For Reviewing Statements of Special Educational Needs during the


Date of Review / Time of Review
Section 1: Pupil and Placement Details
Surname: / Forenames:
Date of Birth: / Gender:
Home Address:
Name of School or FE College Attended: / National Curriculum Year:
Looked After Child / Yes / No
Name of person(s) with parental responsibility: / Name of person(s) with parental responsibility:
Relationship: / Relationship:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Contact No: / Contact No:
E-mail: / E-mail:

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Section 2: Assessment Results

Subject / Area Assessed / Assessment Used / Current Result / Date of Assessment / Previous Result / Date of Assessment
Others (please specify such as GCSEs)

Section 3: Child or Young Person’s Special Educational Needs

Communication, listening and understanding
Behaviour, interaction and social relationships
Sensory and or physical needs
On the school census what is the primary and secondary need recorded for this child or young person?
Primary need
Secondary need

Section 4: Current arrangements in School

Specify the way in which the provision in the Statement is being used, where possible support this information with a provision map:
School Support:
High Needs Support (Top-up Funding):
Specialist equipment used (Please specify who provides the equipment, i.e. Occupational Therapy):
Section 5: Child or Young Person’s Health and Care Needs:
Please give a summary of the child or young person’s health needs:
Does the child or young person have a Continuing Health Care package? If so, please provide details below:
Social Care:
Please give a summary of the child or young person’s identified care needs. This should include current social care involvement (Area team or CAN service) or lower level early intervention work that may be relevant to the EHC assessment. If there is an allocated social worker please also include their details:
Does the child or young person have a personal budget from the Complex and Additional Needs social care team? If so, please provide details below:

Section 6: Report on progress against the Statement Objectives over the last year:

Please list the Objectives in the Statement and the progress that has been made towards meeting these objectives (including targets in this area set at the last Annual Review:

Section 6: Local Authority Attendance at the Transfer Review Meeting

It is important that someone from the Local Authority (normally your EHC Co-ordinator) attends the review that takes places during the Transfer Review Process. Please ensure that you contact the EHC/SEN Assessment Team to request their availability when setting a date for this review.

Section 7: Attachments to this Report

Please attach the following documents to this Report:

Description / Indicate whether or not a report is attached () / Give a reason if report is not attached
Pupil contribution -All about me/One page profile
Parental contribution-All about us
Speech & Language Therapy
Educational Psychology
Occupational Therapy
Connexions/Independent careers advice Y9 onwards
Other Reports (e.g. from other professionals/agencies e.g. YOS)
Provision Map (for pupils with additional support specified in their Statement or EHC Plan)
Print out of attendance record over the last twelve months
Record of exclusions from school, in the preceding twelve month period
(If there have been no exclusions, state ‘None’)
Signed: / Date:
Print name: / Position:

Section 8: Circulation of this Report

This report must be distributed along with any other reports at least ten days before the annual review meeting to the EHC Assessment Team and to all those invited to the Review Meeting. / EHC Assessment Team
Children, Families and Wellbeing
Trafford Town Hall
Talbot Road
M32 0TH

Along with this report, please ensure that parents:

  1. Complete the ‘All about me’ and ‘All about us’ transfer review booklet
  2. Complete and sign a 'Health Information Sheet’.

All these documents care be found on Trafford Local Offer website

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