Interfaith Community Service

Sponsored by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life

in partnership with Habitat for Humanity

Please join us for one of our monthly interfaith builds!!

The details…

We meet on campus at 10:30am for a light breakfast and introductions.

Then we drive to a Habitat building site for 4 hours of volunteer work.

(Transportation to and from the building site is provided.)

Afterward, we return to campus for pizza and

an hour of structured interfaith dialogue.

No experience or special skills are required,

and you don’t need to be “religious”

All that’s required is a big heart, an open mind,

and a commitment to show up (on time!) and stay till the end

We’re hoping to have six monthly builds to choose from (usually on Sundays)

Fall 2017… September 24, October 22, November 19

Spring 2018 …February 25, March 25, April 22

10:30am-5:30pm, meals and snacks provided.

If you need more information, email or call 413-545-9642

To register, complete the form on the next page *

(Please download the form, complete it on your computer,

and send the completed form to .)

Registration Form for Interfaith Community Service Projects

Name: Cell phone:

UMass email address: Year of graduation (or grad student?) ______

How did you hear about this? (e.g., from an RSO, Campus Pulse, email from the Vice Chancellor, or ???)

We’re limited to 8-10 students, so to ensure a meaningful interfaith dialogue, we need some information about your religious or spiritual background. Your answers will be treated confidentially, and will merely be used to help us assemble a diverse group of students for this interfaith activity.

Family background:

Does your FAMILY identify with any religion? (e.g., Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.) ______

If so, which one(s)? ______

Your religious/spiritual identity:

Do you PERSONALLY identify with any religion or spiritual tradition(s)? _____

If so, which one(s)? ______

Do you identify with that religion or spiritual tradition… (answer Yes or No for each question)

… religiously?

… culturally?

… ethnically?

Are you affiliated with any religious or spiritual organization at UMass? _____

If so, which organization(s)?

Why do you want to participate in an INTERFAITH community service project?

Do you have any previous experience with interfaith activities? ______

If yes, please describe that experience briefly:

Which dates are you available to participate in Fall 2017: ___ Sept 24 ___ Oct 22 ___Dec 3

… in Spring 2018: ___ Feb 25 ___March 25 ___April 22

Please email your completed form to … Thanks!!