Prayers for Pentecost – June 4, 2017
By: Joan DeMerchant
Unity is power.In the face of political, religious, racial, economic, gender and other differences, we are more aware than ever of the quest for unity.Today’s readings portray Jesus’ followers gathered together, seeking direction.In their unity, they are empowered to love, to forgive, to proclaim and to renew the face of the earth.The world needs what Jesus bestowed upon them and upon us.Wepray that the Spirit will help us to use this power for others and for ourfractured world.
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus,You were present to your followers who were gathered together:Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, You sent the Holy Spirit to be with them and us:Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, You gave us all the power to forgive and love others:Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
- Acts 2:1-11God’s mighty acts empower and unify
- Ps 104Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth
- 1 Cor 12;3b-7, 12-13The unifying power of the Holy Spirit
- Jn 20:19-23Jesus equips the disciples to be instruments of forgiveness
Prayer of the Faithful
PresiderLet us pray now for a world in need of unity and love.
MinisterFor the church, that we may be an expression and source of unity for the whole world.Send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
- For peace among all nations and peoples.Send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
- For unity within our country and our government.Send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
- For the courage to resist prejudice toward and fear of those who are different from us.Send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
- For those who are maligned or discredited because they are different.Send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
- For individuals, families and organizations that promote unity and understanding.Send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
- For all those within this community who are seeking peace, healing or encouragement. Send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
PresiderGod who makes all things new, we ask you to open our hearts to the power of the Holy Spirit.Make us instruments of love, peace and unity in our homes, our community and the world.Give us the courage to act, especially when we are doubtful or afraid.We pray as one people, united in the name of your son, Jesus.Amen.
Prayers for The Most Holy Trinity - June 11, 2017
By: Joan DeMerchant
Understanding the concept of the Trinity has never been easy.In fact, the church struggled with the idea of one God in three persons for some time in its history.We may not entirely grasp the theology, but we can understand the single, clear message revealed in the Hebrew scriptures and the Gospel.We are deeply loved and encountered by a God who is with us and is shown to us in many ways and through many faces, and we are never alone.We are called to live with this generous reality and to share it with one another.
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus, you told us of God’s love for you and for us:Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you promised to send the Spirit to be with us:Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you showed us that we are meant to be with and for one another:Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
- Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9God’s mercy and forgiveness are revealed to Moses
- Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55 (53b)Glory and praise forever!
- 2 Cor 13:11-13Christ’s grace, God’s love and the Spirit’s fellowship
- Jn 3:16-18“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son….”
Prayer of the Faithful
PresiderLet us pray now, my friends, for loving relationships among all people.
Minister For the church:that we may faithfully demonstrate how to be a loving community…we pray,
- For the wisdom and courage to contribute to peace throughout the world…we pray,
- For those who have never experienced God’s love in their lives…we pray,
- For those who struggle to show love toward others, especially to those who are different or difficult…we pray,
- For the commitment to show love toward those who do not believe in Christ or who are hostile to Christianity…we pray,
- For all families; for broken families; and for children and adults who have no families…we pray,
- For families struggling with child care during these summer months…we pray,
- For our divided nation:that we may learn how to be a cohesive community…we pray,
- For our efforts to care for those in need, and for our parish ministers who need our loving support…we pray,
- For the sick, the dying and the grieving among us…we pray,
PresiderGod who shares your life with us, we ask that you help us to live as one people, united in you.Show us how to be a community of love and peace, accepting and supporting one another.We pray in the name of your son, Jesus, whom you generously sent to us.Amen.
Prayers for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ(Corpus Christi)- June 18, 2017
By: Joan DeMerchant
Unity is easier to talk about than to achieve.There have always been divisions among people, including God’s people.But we have access to a unique source of unity:the Eucharistic.In our act of breaking bread and drinking from the one cup, our relationship to one another is strengthened.Jesus gave himself for us and continues to do so even now.Though we know this, we need to be reminded that we are truly members of one body—his body.What is our attitude toward those standing next to us each Sunday, sharing this same life-giving gift?
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus, you give yourself to us in the living bread:Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you give us life when we feed on you:Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you call us to be one body united in you:Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
- Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16aRemember how God fed the Israelites in the desert
- Ps 147Praise the Lord, Jerusalem
- 1 Cor 10:16-17 We are one body when we share in the Eucharist
- Jn 6:51-58 “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.”
Prayer of the Faithful
PresiderLet us pray now for each other and for all people who are called to live in unity.
MinisterFor the whole church:That our participation in the Eucharist may strengthen our unity and our desire to build the human community…we pray,
- For the world’s refugees, who yearn to belong to a welcoming community; and for all people separated from their loved ones…we pray,
- For those who feel unworthy of receiving the body and blood of Christ…we pray,
- For parents, catechists, pastors, and all who are responsible for teaching our children the meaning of the Eucharist…we pray,
- For all fathers and stepfathers; grandfathers and godfathers; for all men who serve and nurture young people…for their strength and tenderness, courage and wisdom, generosity and faithfulness…we pray,
- For families struggling with child care and time to be together during these summer months…we pray,
- For all in our midst who are suffering, fearful, or discouraged—especially the sick and the dying; and for those who have died…(names)…we pray,
PresiderGod of life, you fed your people in the desert; and you continue to feed us with the body and blood of your son, Jesus.Make us worthy participants of the Eucharistic feast and help us to remember that we are one body in him.May this gift empower us to help strengthen the whole human community.We pray in Jesus’ holy name.Amen
Prayers for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time- June 25, 2017
By: Joan DeMerchant
Suffering is real, even for those who are called by God.The prophets, the disciples, Christians from the very beginning often paid a price for responding to the call.We may understand this more readily in times of persecution or political unrest or observe it in other faith traditions. When have we had to overcome fear because of our faith?Even choosing to live a Gospel life may overwhelm us.Fear is death-dealing, and all great spiritual teachers counsel against it.Jesus said it often:Don’t be afraid.
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus, you counseled your disciples to speak and act boldly:Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you assured them of God’s love for them:Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you call us, too, to live our faith without fear:Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
- Jer 20:10-13Suffering Jeremiah laments and praises God
- Ps 69Lord, in your great love, answer me.
- Rom 5:12-15Christ’s grace overshadows Adam’s sin
- Mt 10:26-33Jesus counsels the apostles to not be afraid
Prayer of the Faithful
PresiderMy friends, let us pray now for all who live with any kind of fear.
MinisterFor the whole church:that we may have the courage to live the Gospel and reject fear…we pray,
- For those at risk for supporting believers in other faith traditions, especially Judaism and Islam…we pray,
- For a world at peace and free from any kind of fear…we pray,
- For those who use fear for personal, religious, political or economic reasons…we pray,
- For those who are debilitated by fear, or who do not know how to help the fearful…we pray,
- For those dedicated to helping others overcome bullying or fear…we pray,
- For those whose work or personal commitments require extraordinary courage; for all who take risks for others…we pray,
- For people in this community who live in quiet fear or whose needs create ongoing fear…we pray,
- For the sick, the dying and the grieving among us…we pray,
PresiderGod, our strength, we thank you for sending your son to show us how to live boldy for others.Help is to be patient with those who are afraid and courageous in the face of those who promote fear.May we remember that you are with us always, loving and protecting us.We ask these things in Jesus’ holy name, amen.