Soccer Schedule User Guide

The Athletic sport schedule is a web-basedsystem that allows coaches and staff to enter and display athletic events including:

  • Game Schedule
  • Game results
  • Game statistics
  • Win/loss recordwin percentage

This User Guide contains the necessary steps to configure and update game results.

Adding Games to the Schedule

Individual games in the schedule are kept in a custom list named Schedule. To view this list, go to the Site Actions drop down menu in the upper right-hand corner of the window and choose View All Site Content If the Site Actions menu is not visible, click on the Sign In link. If you are on campus, you will be automatically signed in. If off campus, sign in with your CGCC computer account preceded with cgc\. Ex. cgc\smith

If the Site Actions menu is not available after signing in, you do not have editing rights to the schedule. Please contact the Webmaster at 857-5341.

Under the Lists category, click on the Schedule list.

Step 1.

Click on the day of the game to begin entering information.

You can advance through the months since you’ll likely be building the schedule months in advance. After clicking on the day of the game, you then click on the time the game begins.

Step 2.

Fill out the form that appears. Use the following as a guide when creating a new event:

Opponent ----The opponent your team will play against. Ex. Douglas College
Season ------Choose from the drop-down. Default value is the current year.
Start Time ------Choose the start time of the game.
End Time ------Choose the estimated end time of the game.
Time TBA? ---- Click this checkbox if the start time is not known at this time.
Conference Game ---- Choose Yes or No.
Where ------Choose Home or Away.
Game Type --- Regular season game is the default.
Our Team Score ----- Enter the number of goals our team scores.
Opponent Score ---- Enter the number of goals the opposing teams scores
Description --- Not used.
All Day Event -- Do not use.
Recurrence- --- Do not use.
Workspace ---- Do not use.

Click the Ok button to save your changes.

Repeat steps 1 & 2 for all games until your schedule is completed.

The future schedule is viewable by using the following URL:

You’ll need to replace 2010with the actual season you are building the schedule for.

Entering Game Results in the Schedule

Upon completion of a game, you’ll want to update the schedule with the game results and also upload game statistics if applicable to your sport. Follow the directions for adding a game to schedule but instead of adding, you’ll be editing a game.

In the Calendar view, click on the game you want to edit.

You’ll be presented with a form that includes an Edit Item button. Click Edit Item to enter your results.

While in Edit mode, there is an Attach File button for uploading your game day statistics.

After entering the scores and adding the statistics attachment file, click the Ok button. If you need to re-upload the statistics file for any reason, you’ll need to delete the file you had uploaded previously. Click the Edit Item button and you’ll see the current attachment at the bottom of the form along with a Delete button.