Pre AP Algebra I Syllabus
Instructor: Michele Mitchell
Textbook: Glencoe Algebra I, Supplements: LTF Quality Core lessons
Class Period: 1st, 4th
In this course, students will be expected to engage and extend their mathematical abilities into the mathematics of Algebra. Algebra is the mathematical basis and foundation to Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus and Statistics. This course will be designed in a manner in which the student will consistently be expected to connect Algebraic concepts and themes to those found in an AP Calculus and Statistics course. Topics covered will include linear concepts such as slope, intercepts, regressions, systems and inequalities. Non-linear concepts will include topics such as quadratics and exponentials, and laws of powers concepts.The topics included in this course support quality core objectives and common core state standards.
Classroom Rules
1. Always keep a positive attitude and do your best.
2. Respect others right to learn.
3. When others are speaking, please pay attention.
4. Follow directions the first time and do your own work.
5. Arrive to class on time with required materials.
6. Attend to personal needs before coming to class.
1st offense - The student will receive a verbal warning.
2nd offense - The student will be assigned break detention.
3rd offense - The student will be written-up and/or the student's parents will be notified
4th offense - The student will be sent to the office immediately and the principal will decide the next course of action.
Grades will consist of:
- Participation/Daily
- Classwork
- Homework
- Quizzes
- Vocabulary
- Chapter Test
- 1st Semester Exam
- 2nd Semester Exam
1st Semester Exam: 10% of 1st Semester grade
2nd Semester Exam: 10% of 2nd Semester grade
Test: 70%
Quizzes, Vocabulary: 20%
Homework, Classwork, Participation / Daily: 10%
Late work is not accepted. Students will receive a zero for late homework assignments. Late projects will result in a twenty point automatic deduction for each late day. Assignments may be made up only in the event of an excused absence and will follow the guidelines set forth by the Lawrence County Board of Education. Make-up work is your responsibility. Failure to make up missed work within the set time limit will result in a grade of zero for the assignment.
Students may contact me through my school email: .
1. Pencils (no pens)
2. Three Ring Binder with Loose leaf paper or notebook
3. Scientific Calculator
4. Graph Paper
5. Ruler
It is a great honor to have you as part of this math class. I am truly looking forward to having a successful year.
Mrs. Mitchell
Course Timeline
1stnine weeks: August 9 – October 11
2ndnine weeks: October 12 – December 21
3rdnine weeks: January 6 – March 17
4thnine weeks: March 27 – May 26
Holidays: September 5th, September 6th, October 17th- 19th, November 11th, November 22nd (1/2 day), November 23rd -25th, December 22nd - January 5th, January 16th, February 1st (1/2 day), February 24th, March20th - 24th, April 14th, April 17th
Parent-Teacher Conference/ ELearning Day: October 24th, February 27th
All topics presented will reinforce Quality Core Objectives and Algebra CCSS.
Topics to be covered:
(1st Semester)
Unit 1: Functions
Quality Core: C.1.b, D.2.i, D.2.h, D.2.g, D.2.b
CCSS:A.SSE.1a, A.SSE.2, A.SSE.1b, A.CED.1, A.REl.3, A.REl.10, F.lF.1, F.lF.2, A.CED.2, FlF.4, F.lF.5
Unit2: Graphing and Analyzing Linear Functions
Quality Core: C.1.b, D.1.d, D.2.c, D.1.e, D.1.f,
CCSS: N.Q2, N.Q1, F.lF.6, F.Fl.4, F.lF.7a, F.BF.3, A.SSE.2, F.lF.1, F.lF.7b
Unit 3: Systems of Linear Equations
Quality Core: D.1.c, D.1.d, D.2.g, D.2.h, D.2.i, C.1.b, D.1.e, D.1.g, D.2.f, D.1.b
CCSS: A.REl.3, A.REl.1, A.CED.4, A.CED.1, A.REl.6, S.lD.7, A.REl.5, A.REl.11
Unit 4: Systems of Linear Inequalities
Quality Core: C.1.a, D.2.a, D.1.d, D.2.e, D.2.h
CCSS: A.REl.3, A.CED.1, A.CED.3, A.REl.12
Unit 5: Graphing and Analyzing Exponential Functions
Quality Core: C.1.b, G.1.d
CCSS: A.CED.1, A.CED.2, F.lF.7e, N.Q1, F.lF.2, F.BF.1a, A.SSE.1b, F.lF.8b, A.SSE.2, F.Fl.4, F.Fl.1, N.Q3,A.REl.10, F.lF.7e
Unit 6: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Quality Core: G.1.c, G1.d
CCSS: F.LE.2, F.BF.2, F.lF.1, F.lF.3
(2nd Semester)
Unit 7: Statistics and Probability
Quality Core: G.1.g, D.2.f, D.2.g, G.1.e, G.1.f
CCSS: S.lD.6, S.lD.6a, S.lD.6b, S.lD.6c, S.lD.7S.lD.2, S.lD.3, S.CP.1, S.lD.5, S.CP.2
Unit 8: Pythagorean Theorem, Radicals, and Rational Exponents
Quality Core: F.1.a, F.1.d, F.1.e, F.1.f
CCSS: A.REl.4b
Unit 9: Polynomials
Quality Core: F.1.a, C.1.a, C.1.b, C.1.c, C.1.d, C.1.e, C.1.f
CCSS: N.RN.2, N.RN.1, A.APR.1
Unit 10: Graphing and Analyzing Quadratics
Quality Core: E.2.b, E.2.a
CCSS: A.CED.2, F.lF.4, F.BF.3, F.lF.6, F.lF.7a
Unit 11: Factoring and the Quadratic Formula
Quality Core: E.1.a, E.1.b, E.1.c, E.2.b
CCSS: A.SSE.2, A.SSE.3a, A.REl.4, N.RN.3, F.lF.8a, A.SSE.3b, A.SSE.1a, A.SSE.1b, A.SSE.3a, A.REl.4b, A.CED.1, F.lF.5, F.lF.8a, F.BF.1, F.lF.6, S.lD.6a, N.Q.1, F.lF.7a
Unit 12: Rational Functions
Quality Core: F.1.b, F.1.c, F.1.g
Unit 13: Various NMSI Algebra I Topics
*Chapters will include multiple quizzes and a test at the end of each chapter. There is time allotted for extra review time before the first and second semester exams.
Extra Credit: Define current chapter’s vocabulary words which count as an extra 100 for a quiz grade.