41365 Chapel Way Fremont, CA 94538
Fax 510-656-2793
Steven Musto, Principal October 2011 Dayna Lai, Gr. 7/8Counselor
Anne Renoir, Vice Principal
Principal's Message
The 2011-2012 school year has begun with a high level of energy shared by students and staff at Horner Jr. High. It was great to see parents/guardians at our Back to School night. Our teachers are enjoying their classes and have prepared excellent standard-based lessons.
In September, Vice Principal Renoir met with all of our students to review the school rules and expected behaviors at all school functions. Please review with your student the policies and rules in their assignment book.
Keeping Horner safe is a top priority for our staff. We have many students who are dropped off and picked up each day by their parents or guardians. If you drive your student to school, I would suggest dropping them off near the school on Irvington Blvd. or Carol Street. Do not stop in the middle of the street to unload/load your student, and observe signs posted at the entrance of the staff parking area. Please do not double park in the parking lot or on the street; it blocks traffic flow and slows everyone down.
Lastly I would like to share the great news that our API score increased 33 points to 923. Everyone involved at Horner should be extremely proud of that accomplishment. If you would like to look at the scores you can go to
I would encourage all parents to stay active with our PTSA group. Working with PTSA has brought Horner many benefits over the years and they are leading our efforts to build a computer lab on campus. You can follow PTSA and all Horner announcements on our web page:
I look forward to a great year working with the students, staff and community of Horner Jr.High School.
Steven Musto
Principal, Horner Junior High
October Calendar
06Girl’s Volleyball –Horner at Thornton
11Girl’s Volleyball – Horner at Walters
13Girl’s Volleyball -Hopkins at Horner
18Girl’s Volleyball –Horner at Newark
20Girl’s Volleyball – Horner at Centerville
24-28 Red Ribbon Week
25Girl's Volleyball Thornton at Horner
27Girl's volleyball - Walters at Horner
31Minimum Day 8:15 AM to 12:59 PM
Upcoming Dates
11/02PTSA 7:00 PM
11/03Girl's Volleyball - Horner at Hopkins
11/04End of 1st Quarter
11/08Talent Show, multi use room 6:00-8:00p.m.
11/11Holiday - Veteran’s Day Holiday -
No School in Session
11/18Minimum Day - students dismissed at 12:54 PM
11/15-11/17 CONFERENCE TIME, 3:30-7:30 p.m.
11/21-11/25Thanksgiving Holiday -No School in Session
12/02Winter Social 5:30 - 7:30 PM
12/12Winter Concert 7:00 PM Choir
12/13Winter Concert 7:00 PM Band
12/21Minimum Day - students dismissed at 12:54 PM
12/22-1/4/12Winter Break
1/05/12Back to School
1/16/12HOLIDAY – Martin Luther King Observance Day, No School in Session
1/27/12Minimum Day 8:15 AM to 12:59 PM
1/30/12Minimum Day 8:15 AM to 12:59 PM
Dear Parents:
I want to welcome new and returning students and parents to Horner Junior High. We will start the school year with a continued commitment in communicating with parentsand to help students be successful. In September, students reviewed the school rules and consequences during READ. The following week, I met with all of our students to review the rules and expected behavior standards for Horner Junior High during our Town Hall Meeting. These rules and expected behavior standards are stated in the Student Handbook. Please review these rules and standards with your student. We are looking forward to a successful year for our students. Please feel free to contact me with your concerns.
Anne Renoir, Vice Principal
DRESS CODE REMINDER – T-shirts conveying messages relating to the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs or with derogatory or inflammatory language are never acceptable as clothing on campus. Parents please make sure that your daughter/son doesn’t wear this type of clothing to school. Please refer to Horner’s dress code policy in the Homework Assignment Book.
RED RIBBON WEEK – October 24 – 28, we will celebrate Red Ribbon Week. This week will be filled with exciting activities and contests directed at keeping students’ drug and violence free!
