Prayers of Intercession: Time After Pentecost

August 14, 2016

With the words, Beloved God, you swaddle us in grace, you are invited to respond Hear our prayer.

As people challenged by divine imagination, we pray for our church, for those in need, and for all of creation.

a brief silence

God of compassion, you call us to be in mission for others. Make our calling a joy and satisfaction that enriches our partnership with the Anglican Church of Canada. Bless Bishop Logan, Bishop Greg and the congregations of our synod. We pray especially today for Emmanuel in Surrey and Pastor Henry Guo and Hope, Nanaimo, and Pastor Terry Richardson.

Beloved God, you swaddle us in grace

Hear our prayer.

God of renewal and regeneration, make rain refresh the deserts and give the earth the resources to recover from misuse and natural disasters. Turn our eyes to the gardens and crops ripening in sun that our mouths say thank you. Make our remaining summer days a time to bond with family and friends in the great outdoors.

Beloved God, you swaddle us in grace

Hear our prayer.

God of power, stop our political leaders in their tracks, seizing them with a vision for fairness in society. Give them the imagination and ingenuity to create laws and structures that protect the weak and demand us all to participate in a land with room for everyone.

Beloved God, you swaddle us in grace

Hear our prayer.

God of deepest wisdom, infuse our hearts and minds with compassion made visible. Join us with believers of all faith traditions in pursuing the Golden Rule. Write inside us "to do unto others as we would have others do unto us." Use people united in this one pursuit to slowly and inevitably change the world into a better place.

Beloved God, you swaddle us in grace

Hear our prayer.

Healing God, save us from becoming overwhelmed by illness, injury, addictions, and fear. When we suffer (for we all do at one time or another), help us to leave those times having learned something, having felt some sense of you with us. We pray especially for those we name aloud or in the depths of our being. Bless those who have requested your care and strength (name those on the prayer list)

Beloved God, you swaddle us in grace

Hear our prayer.

God of eternity, your spirit and will have been mediated by many people throughout the ages. May we celebrate the saints in our own lives and trust our identities as people of God. We remember Maximilian Kolbe, a Franciscan priest, who died in Auschwitz that a man who was a husband father might live. In the week ahead, we commemorate Mary, theotokos, bearer of Christ.

Beloved God, you swaddle us in grace

Hear our prayer.

Liberate us from the fear and sense of failure that can cripple us, so that we face the future with quiet joy and participate in a legacy of unconditional love that changes life for individuals, societies, countries, and the world.

With the request that you, great Trinity, walk with us throughout the week ahead that we return each night into the blessed presence of your spirit.
