
Pre-Assessment Measure 7-EDU 310/610—Teaching and Assessing Children with Disabilities

1)A student with ASD is likely to exhibit which of the following “core deficits” (Iovannone, et al 2003)

a)A significant discrepancy between IQ and academic achievement

b)Social-emotional disturbances at a moderate level

c)A lack of social reciprocity and communication skills

d)Maladaptive base functional skills

2)Children with Autism comprise approximately what percentage of children by age 8 (source CDC, 2016)?

a)6% to 22%

b)7% to 20%

c)1% to 2.4%

d)4% to 5%

3)An appropriate behavioral objective for teaching a student, Kelly, to get ready for classroom dismissal at the end of class would be

a)Kelly will stay in her seat until it’s time to end class

b)When classroom dismissal is announced, Kelly will put away her class materials, sit with a quiet voice at her desk for 9 of 10 class sessions in 2 weeks

c)During the last 5 minutes of class, Kelly will stay in her seat and keep her hands to herself

d)During announced class dismissal, Kelly will put away her materials and sit without speaking in her desk at the end of class most of the opportunities given.

4)Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is best determined

a)Through FBA

b)Functional Pre-assessment in the classroom

c)Unable to be determined in the classroom

d)By licensed special educators with ASD training

5)From an operational perspective, a student can be said to be aggressive when she

a)Intends to cause harm to others

b)Pushes, hits, or grabs another student

c)Engages in acts that cause harm

d)Looks at another individual with a glare of animosity

6)An appropriate classroom management procedure for a student who is talking to others could be

a)The teacher circulates the room to keep students on task

b)Giving him an incentive of free time for staying on task

c)Contracting with the student for 4 of 5 classes on task

d)Give the class a quick break while you speak to the student

7)Excessive gross motor movement in students with ADHD (cf. Sarver, et al., 2015) is likely determined by

a)Objective measures of student activity behavior

b)Direct measures of attentional compliance

c)Indirect measures of impulsive behavior

d)Subjective measures by biased clinical observers

8)A correlation coefficient of 0.32 between measures of direct observation of excessive gross motor activity indicates a

a)Minimal agreement

b)Modest agreement

c)Significant agreement

d)Useful agreement measure

9)Of the 6 symptoms of “hyperactivity”, the DSM-5, excessive gross motor activity features in

a)4 of 6

b)5 of 6

c)All of 6

d)3 of 6

10)Which of the following is not a characteristic of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

a)Loses things necessary for tasks or activities.

b)A form of learning disability.

c)Talking excessively.

d)Has the ability to hyper focus on tasks of interest to them.

11)An example of instructional accommodation for a student with ADHD is

a)Confirm the problem behaviors with a school psychologist

b)Get a formal diagnosis of ADHD

c)Shorten the amount necessary to demonstrate learning

d)Keep homework assignments separate from unfinished classwork

12)The article by Sarver, et al. (2012) is best characterized as

a)A review of literature

b)An empirical study

c)An opinion

d)A “How to” article