JUNIOR HIGH STUDENTS – are not to go on any other school campus at anytime, particularly when we have a minimum day. Visits from our students to the elementary schools cause real confusion. Students waiting to pick up younger brothers and sisters should wait away from the school on the sidewalk near the street. Thank you for your help in conveying this message to our students.
MEDICATION AT SCHOOL REMINDER – If your student is required to take medication during school hours, a doctor’s signed form must be on file in our office. These “Hold Harmless” forms are available in our office. This applies to prescription drugs as well asover-the-counter medications such as aspirin, Tylenol, decongestants, bronchial mists, etc. Medications must be kept in the office unless appropriate forms are on file.
NEWS MEDIA – Often, videos and photographs are taken to share school programs. These videos may appear on television. Also, photographs and articles may appear in the press. Some parents are very sensitive about having their children appear in photographs or in videos.
If you do not wish your child to be filmed or photographed, please ask your child not to allow him/her self to be filmed or photographed. Second, if you do not want your child to appear in a video or news photo/article, please write a brief note to your school principal requesting that your child not appear.
The district cannot guarantee that a student will not appear in a video or news photo, even when the student’s parents or guardians have requested that they do not appear. The news media has certain access right while they cover the news, and the district will not always be able to intervene.
HEALTHY CHILDREN LEARN BETTER! An increasing number of our students have severe food allergies, especially nuts, peanuts, tree nuts, milk and eggs. When exposed to these allergens, especially by eating them, but sometimes just by touching them or their oils, or breathing their fumes, these students may break into hives, or even have their airway swell up and they COULD STOP BREATHING! PLEASE HELP US KEEP ALL OF OUR STUDENTS SAFE AND HEALTHY AT HORNERJUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL.
- Talk to your children about not sharing their food at lunch, etc.
- If you bring or send food to school for parties, etc, please do not send food that has any nuts or nut products. All food brought to school for class events must be prepackaged and must include the nutritional label. NO HOMEMADE FOOD!
Please notify our school nurse and the office staff if your child has or develops such allergies. Thank you for helping us keep the Horner students healthy.
SPECIAL MESSAGES TO STUDENTS FROM HOME – Messages are only delivered to students in emergencies. The following are NOT CONSIDERED EMERGENCIES: “Don’t take bus – I’ll pick youup.” “Take bus – I can’t pick you up.” “Pick your sister up from school on the way home.” “Don’t pick up your sister – she went home already.” “Your dentist appointment has been canceled.” “Come straight home after school.”
Please pre-plan emergency strategies with your student. Alert your student to stop by the office and inquire if parent has brought forgotten lunch, lunch money, books, homework, papers, etc. Every message is another distraction in the learning process.
REGULAR SCHOOL ATTENDANCE – Missing school is a major cause of academic difficulties. When a student has six periods and misses just one day, he/she is behind in all of those classes. To miss two or three times a month as a matter of habit makes getting good grades extremely difficult.
Every absence should be considered in light of its impact on school. In no case is keeping a student home to baby-sit a legal absence. Legal absence is limited to illness, medical and dental appointments and death in family.
PARKING - Parking spaces in the front lot are for staff members. Any parent who needs to park in front of the school should use the parking area along the yellow curb in front of the school. Thank you for your co-operation.
EARLY ARRIVALS – Supervision of students on campus in the morning does not begin until 7:45 AM. Students should not arrive at school before 7:45 AM in the morning. Upon arrival at school, students should immediately proceed to the courtyard area.
A big thank you to all of the parents and students who helped at MAZE Day! We couldn’t have done it without you!! A lovely staff appreciation breakfast was served on Sept. 2ndby many PTSA volunteers. A great big thank you is sent to all who participated.
DELIVERIES TO SCHOOL – Horner Junior High will not accept delivery of balloons/flowers, etc at school. Students are also not allowed to
bring balloons/flowers, etc. to school with them. In the past, these deliveries had to be left in the office until after school, but we simply do not have the room to store them. Please help us by reminding your students not to bring flowers/balloons to school. Thank you for your assistance.
