Tiziana Rinaldi Lewis

102 Decatur Avenue,

Brooklyn, New York, 11216

(917) 691-3118



September 2015

-San Francis College- Adjunct lecturer

Department of Foreign Languages

Italian Language I and II

January 2003- present

-Montclair State University- Instructor

College of Humanities and Social Science

Classics & General Humanities department: “Classical Mythology” and “Troy and the Trojan War”

September 2003- December 2014

-College of New Rochelle: Cardinal O’Connor Campus- Instructor

School of New Resources

English Department: “Experience, Learning, and Identity”, “Science and Human Value”, “Ways of knowing”..

September 2005-2008

-New York University- Instructor

Department of Italian Studies

Italian Language I and II

January 2004- May 2004

-City College of New York

Department of Foreign Languages: Italian II

January 2002- May 2003

-Montclair State University- Instructor

College of Humanities and Social Science

Spanish and Italian department: Italian Language I and II

1999- 2000

-Trinidad State Junior College- Instructor.

Division of Arts and Science: Art History I and Art History II;

Division of Continuing Education: Comparative Religion, Italian Language I and II.

PUBLICATIONS –as Tiziana Rinaldi Castro:


-“Due Cose Amare e Una Dolce" A fiction novel. Published in May 2007 by Edizioni EO, Via Camozzi 1, 00198, Rome.

-“Il Lungo Ritorno” A fiction novel. Published in Sept. 2001 by Edizioni EO, Via Camozzi 1, 00198, Rome. Candidate for the Literary prizes “Alberto Moravia” 2001 and “Letteratura Donna” 2001.

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-“Deux Choses Amères et Un Sucré”, a fiction novel. Translated in French for Cap Regions Editions. Scheduled for publication for fall 2015.


-“Dai Morti”. EDIZIONI RIPOSTES, Salerno- Rome, Italy, 1992.

-“Forever friends”, an anthology of poets across the world, edited by Shelagh Watkins, LULU, 2008

Short stories, Librettos:

-Caro Poeta, caro Amico, a musical homage to Pier Paolo Pasolini, by singer Andrea Del Monte-Lyrics.

- “Quando la guerra finisce ma non smette” a short story in the literary collection Laudato sie, mi’ Signore-curated by Claudio Marrucci, Nuove Edizione Aldine, Bassiano, 2015

-“The embroidered hoop of mourning”, a short story in the literary collectionEmbroidered Stories: Interpreting Women’s Domestic Needlework from the Italian Diaspora, edited by Edvige Giunta and Joseph Sciorra for Mississippi University Press, 2014.

-“Il Perpetuo Pranzo di Natale”, a short story in the literary anthology Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo, Castelvecchi Edizioni, January 2013del Monte

-“Femminielli a Via Toledo” a short story previously appeared on the newspaper Il Manifesto, in “Italia Underground” a literary anthology of Italian writers short stories, Edizioni Sandro Teti, 2009.

-“Lament of Ariadne”- A libretto for a Contemporary Opera composed by Conductor Riccardo Martinini of Cima orchestra for The Artipelago, Rome, in September 2009

-“Due Cose Amare e Una Dolce”- Conduction 176, A ten voices chorus conducted by Maestro Lawrence “D” Butch Morris, for the MAT Museum in Rome, March 2008.

-"Senza titolo" A libretto for a Contemporary Opera composed by Conductor Riccardo Martinini of Cima, Rome,

-“Il Regalo”- a short story in “Qualcuno ha morso il cane”, an anthological collection of short stories, edizioni Coniglio, 2008.

-“Il Vico Chiuso” - A short tale- Published by Il Manifesto, a national Italian newspaper.

-“Femminielli a Via Toledo”- A short tale published by Il Manifesto, a national Italian newspaper, 2008.

-“C’è una parte di me che dorme nel west”- A short tale published by Il Manifesto, an Italian newspaper, 2007.

