Pre-K Supply List

*Back-pack, no wheels
*1 Rest mat for nap time
*1- 3 prong Plastic folder
*1 small blanket - rest time *1 extra set of clothing, including underclothes and socks in a Ziploc bag
* Ziploc bags , (gallon size for girls and quart for boys)
*2 lg container of baby wipes
*1box of8 count crayons
*Washable markers (8-count)
*1 box of Kleenex tissues
*2 -Clorox Wipes
*1 bottle of glue
Extended Day:
*Graham crackers, crackers, pretzels, or other snacks

Third Grade Supply List

*2 – 24-ctcrayons
* 3 dz yellow wooden #2 pencils
* 1 pack of cap erasers
* 2 yellow highlighters
*1 plain vinyl pocket folder
*1 pr scissors
*2 glue sticks
*1 small plastic supply box
*1 large box of tissue
*1 pk wide ruled notebook paper
*Backpack (NO WHEELS)

*1 box Ziploc bags (Boys – quart and girls – gallon)

*4 dry erase markers
*1 hand sanitizer
*1 container of sanitary wipes
*2 spiral notebook, wide-rule
*1 inch white, hardback 3-ring binder with inside pockets /

Kindergarten Supply List

*1 folding rest mat (red/blue or green/blue)
*1 small plastic pencil/crayon box
*18 glue sticks
*5 boxes of 24 count crayons
*1- scissors (blunt tip)
*Backpack- regular size, no wheels
*1 extra set of clothing, including underclothes and socks(Please put these in a Ziploc bag with child’s name on the bag)
*1 box of baby wipes
*1- 8 pack of markers
* 1 box of quart size Ziploc bags (girls only)
* 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags (boys only)
*3 boxes of tissues
*4 containers of sanitary wipes
*1 package of pencil top erasers
*4- 12 packs of #2 pencils- regular size
*1-4pk Expo Markers
*1 inch white, hardback 3-ring binder with inside pockets /

First Grade Supply List

*Backpack-no wheels
*12 glue sticks
*3 dozen #2 pencils (yellow, wooden, sharpened)
*1 small plastic supply box
*1 BOYS ONLY-Box of Ziploc bags- gallon size
*1 GIRLS ONLY Box of Ziploc bags- Quart size
*8 pack of markers
*2 packs baby wipes
* 2 packs sanitary wipes
*4-24 ct boxes of crayons
*scissors (rounded point)
*1 box of tissue
*1 pack of cap erasers
*2 big pink erasers (rectangular in shape)
*1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper
*1 inch white, hardback 3-ring binder inside pockets /

Second Grade Supply List

*4 large glue sticks
*1 pr pointed scissors
*2 boxes of 24-ct crayons
*5 dozen #2 yellow pencils PLAIN, sharpened,
*4 jumbo erasers
*1 pack of cap erasers
1 pk dry erase markers (Dollar General Red/Blue/Black)
*2 pk wide rule notebook paper
*Small plastic school box
(without the handle)
*2 containerssanitary wipes
*1 bottle hand sanitizer
*2boxes tissue
*1 Purple & 1 Red 3 Prong Folder
*1 Purple & 1 Red 2 Pocket Folder-No Prongs
*BOYS ONLY – 1 box gallon sized Ziploc bags
*GIRLS ONLY – Lysol Spray
*1 inch white, hardback 3-ring binder with inside pockets
Bridges Supply List
*2 boxes baby wipes
*Anti-Bacterial Hand Soap- Not Hand Sanitizer
*2 boxes tissue
*1 small plastic school box
*1 Set washable markers
*2 boxes crayons
*1 Pack Ticonderoga #2 Pencils
*1 Pack EXPO dry erase markers
*2 yellow highlighters
*1 bx Ziplock Bags – Any/All Sizes
*1 Set extra clothing (In gallon Ziplock bag with child’s name clearly marked on bag)
*1 Rest Mat- PRE-K ONLY
*1 inch white, hardback 3-ring binder
OPTIONAL – Liquid Laundry Soap
Note: Students will bring their snacks for break daily /

Fourth Grade Supply List

*2 boxes of tissue
*2 glue sticks
*2pk wide ruled notebook paper
*3 spiral bound composition notebooks
*1 pack of dividers
* 48- #2 pencil (wooden and sharpened)
*2 packs of cap erasers
*1 hand held pencil sharpener
*1 pack of colored markers
*1 pack of colored pencils
*1 box of crayons
*1 pack of ink pens (not black)
*4 highlighters
*1 bottleliquid hand soap
*2 packs of sanitary wipes
*1 prscissors
*1 small pencil box –plastic – to store supplies
*1- 3 ring white, hardback binder with pockets (2 inches) /

Fifth Grade Supply List

* #2 pencils (at all times)
* 1 pk cap erasers
* Pack wide rule notebook paper (at all times)
*3 pocket folders with prongs
*2 boxes of tissue
*1 bottle of liquid hand soap
* markers, colored pencils and crayons
*1 pk 4 dry erase chisel tip makers
*1- 3 ring white, hardback binder with pockets (2 inches)
Subject area teachers may require additional supplies
No Locks on Lockers
No Decorations on Lockers /

Sixth Grade Supply List

*4 packs of #2 pencils
*1 pk cap erasers
* 4 pk wide rule notebook paper
*1 pencil pouch
* highlighters
*5 packs of index cards
*1 ruler
*4 dry erase markers
*1 pack of construction paper
*1 pr scissors
*1 glue stick
*flash drive
*2 bottles hand sanitizer
*1 bottle hand soap
*1 container sanitary wipes
*2 boxes of tissue
*1 pack of colored pencils
*1 pack of baby wipes
*1box Ziploc bags (girls – qt & boys – gal)
*1- 3 ring white, hardback binder with inside pockets(2 inches or more) with at least 4 dividers
Subject area teachers may require additional supplies
No Locks or Decorations on Lockers