CAFETERIA UPDATE; The regular lunch box is available inside the cafeteria for $3.25. This price includes milk. Breakfast is available starting at 7:45 AM. Those students who qualify for the free or reduced lunch program also qualify for breakfast which costs 30 cents. Due to budget constraints, there will be no charging of lunches this year.
MATCHING DONATIONS Please check with your companies to see if there are any matching donations or volunteer hour programs that could benefit Horner. Thanks!
Congratulations go out to Jahnari Rati and Rohan Koka. These students placed 2nd in the US National G/30 Chess Championship on Oct. 2, 2001 held in Santa Clara. Stop by the office and check out the beautiful trophy they earned. Way to go, Jahnari and Rohan!
VOICE MAIL FOR STAFF – If you would like to leave a message for a staff member at Horner, contact the school at 656-4000 and enter the appropriate extension number from the list below:
Mr. Musto, Principal 48109Ms. Lai, Counselor 48112
Ms. Renoir, Vice Principal 48110Ms. Holden, Attendance48101
Ms. Erickson, Secretary48106Ms. Iniguez, Registrar48103
FROM THE SCIENCE DEPARTMENT - On Wednesday, April 4th, from 6-7pm in the school library, there will be a meeting for the parents who may wish to review the State Mandated FLASH Curriculum. Any changes to the date will be announced through the Science classes.This will be the only such meeting this year. A permission slip will be passed out to each student in science in order to participate in the FLASH Curriculum.
Nightmare on Puberty Street for 8th grade students is scheduled for Wednesday the 23rd of May during school hours.
“Reflections” is a PTA-sponsored program held annually for over 30 years across America to promote expression in the arts. All Horner Jr. High students are invited to participate. Students are encouraged to enter with an original story or poem, music, art, film, photography and/ordance video. All entries will berecognized. Announcements about Reflections will be made in the history classrooms soon. Official information and Entry Forms may be picked up in the office. All forms are due Oct. 31. Please check the PTSA official page to find more information and subject matter. Specific rules apply. Horner PTSA is the proud sponsor of this event.
WHAT’S NEW IN THE LIBRARY In September, all students attended a library orientation through their English class. Here’s a recap of the information they received.
1)The library is open at 7:30 AM and closes at 3:00 PM. The Homework Club meets in the library from 2:18 PM to 3:00PM Monday through Friday (unless the librarian has a meeting). Library books, computers and textbooks are available to help students with their homework.
2)Students may check out 3 books with their ID card for a three-week period.
3)Students will be charged the replacement value of lost or damaged books.
4)Students with overdue books will:
a.Lose social and library privileges
b.Receive after school detention.
5)Students may access the district online library catalog using any Internet accessible computer from school or from home. The URL is
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our school librarian, Mrs. McConnell at ext. 48012.
BOO GRAM FUNDRAISER Purchase a spooky treat for $1 and send it to someone sweet on October 24 - 28. Treats will be delivered during fourth period on Halloween.
HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST & SPIRIT DAY – On October 31, wear your costume to school and join the costume contest in the courtyard at lunch. Prizes will be given to students who have the best costume in a variety of categories.
Yearbook Order Form
Order your 2011-2012 yearbook for $45.00 now! Please fill out the form below and attach a check for $45.00.
Student’s Name ______(Print clearly) Grade______
Please indicate the amount enclosed: $______
Return this form to the school office.
Make checks payable to HORNER JUNIOR HIGH YEARBOOK. Write the student’s name at the bottom of the check, first and last name. Save your receipt in the unlikely event that you may need to prove that a book was purchased.
FUSD SUPERINTENDENT COMMUNITY MEETINGS:The Superintendent will conduct open meetings for parents and interested community members to ask questions and discuss issues. Participants are welcome to ask about any topic of general concern to Fremont students or schools.
In order to give parents and community members a greater opportunity to attend, we have scheduled morning and evening meetings.