-“Il Ritmo nella possessione Yoruba: il Dio del Batà sveglia il Dio dentro di noi”- An essay-

Elements of shamanism in the Yoruba priests’ possession published by “I Libri di Montag”, a bi-yearly Philosophy Review directed by Brunella Antomarini e Guido Traversi per ManifestoLibri, Italy, 2003

-“Dieci dollari, venticinque anni e la luce di Dio” – A short tale published by Micromega, a literary and political magazine, Rome, Italy, 2002.

-“Ultimo Testamento”. A solo poetry piece.-2002

A reflection on Christ’s death and resurrection in a time of global political uncertainty and religious conflicts. Performed at the 2002 Easter Concert of the Santa Cecilia Conservatorio in the Sala Della Cancelleria, Rome.


-“Il Giovin Bandito” by Washington Irving, translated by Claudio Marrucci, Edizioni Aldine Nuove,Bassiano, Latina, 2013, Preface, writer

-Noi Altri- A literary review, curated by Antonio Veneziani. Contributing writer

-“Il Trombettiere di Custer e Altri Migranti”-, a book of short storiesby Angelo Mastrandrea- Edizioni Ediesse, Rome, 2010 Postfaction writer.

-“HarrySmith, An American Magus”, a video documentary by Paola Igliori-. Curated subtitles from English into Italian.

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-“La Babele Che Non C'È”, Vols.1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

A bi-yearly Italian literary magazine issued by “La Babele Che Non C’È”, a Multimedia Corp., Coeditor, Translator, Writer, and Coordinator.-Responsibilities: Researching, selecting, and coordinating the editing of literary pieces for publication. Supervising coeditors translation from English to Italian, 1998-2001

“Ancient Wisdom, Doom’s day, and the Mystique of Calling God by Name”. An essay. Published in “The Image of America”-Selected Papers- 2000 Conference. Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery- University of Southern Colorado, 2000.

-“Africa’s Legacy In America Today: Yorùbá, Lucumì, and Santeria”. An essay. Published in “The Image of America”-Selected Papers- 1999 Conference. Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery- University of Southern Colorado, 1999.

-“Belinda”. A novel by Ann Rice- Translation Supervisor. Supervised and proofread the Italian translation by Pasquale Sica, published in Italy by Pironti Ed. Napoli, 1994

-“Acquamarina”. A book of poetry by Raymond Carver- Translation Supervisor. Italian translation by Pasquale Sica and published in Italy by Pironti Editions, Naples, 1992


Correspondent from New York for the Italian newspaper Il MANIFESTO, 2001-present, for ALIAS, political and social magazine, since 2001 and for IL REPORTAGE, political, photographic, and social magazine, 2014-present.


-Lament of Ariadne- A re-writing of the Monteverdi masterpiece for the theater. Performed by the antique chamber orchestra of Maestro Riccardo Martinini, in the Stone Theaters Circuit of Italy in the summer of 2009.

-“Due cose amare e una dolce”- Conduction n. 176, by Lawrence D. Butch Morris. Excerpts from the homonymous novel. A recital performed by “A Chorus of Poet”, conducted by Lawrence D. Butch Morris at MAT (Museo Arti e Tradizioni) in March, Rome- Italy, 2008.

-“Due cose amare e una dolce” Excerpts from the homonymous novel. A recital performed by Tiziana Rinaldi Castro and Gisa Fiorillo at Auditorium-Parco Della Musica, Rome, Italy, and L’Artipelago, Rome, Italy.

Solo performance at La Goldonetta, Livorno, Italy, 2008

-“The Power of the Tarantula: trance, expiation, and liberation in traditional Southern Italian dances”-

Writer, co-director, and producer. An anthropological film documentary on the dances of Tarantella and Pizzica, performed today within the context of Catholic festivities in Southern Italy and their unmistakable tie with the ancient rituals dedicated to Demeter and Cybeles.

