Pre-calculus Homework Assessment Rubric

Score / Criteria
5 / Assignment 90% or more completed before arriving to class. Full work and solutions shown. Questions written down when you are stuck on a problem.
4 / Assignment 80% or more completed before arriving to class. Full work and solutions shown. Questions written down when you are stuck on a problem.
Maximum score for a late assignment. Must be 100% complete with full work and solutions shown.
3 / Assignment 60% or more completed before arriving to class. Full work and solutions shown. Questions written down when you are stuck on a problem.
Late assignment, 80% or more completed, work and solutions shown.
2 / Less than 60% of the problems attempted.
1 / Less than 30% of the problems attempted.
0 / No problems attempted.
Late and not at least 80% complete.

When you don’t know how to solve a problem, you must make an attempt to start it and then write down specific questions you have about how to continue solving the problem. Just writing a ‘?’ question mark or stating ‘I don’t know what to do’ will not get you credit for the problem. Write sentences like:

* Should I use a double angle identity here?

* It does not appear to be exponential, but I can’t come up with a better model.

* I tried using the Adam method, but the answer did not make sense to me.

When scoring your team, you will only write on your own sheet. The team should agree on scores for each member. You will write in your score and the scores you gave to each teammate. Many assignments, at least one group will be randomly selected to have their assignments double-checked by Spock.

If you complete an assignment late and wish to change your score, you will circle that score on your score sheet when you turn them in at the end of each chapter. The scores will be changed by Spock if it is warranted.

Other than Chapter 1, you will be required to turn in test corrections for each (previous) test along with your chapter homework.