Meeting dates for the 2011-12 school year are as follows:
- October 17 @ 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
- December 12 @ 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
- February 13 @ 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
- April 16 @ 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
The Horner Christian Experience meets in Room 1 at lunch on Wednesday. We share things about the Christian experience. Students from all religions are welcome. Mr. Muehling is the advisor.
Art Club: meets in room 20 and is open to any Horner Jr. High student who is interested in the fine arts or crafts. We will meet one day a month (to be determined) at lunch. The dates for the meetings will be announced in the student bulletin.
Art classes need your empty cardboard toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls and wrapping paper rolls! Please send them to room 20 at any time during the school year! Thank you! More info: Ms. Ferry, (510) 656-4000 ext 48020
MATH CLUB Tryout for this year’s Math Club was given to all students in honors math classes on Friday, 9/9/2011. The top 30 students have been invited to a year long training for various math competitions. We meet during lunch on Mondays and Thursdays. This year the Horner Math Club is going to participate in 4 mail-in math contests(AMC8, AMC10A, AMC10B and Purple Math), 3 out of school math competitions( Math League, Mathcounts and SCVMA Field Day) in San Jose State University. Ms. Chiu is the advisor.
ROBOTICS CLUB:Robotics has two clubs, Competitive and Discovery -
We have 6 teams competing in First Lego League Competition in Nov. and another group of students that will spend the year working with the robots and competing in a school competition in the spring.
All students welcome
We meet Mondays from 2:30 - 4:00
Teresa McClure, Advisor
Horner Jr High
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Have you ever wanted to be a part of history? Monday is your chance. Meet at lunch in room 35 to become a member of our history club, "The History Hornets". We will be making history! As a fundraiser, we encourage families to please save "Box Tops for Education" and Campbell Soup labels. Send them in to 5th period, so our club can collect them. Check out the "Box Tops 4 Education" web site for more information. See you there! Advisor is Ms. Stone.
PE CLUB: Meets every day and works at lunch running intramural sports. More info: Tracie Trubey, Physical Ed. Dept. Head. 656-4000 ext 48545
HOMEWORK CLUB: Would your son or daughter like a quiet place to do homework? Horner offers an opportunity for your child to work on homework after school, between 2:18 – 3:00, (unless the librarian has a meeting) Monday through Friday, in the Library. Library books, computers and textbooks are available to help students with their homework. For more information, call Horner at 656-4000.
Science Club: This year we are featuring our National Science Bowl, which is a nationwide academic competition that tests students’ knowledge across all areas of science. Team selections were held Wednesday September 21. We will prepare via a fast paced question-and-answer format equivalent to that of Jeopardy. We have a new technology, the iClicker, which will allow us to tally up all the information. Join the fun and excitement, The Horner Science Club. Times and Dates TBA. Meetings will be held in room 40.
Oana Seremeta
8th Grade Science Teacher
Horner Junior High Fremont, CA
(510) 656-4000 ext. 48040
MEcha This is the secondyearMEcha will be on the Horner campus. The goal of MEcha is for students to work together to promote unity within the Latino community. This club puts students in positive leadership roles in their school community and emphasizes higher education. MEcha students here at Horner, will also have the opportunity to connect with other MEcha members at IrvingtonHigh School.Listen during morning announcements for our next meeting. Advisor: Ms. Jennings
Horner Debate Club!
The interest in the After School Debate Club was very high and every effort has been made to accommodate as many students as possible. We have set the bar high in terms of participation. Students must attend all meetings, complete research on time and stay in contact via our Yahoo group. For those students who were unable to join, please consider applying for the Spring term. Our first event is the annual Jamboree, held in San Jose on September 24th. This is a chance fornew parent judges to be trained and try out their new skills judging a debate. New students get introduced to 'the basics' and become qualified to participate in future South Bay Debate League tournaments. We are very excited about the interest and look forward to a great year! Ms. Caine is the advisor.