-“Ultimo Testamento”. A solo poetry piece.A reflection on Christ’s death and resurrection in a time of global political uncertainty and religious conflicts. Performed at the Easter Concert of the Santa Cecilia Conservatorio in Sala Della Cancelleria, Rome, 2002

-"Caravane"- an International Festival of Literature. Writer and speaker, 2002

-“Harem” a RAI (Italian TV) Nationally Broadcast Television Talk Show on April 30, 2002. Guest Star

-"Due di notte", a weekly radio National broadcast of culture, music, politic and Literature. Guest Star for a whole month, 2002

-NYSCA- Screening committee Panelist. Individual Artist program’s- Film and New Technology media category, 2002. Selecting among 253 applicants’ proposals for the final adjudication of grants to 65 applicants.

-Festival della Letteratura di Mantova- Journalist.

Covered the Festival for ‘Nonleggere’, a division of Interact- a culture and literary network, 2001

-“Harlem Me”-Writer and performer.A novel in verses. Premiered at Enzimi: Art and Music Festival for the Media, on September 29th,2001.

-“Roosters own a soul too”. A monologue - Performer.

DIVINA ET FEMINA III - Sacred Domesticity. An annual project of the Canadian Center for Research on Women and Religion facilitated by the DIVINA Collective, at Ottawa University, Canada, 2000.

“Women of Yoruba Faith: a Legacy of self sacrifice, rapture and power”- Speaker.

DIVINA ET FEMINA III - Sacred Domesticity. An annual project of the Canadian Center for Research on Women and Religion facilitated by the DIVINA Collective and the Department of Classics and Religious Studies at Ottawa University, Canada, 2000.

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-“La Babele Che Non C'È” a Multimedia Corp., Via Ponti Rossi 18, 81100, Napoli, Italy.

“Babelberg”-Performer.A one act play written by Pasquale Sica and directed by Paola Rago, performed at Galleria Mediterranea in Naples, Italy for the 10th Edition of “La Fiera Del Libro”, Galassia Guttenberg, 1999.

-Bodas De Sangre- Director.

A play by Federico Garcia Lorca. Performed at the Galleria Mediterranea in Naples, Italy for the seventh Edition of “La Fiera Del Libro”, Galassia Guttenberg, 1996.

-“The cult of African Goddess Yemoja among the women of Brazil. Examples of retention of their African past”-Researcher, Writer, Speaker.

Seminar conducted for the Department of Arts, Theater and Music, University of Bologna, Italy, 1995

-New York University Film Festival-Filmmaker.

Written, produced, directed and edited short film “My friend Alexej”, 1990

-New York University Video Festival- Video maker

Written, produced, directed and edited short video “Beggar or nightmare?”. Candidate for the New York Film Festival Award for best directing, 1989

-Ancient Greek Tragedy Festivals of Taormina and Siracusa, Italy- Theater Director.-Teatro Colli, Bologna, Italy- Playwright, Acting, and Directing., 1984-1987


New York University, Gallatin Division

Master of Arts Degree, 1998

Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Greek Religious cults and the African Legacy in the New World.

Thesis: “Exchanging Death for Life: The Legacy of Dionysus the Liberator. Sacrifice in Ancient Greece and in Modern Sardinian Carnivals”.

New York University, Tisch School of the Arts/Film and Television

-Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts, 1991

Università degli Studi di Bologna,

-Storia e Filosofia, 1987

Liceo Classico Marco Tullio Cicerone

-Maturità Classica, 1984


-Native language: Italian

-Fluent in English and Spanish.


-Fiction and poetry writing, playwright, screenplay writer. Storytelling, Magazine Editing, proofreading and translating. Directing: theater. Acting. Transformational LifeCoaching.


Your quintessential people’s person: a great listener, intuitive, and compassionate. Diplomatic and surprisingly cool under stress, an uncanny talent for resolving conflicts between people. A natural propensity for solving problems, editing and/or organizing intellectual concepts, and reorganizing spaces and time. No, really, I am left handed, it comes with the territory.

REFERENCES: -References will be furnished upon request.