HB 1534 Student discipline; long-term suspension.Chief patron: Bell, Richard P.

Student discipline; long-term suspension. Reduces the maximum length of a long-term suspension from 364 calendar days to 45 school days. The bill prohibits a long-term suspension from extending beyond the current grading period unless aggravating circumstances exist and prohibits a long-term suspension from extending beyond the current school year.

HB 1535 Public schools; student discipline.Chief patron: Bell, Richard P.

Public schools; student discipline. Provides that no student shall receive a long-term suspension or expulsion for disruptive behavior unless such behavior involves intentional physical injury or credible threat of physical injury to another person.

HB 1536 Public schools; student discipline.Chief patron: Bell, Richard P.

Public schools; student discipline. Prohibits students in preschool through grade five from being suspended or expelled except for drug offenses, firearm offenses, or certain criminal acts.

HB 1709 School boards; policies and procedures prohibiting bullying; parental notification.Chief patron: Filler-Corn

School boards; policies and procedures prohibiting bullying; parental notification. Requires the policies and procedures prohibiting bullying that are contained in each school board's code of student conduct to ***direct the school principal to notify the parent of any student victim of bullying or harassment of the status or results of any investigation of such incident of bullying or harassment no later than one week after such principal is notified of such incident.

HB 1839 School principals; incident reports.Chief patron: LaRock

School principals; incident reports. Provides that school principals are not required to report criminal misdemeanors or status offenses to law enforcement if in the principal's discretion, based on a totality of the circumstances and consistent with Board of Education guidelines, such report is not warranted. The bill requires the Board of Education, in consultation with the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Office of the Attorney General, and any interested stakeholders, to update its Student Conduct Policy Guidelines to provide guidance for principals in exercising such discretion.

HB 1843 Principals; student discipline; alternatives to referring incidents of assault.Chief patron: Mullin

Principals; student discipline; alternatives to referring incidents of assault and assault and battery, without bodily injury, to local law enforcement. Permits principals to refer to the local law-enforcement agency student incidents of assault and assault and battery, without bodily injury, only after such principal takes appropriate alternative disciplinary action or determines that no such appropriate alternative disciplinary action exists.

HB 1924 Public schools; suspensions.Chief patron: Bagby

Public schools; suspensions. Directs the Board of Education to establish guidelines for alternatives to short-term and long-term suspension for consideration by local school boards.

SB 829 Alternatives to suspension; Board of Education shall establish guidelines for local school boards.Chief patron: Wexton

Public schools; suspensions. Directs the Board of Education to establish guidelines for alternatives to short-term and long-term suspension for consideration by local school boards.

SB 995 Student discipline; long-term suspension. Chief patron: Stanley

Student discipline; long-term suspension. Reduces the maximum length of a long-term suspension from 364 calendar days to 45 school days. The bill prohibits a long-term suspension from extending beyond the current grading period unless aggravating circumstances exist and prohibits a long-term suspension from extending beyond the current school year.

SB 996 Public schools; student discipline.Chief patron: Stanley

Public schools; student discipline. Provides that no student shall receive a long-term suspension or expulsion for disruptive behavior unless such behavior involves intentional physical injury or credible threat of physical injury to another person.

SB 997 Public schools; student discipline.Chief patron: Stanley

Public schools; student discipline. Prohibits students in preschool through grade five from being suspended or expelled except for drug offenses, firearm offenses, or certain criminal acts.

SB 1082 School principals; incident reports.Chief patron: Wexton

School principals; incident reports. Eliminates the requirement that school principals report certain enumerated acts that may constitute a misdemeanor offense to law enforcement.

SB 1163 School principals; incident reports.Chief patron: Reeves

School principals; incident reports. Provides that school principals are not required to report criminal misdemeanors or status offenses to law enforcement if in the principal's discretion, based on a totality of the circumstances and consistent with Board of Education guidelines, such report is not warranted. The bill requires the Board of Education, in consultation with the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Office of the Attorney General, and any interested stakeholders, to update its Student Conduct Policy Guidelines to provide guidance for principals in exercising such discretion.


HB 1421 High school graduation; standard diploma, career and technical education credential, exception. Chief patron: Farrell

High school graduation; standard diploma; career and technical education credential; exception. ***Relieves each high school student in the graduating classes of 2018 through 2021 who pursues a standard diploma of the requirement to earn a career and technical education credential when such student earns a score of 4 or better on an Advanced Placement examination. Beginning with the graduating class of 2022, each high school student has the option of completing an Advanced Placement, honors, or International Baccalaureate course or earning a career and technical education credential to satisfy a specific graduation requirement.

HB 1452 Higher educational institutions; graduation requirements, course in Western civilization, etc. Chief patron: Miyares

Public institutions of higher education; graduation requirements; course in Western civilization or U.S. history. Requires each student at each public institution of higher education in the Commonwealth to complete a three credit-hour course in Western civilization or U.S. history. The bill exempts from such requirement any student who has received a score of 4 or better on an Advanced Placement examination in U.S. history.

