Mr. Blackwood/Dr. White

8th Grade Math Syllabus


Welcome to 8th grade math! We are looking forward to working with each of you this year. Let’s make this a great year at Lakeview Middle!




Students should bring these supplies EVERYDAY to class:

·  Agenda

·  Math binder (students need a folder/binder only for math work)

·  1 Composition notebook (for math notes)

·  Paper and pencil

*LMS has a supply cart this year, so if students need supplies at school, they will be able to purchase them very reasonably.

Daily Routine

v  Copy the agenda

v  Warm-up (Start this on your own!)

v  Lesson

v  Work Period

v  Closing

v  Clean up your area


Grades will be earned with the following percentages:

·  Classwork/Homework/Quizzes/Tests 100%

o  Tests will count twice

Corrections to assignments

Students will be asked to make corrections to assignments with a grade of 70 or below throughout the year. Corrections should be made on a separate piece of paper and attached to the original assignment to be graded.

Missing/Late Work:

*Math grade reports (on blue paper) showing current average and missing work will be sent home the week before progress reports and the week before report cards every nine weeks! All missing work must be turned in for late credit during this time. Students will receive 10 points extra credit for returning these with a parent signature.

Absent Work

Missed work for absences is your responsibility. Check the agenda and work box for the assignments and copy notes from another student. If you have trouble with the material, please see Mr. Blackwood or Dr. White for help.


v  Use PENCIL only (no work accepted in pen)


Extra Credit

All students will have multiple opportunities throughout the year to earn extra credit. However, individual extra credit will not be offered.

***Major topics covered in 8th grade math***

v  Unit One: Transformations (Rotations, Reflections, Dilations, Translations)

v  Unit Two: Properties of Exponents, Scientific Notation, Rational/Irrational Numbers, Square & Cubed Roots, Algebraic Equations

v  Unit Three: Volume of Spheres, Cylinders, & Cones, Pythagorean Theorem, Midpoint formula

v  Unit 4: Linear Functions

v  Unit 5: Slope of Lines, Linear Equations

v  Unit 6: Linear Models, Scatter Plots

v  Unit 7: Systems of Equations

Please feel free to contact us anytime this year with questions or concerns.

Thank you for your support!

Mr. Joe Blackwood –

Dr. Kara White –