Pre-Calculus Honors

Ms. A. Stanley


School Phone: 252-444-5112




Ø  Three ring binder (Maintain notebooks at all times! They may be collected and checked!)

Ø  Notebook dividers (3) (1) Notes (2) Homework (3) Quizzes

Ø  Loose-leaf paper

Ø  TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Graphing Calculator

Ø  Pencils

Ø  Graph paper


v  Functions & Graphs

v  Polynomial & Rational Functions

v  Exponential & Logarithmic Functions

v  Unit Circle, Basic Trigonometry, Inverse Trig, Right Triangles

v  Trig Identities, Sum & Difference Identities

v  Trig Graphs

v  Solving Triangles (Law of Sines, Law of Cosines), Vectors, Vector Applications

v  Polar Coordinates and Equations

v  Regression

v  Sequences and Series

v  Calculus


Ø  Follow school rules.

Ø  Complete assignments. All work must be legible and in pencil. If I can’t read it, it’s wrong!!


Ø  To learn, it is essential that you participate during class. This means I want you to be active during class. When we have group

Work everyone should participate.

Ø  Daily attendance and coming to class on time. There is no substitute for hearing and participating in class.

Ø  Be prepared for class. (Sharpen pencils before class. Bring all materials: homework, notebook, pencil, book, …)

Ø  Follow directions.

Ø  Be responsible.


Ø  No sleeping in class.

Ø  Be respectful of everyone.

Ø  Wait to be recognized before speaking.

Ø  Remain seated unless otherwise instructed.

Ø  Keep all work (quizzes, homework, classwork, notes, …) in your notebooks

Ø  There will be a warning and then after school detention for any unnecessary interruptions during class.

Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be handled in accordance with my classroom management plan: Verbal Reprimand, Parent Contact/After School Detention, Office Referral.

STUDENTS who commit the following infractions will receive an immediate referral to the Administration: fighting, skipping class, abusive language toward the teacher, dress code violation, and or blatant disrespect or defiance.

Restroom/Water Fountain Passes: A student cannot learn if he or she is not in the classroom. Students are expected to use the bathroom between classes and during lunch. Students will be given 5 bathroom passes each nine weeks. Passes can only be used during independent practice and after the completion of a test or a quiz. Any passes not used will be used as extra credit. There will be no additional passes given if a student loses their sheet. If you have to go to the restroom and you do not have your passes, you have to stay after school the following day.

At the beginning of each nine weeks students will be given a sheet with bathroom passes on it. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with this sheet. Any passes not used will be used as extra credit on a test. There will be no additional passes given if a student loses their sheet. Once these passes are used a student may be allowed to go at the teacher’s discretion.

Tardy Policy: Be in your seat and ready when the bell rings. The tardy policy for my class will be in accordance with the school’s tardy policy. If you have any questions please refer to the student handbook.

Rewards: (1) Free Homework Pass if you score a 93 or above on a Test. This pass will only exempt you from one day’s homework assignment. These may only be used for homework. Homework extra credit will be given for unused HW passes. (2) For good behavior I will drop one lowest quiz grade each nine weeks.


Ø  Be sure to get assignments and notes when you are absent.

Ø  Make-up classwork and homework must be turned in within five school days of being absent.

Ø  Tests and quizzes must be made-up within 10 school days after school. Make-up tests and quizzes will be different from those

given during class. It is in your best interest to make-up tests and quizzes within 5 days.

Ø  If you are going to be absent for several days, it is a good idea to email or check the website to get your assignments.

Ø  It is your responsibility to get your make-up work. Any missed work that is not made up will be given a grade of zero.

Homework: Homework will be assigned on a daily basis in order to practice the skills we learn in class and will be checked based on completion. I will check homework often. You will either receive full or half credit. In order to get credit you must: Number your problems, have the problems copied from the book, and show all necessary work. I will not accept late homework.

Quizzes: May or may not be announced. Includes notebook quizzes.

Tests: Tests will always be announced. A test will be given at the end of each unit and can fall on any day of the week. Most tests will include cumulative questions to prepare students for the final.

A mid-term exam will be given to check for student understanding. These assessments will be counted as two test grades.

At the end of the semester, students will take a state made MSL (Measurement of Student Learning) exam. This exam will count as 25% of the final grade. No student may be exempt from the MSL.

Extra Credit: As a standard rule, I do not give extra work to earn extra credit in my class.

Retakes: Students will be permitted to retake (or do test corrections) for two tests each nine weeks. Students may retake a test only once. All retakes must be taken by the deadline. Students may improve their test score by a letter grade. Retakes will need to be taken before or after school will need to be scheduled in advance with the teacher. Refer to the retake policy handout.

Extra Help: Math concepts build on each other. Therefore, don’t wait, if you have questions ask them during class or see me about coming after school, or before school.


The HHS grading scale will be utilized: A (93-100), B (85-92), C (77-84), D (70-76), and F (69 and below). To get full credit on your homework and classwork you must show your work (steps) and be turned in on time. Late work can only receive a maximum grade of 50%, if accepted. All homework and classwork should be done in pencil. Talking during a quiz or test may result in a zero! Cheating on a quiz or test will result in a zero, a parent contact, and a referral to the administration. Your grade will be earned the following way in my class:

Tests: 60%

Quizzes: 30%

Homework/Class-work 10%

Progress Reports: Progress reports will be sent home on the following days: February 15nd, March 8th, March 22nd, April 19th, May 3rd, and May 17th. All progress reports are to be signed and turned in for a grade. Students who have an average below an 85% will be required to attend seminar. Report cards will be sent home on April 10th.

If you or your parent(s)/guardian(s) have any questions or concerns about the above information, please feel free to contact me. Emailing me is the best way of contacting me.

I look forward to getting to know you over the semester and helping you obtain the skills necessary to succeed not only in Algebra, but also future math courses.