Prayer Focus: ChristAppears to His DisciplesScripture: Luke 24:36 – 49, John 20:19 - 20
On Sunday evening, the eleven were together in the upper room with the door locked, afraid of the Jews when Jesus suddenly appeared among them. They were scared half to death, but He urged them to be peaceful. Although they had deserted Him at his arrest, He cared for them and wanted them to not be afraid. He showed them He was flesh and bone by letting them touch his hands and feet and by eating a piece of fish in front of them. By appearing in their midst in a locked room, Jesus Christ showed them and us his glorified body that passed through the locked door to appear to them in the room that night. Jesus made numerous post-resurrection appearances to women, including Mary Magdalene, at the tomb on Easter Sunday; to two disciples travelling to Emmaus; to Peter; to James; to all or part of the disciples at various times; and to more than 500 (1 Cor 15:6) before ascending to Heaven from the Mount of Olives 40 days after his resurrection.
With these appearances, He prepared them for the next steps in ministry. Over 40 days, He gave many convincing proofs that He was alive and spoke about the kingdom of God. He taught them, opening their minds to understand the scriptures and explaining everything He had talked about with them throughout his time with them. He told them everything that was written about Him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled. He restored Peter after Peter denied Jesus three times on the night of his arrest. He urged them all to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Spirit in a few days. As He had done throughout his time with this small band of men and women, Jesus corrected, loved and taught them as He finished his time on earth and prepared to return to his Father in heaven. After all this, He was taken up into heaven and a cloud hid Him from them.
In those final 10 days before the Holy Spirit came, the disciples were continuously in the temple or the upper room, praying and waiting expectantly for the gift of the spirit Jesus had said He would send. Although they did not know what was to come, He had told them to wait. Out of obedience and trust for their Master, the One they believed to be the Messiah, they waited for his promised gift.
Questions to Discuss with your group:
1. How is Jesus Christ real to me? If He is not, what is causing my doubt or confusion?
2. In what ways do I disobey God, in anything?
Prayer:Lord Jesus, I thank You that You died for me while I was yet still a sinner. Lord, be real to me now. May I wait for You expectantly as your first disciples did so long ago. Help me to see where I am disobedient, and guide my life Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.