total of 6 credits from { Cognate Foundations: Humanities (Q) }
with at least 6 credits from / { Cognate Foundations: Humanities (Q) }
6 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V7: Cognate Foundations : Natural Science : Coursework must come from two different prefixes - Types : GE
A total of 6 credits from { Cognate Foundations: Natural Science (K) ( ANT100 ) }
with at least 6 credits from / { Cognate Foundations: Natural Science (K) ( ANT100 ) }
Courses used:
ANT100 ( 3, 20093, current )
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V8: Cognate Foundations : Social Science: Coursework must come from two different prefixes - Types : GE
A total of 6 credits from { Cognate Foundations: Social Science (Y): ( SOC100 ) }
with at least 6 credits from / Cognate Foundations : Social Science:
{ Cognate Foundations: Social Science (Y): ( SOC100 ) }
Courses used:
SOC100 ( 3, 20093, current )
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V9: Diversity - Types : GID
A total of 3 credits from { Diversity (8) }
with at least 3 credits from / { Diversity (8) }
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V10: Foundations of Civilizations : American History - Types : GE
A total of 3 credits from { Foundations of Civilizations: American History (1) }
with at least 3 credits from / { Foundations of Civilizations: American History (1) }
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V11: Foundations of Civilizations : Western - Types : GE
A total of 3 credits from { Foundations of Civilizations: Western Civilization (4): }
with at least 3 credits from / Foundations of Civilizations : Western:
{ Foundations of Civilizations: Western Civilization (4): }
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V12: Foundations of Civilizations : Non Western - Types : GE
A total of 3 credits from { Foundations of Civilizations: Non Western Civilization (5): }
with at least 3 credits from / { Foundations of Civilizations: Non Western Civilization (5): }
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
6 / Requirement V13: Writing Across the Curriculum - Types : WI
A total of 6 credits from { Writing Intensive (WI) courses }
with at least 6 credits from / { Writing Intensive (WI) courses }
6 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
1 / Requirement V14: Technology and Society - Types : TS
A total of 1 course from { Technology and Society (L): }
with at least 1 course from / { Technology and Society (L): }
1 more course is needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V15: Basic Oral Communication - Types : BC
A total of 3 credits from { Basic Oral Communication (P) }
with at least 3 credits from / { Basic Oral Communication (P) }
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
42 / Requirement V16: - Types : Major
A total of 42 credits from { SWK220; SWK307; SWK308; SWK317; SWK319; SWK320; SWK419; SWK422; SWK423; SWK424; SWK493; SWK494 }
with at least 42 credits from / Required Courses:
{ SWK220; SWK307; SWK308; SWK317; SWK319; SWK320; SWK419; SWK422; SWK423; SWK424; SWK493; SWK494 }
42 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
3 / Requirement V17: General Education Requirement
All of / { BIO101 } / ( Total = 3 credits )
3 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
105 / Requirement V18:
This is the All College Electives Section. A total of 120 credits are required to complete this degree. As you complete the other requirements on the audit in your Major and General Education Areas, the credits required in this section will adjust accordingly. Please see the printed college catalog or an academic advisor for further details.
105 more credits are needed to satisfy this requirement.
Other Requirements
Requirement N58: BSC quality point average
You must achieve a Cumulative* GPA of 2.00 from { All Undergraduate Buffalo State Coursework }.
Student GPA is not available
Requirement N59: Major GPA
You must achieve a Cumulative* GPA of 2.00 from { all courses } in requirement { V16 }.
Student GPA is not available
Courses Used for this Program
1. / ANT100 ( 3, 20093, current ) / 2. / BSC101 ( 3, 20093, current )
3. / CWP101 ( 3, 20093, current ) / 4. / SAT460 ( 0, 20091, P, HS, TFR_EX_HS_SAT460 )
5. / SOC100 ( 3, 20093, current ) / 6. / SPA102 ( 0, 20091, P, HS, TFR_EX_HS_SPA102 )
7. / THA106 ( 3, 20093, current )
Courses Unused for this Program
Unused Courses
1. / SAT_CRITREAD_SCORE_470 ( 0, 20081, P, SAT ) / 2. / SAT_CRITREAD_SCORE_480 ( 0, 20083, P, SAT )
3. / SAT_MATH_SCORE_500 ( 0, 20083, P, SAT ) / 4. / SAT_MATH_SCORE_520 ( 0, 20081, P, SAT )
5. / SAT_WRITING_SCORE_470 ( 0, 20081, P, SAT ) / 6. / SAT_WRITING_SCORE_490 ( 0, 20083, P, SAT )
7. / SPA101 ( 0, 20091, P, HS, TFR_EX_HS_SPA101 ) / 8. / SPA201 ( 0, 20091, P, HS, TFR_EX_HS_SPA201 )