HB 1592 Comprehensive community colleges; academic credit.Chief patron: James

Comprehensive community colleges; academic credit. Requires the State Boardfor Community Colleges to require each comprehensive community college to develop policies and procedures for awarding academic credit to enrolled students who have successfully completed a state-approved registered apprenticeship credential.

HB 1607 High school graduation requirements; verified credit; recognized high school academic assessments.Chief patron: Habeeb

High school graduation requirements; verified credit; locally selected, nationally recognized high school academic assessments. Requires the Board of Education, in establishing high school graduation requirements, to provide for the award of verified units of credit for satisfactory scores on locally selected, nationally recognized high school academic assessments approved by the Board in lieu of the correlated Standards of Learning assessments. Pro?

HB 1660 Study of documents relating to Virginia history and United States Constitution; Federalist Papers.Chief patron: Greason

Study of documents relating to Virginia history and the United States Constitution; Federalist Papers. Adds the ***Federalist Papers to a list of documents relating to Virginia history and the United States Constitution that are required to be explained and taught to students in public elementary, middle, and high schools. The bill requires the study of each such document to be incorporated into the appropriate Standards of Learning. The bill also requires the Department of Education to report biennially to the House Committee on Education and the Senate Committee on Education and Health on how such documents have been incorporated into the appropriate Standards of Learning and into curricula.

HB 1662 Public institutions of higher education; course credit; dual enrollment courses.Chief patron: Greason

Public institutions of higher education; course credit; dual enrollment courses. Requires the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), in consultation with the governing board of each public institution of higher education, to establish a policy for ***granting undergraduate course credit to any entering freshman student who has successfully completed a dual enrollment course at a comprehensive community college pursuant to an agreement for postsecondary degree attainment. The bill requires SCHEV and each public institution of higher education to make the policy available to the public on their websites.

HB 1721 State Board for Community Colleges; reduced rate tuition and fees; certain students.Chief patron: Anderson

State Board for Community Colleges; reduced rate tuition and mandatory fee charges; certain students who are active duty members of the Armed Forces of the United States. Permits the State Board for Community Colleges to charge reduced rate tuition and mandatory fees to any student who is (i) an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States; (ii) enrolled in a degree program at a comprehensive community college, provided that any such comprehensive community college that offers online degree programs is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity; and (iii) enrolled in training that leads to a Military Occupational Specialty in the Army or Marine Corps, an Air Force Specialty Code, or a Navy Enlisted Classification.

HB 1982 Graduation requirements; verified units of credit, satisfactory score on the PSAT examination.Chief patron: Greason

Graduation requirements; verified units of credit; satisfactory score on the PSAT examination. Requires the Board of Education, in establishing graduation requirements, to provide for the award of verified units of credit for a satisfactory score on the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) examination.

HB 2054 High school graduation and dropout data; formula; on-time graduation.Chief patron: Kory

High school graduation and dropout data; formula; on-time graduation. Requires the formula that the Board of Education uses to collect, analyze, report, and make available to the public high school graduation and dropout data to exclude any student who fails to graduate on time because of an extenuating circumstance. The bill requires the Board of Education to enumerate qualifying extenuating circumstances by regulation.

HB 2142 Redesigned high school graduation requirements; implementation; one-year delay.Chief patron: LeMunyon

Redesigned high school graduation requirements; implementation; one-year delay. Delays by one year the implementation of the redesigned high school graduation requirements established pursuant to Chapter 750 of the Acts of Assembly of 2016.

SB 1159 Public schools; career and technical education credential.Chief patron: Reeves

Public schools; career and technical education credential. Provides that the career and technical education credential, when required for high school graduation, adult education, or an alternative education plan, may be satisfied with the successful completion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Under current law, the successful completion of an industry certification, a state licensure examination, a national occupational competency assessment, or the Virginia workplace readiness skills assessment satisfies such credential.


HB 1705 Certification of driver education courses; requirements.

Chief patron: Greason

Summary as introduced:
Certification of driver education courses; requirements. Provides that any driver education course provider licensed pursuant to Chapter 17 (§ 46.2-1702 et seq.) of Title 46.2 shall also be authorized to provide the 90-minute parent/student driver education component currently required in Planning District 8 (Northern Virginia).

SB 951 School service providers; student access to collected personal information.

Chief patron: Ruff

Summary as introduced:
School service providers; student access to collected personal information. Requires school service providers to provide each student or his parent with access to a downloadable electronic copy of any student personal information pertaining to such student that has been collected, maintained, used, or shared by the school service provider. The bill requires such electronic copy to be in a machine-readable format.

SB 999 Comprehensive community colleges; academic credit.

Chief patron: Ruff

Summary as introduced:
Comprehensive community colleges; academic credit. Requires the State Board of Community Colleges to require each comprehensive community college to develop policies and procedures for awarding academic credit to enrolled students who have successfully completed a state-approved registered apprenticeship credential.

SB 1159 Public schools; career and technical education credential.

Chief patron: Reeves

Summary as introduced:
Public schools; career and technical education credential. Provides that the career and technical education credential, when required for high school graduation, adult education, or an alternative education plan, may be satisfied with the successful completion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Under current law, the successful completion of an industry certification, a state licensure examination, a national occupational competency assessment, or the Virginia workplace readiness skills assessment satisfies such credential.

SB 1245 Public education; economics education and financial literacy.

Chief patron: Dunnavant

Summary as introduced:
Public education; economics education and financial literacy. Requires the Board of Education (Board) to include evaluating the economic value of a postsecondary degree, including the net cost of attendance, potential student loan debt, and potential earnings, in the Board's objectives for economics education and financial literacy. The bill requires the Board to amend such objectives by July 1, 2018.


HB 1392 School security officers; carrying a firearm in performance of duties.

Chief patron: Lingamfelter

Summary as introduced:
School security officers; carrying a firearm in performance of duties. Authorizes a school security officer to carry a firearm in the performance of his duties if (i) he is a retired law-enforcement officer who retired or resigned in good standing, (ii) he has met the additional training and certification requirements of the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), (iii) the local school board solicits input from the chief law-enforcement officer of the locality regarding the qualifications of the officer, and (iv) the local school board grants him the authority to carry a firearm in the performance of his duties. The bill requires DCJS to establish additional firearms training and certification requirements for school security officers who carry a firearm in the performance of their duties. Existing law requires DCJS to establish minimum training and certification requirements for school security officers.

HB 1469 Authorization and training for persons designated to carry concealed handguns on school property.

Chief patron: Marshall, R.G.

Summary as introduced:
Authorization and training for persons designated to carry concealed handguns on school property. Permits a school board or an administrator of a private school to designate one or more employees of the school who may carry a concealed handgun on school property. Any person designated to carry a concealed handgun must be certified and trained by the Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety or the National Rifle Association in the storage, use, and handling of a concealed handgun. The bill also outlines the training requirements for designated persons to be established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services.

HB 1907 School security officers; authorized to carry a firearm.

Chief patron: Heretick

Summary as introduced:
School security officers; carrying a firearm. Authorizes a school security officer to carry a firearm in the performance of his duties if he (i) is a retired law-enforcement officer; (ii) was an active law-enforcement officer in the Commonwealth of Virginia within the 10 years immediately prior to being hired by the local school board; (iii) annually participates in the same firearms training and testing and meets the training and qualification standards to carry firearms as is required of an active law-enforcement officer in the Commonwealth; (iv) is granted the authority to carry a firearm in the performance of his duties by the local school board; and (v) is not otherwise prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm.

HB 2195 School attendance officer; powers and duties.

Chief patron: Torian

Summary as introduced:
School attendance officer; powers and duties. Authorizes a school attendance officer or local school division superintendent or his designee acting as an attendance officer to complete, sign, and file petitions and motions for the enforcement of certain orders entered by a juvenile and domestic relations district court. The bill also provides that a nonattorney attendance officer or local school division superintendent or his designee acting as an attendance officer performing the powers and duties of an attendance officer is not considered the practice of law.

SB 1017 School attendance officer; powers and duties.

Chief patron: Barker

Summary as introduced:
School attendance officer; powers and duties. Authorizes a school attendance officer or local school division superintendent or his designee acting as an attendance officer to complete, sign, and file petitions and motions for the enforcement of certain orders entered by a juvenile and domestic relations district court. The bill also provides that a nonattorney attendance officer or local school division superintendent or his designee acting as an attendance officer performing the powers and duties of an attendance officer is not considered the practice of law.


HB 1414 Standards of Quality; end-of-grade assessments.

Chief patron: Austin

Summary as introduced:

End-of-course and end-of-grade assessments; partial credit. Provides that when any end-of-course or end-of-grade assessment is scored, any student who provides a correct answer on at least one part of a multipart assessment question shall be awarded the appropriate amount of partial credit for such question.

HB 1708 Board of Ed; standards of accred; industry cert. credentials obtained by high school students.

Chief patron: Filler-Corn

Summary as introduced:
Board of Education; standards of accreditation; industry certification credentials obtained by high school students. Requires the Board of Education to include in the student outcome measures included in the standards of accreditation the number of industry certification credentials, as defined in relevant law, obtained by high school students.

HB 2014 Standards of quality; biennial review by Board of Education.

Chief patron: Keam

Summary as introduced:
Biennial review of the standards of quality required.