JV4: Rules on conditions to be fulfilled by workers performing safety-significant tasks at nuclear or radiation facilities
Unofficial translation
Prepared in April 2011
JV4: Rules on conditions to be fulfilled by workers performing safety-significant tasks at nuclear or radiation facilities
Unofficial translation
Article 1 (content)
Article 2 (definitions)
Article 3 (knowledge and skills)
Article 4 (physical and psychological fitness)
Article 5 (professional training programs)
Article 6 (detailed technical training programs)
Article 7 (appointment of expert commission)
Article 8 (application for testing of professional competence)
Article 9 (workers trained elsewhere)
Article 10 (testing of professional competence)
Article 11 (licence to perform work)
Article 12 (invalidity of licence)
Article 13 (renewal of invalid licence)
Article 14 (record keeping)
Article 15 (detailed conditions of professional competence for different facilities)
Article 16 (professional training in nuclear power plants)
Article 17 (duties and tasks)
Article 18 (operator’s management of a nuclear power plant)
Article 19 (technical director)
Article 20 (engineering services director)
Article 21 (maintenance manager)
Article 22 (production manager and operation manager)
Article 23 (shift supervisor)
Article 24 (senior reactor operator)
Article 25 (main control room operators)
Article 26 (shift engineer)
Article 27 (field operator)
Article 28 (initial professional training - reactor operator)
Article 29 (initial professional training - senior reactor operator)
Article 30 (initial professional training - shift engineer)
Article 31 (continuing professional training - senior reactor operator, reactor operator)
Article 32 (continuing professional training - shift engineer)
Article 33 (testing competence - first issuing of licence for reactor operator)
Article 34 (testing competence - first issuing of licence for senior reactor operator)
Article 35 (testing competence - first issuing of licence for shift engineer)
Article 36 (other conditions for testing competence)
Article 37 (tasks and duties)
Article 38 (head of research reactor)
Article 39 (research reactor shift supervisor)
Article 40 (research reactor operator)
Article 41 (training program and knowledge testing)
Article 42 (duties and tasks)
Article 43 (storage or repository manager)
Article 44 (radioactive waste or spent fuel conversion technician)
Article 45 (storage or repository equipment operator)
Article 46 (training programs - storage or repository manager)
Article 47 (testing knowledge)
Article 48 (recognition of licenses issued)
Article 49 (transient operation)
Article 50 (cessation of validity)………………………………………………………………….19
Article 51 (validity of the Rules)…………………………………………………………………19
Pursuant to the Ionising Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 102/04 – official consolidated text and 70/08 - IRPNSA - 1B) Article 62, paragraph 9, the Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning in agreement with the Minister of Health issues the
on providing qualification for workers at nuclear and radiation facilities
Article 1(content)
These Rules lay down the tasks and duties forming part of the management of the technological process of a radiation or nuclear facility and supervision of processes related to radiation and nuclear safety (hereafter: works, important for the safety), the conditions regarding professional competence, work experience, psycho-physical attributes and non-dependence on alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances, the means of verifying such conditions, the frequency of regular testing and the composition of the commission for verifying the prescribed conditions.
Article 2(definitions)
(1) Terms used in these Rules shall have the following meaning:
- simulator is a device for the simulation of the process that is responsive to the activities of the operator the same as the real system. For the nuclear power plant simulator the equipment to control and status display is similar to that in the main control room of the nuclear power plant,while the simulation is done in real time. The equipment is connected with a computer which simulates different, with the project expected operating conditions.
- continuing professional training and qualification means the process of systematic maintenance, renewal and enhancement of knowledge and skills following initial training, when the worker is already performing his work and duties. Continuing training shall take place at regular intervals;
- professional qualification is the demonstrated mastery of knowledge and skills necessary for performing specific work and duties.
- appropriate education for a specific position means the necessary or required level and course of education that a worker acquires at institutions of the education system;
- initial professional training means the systematic acquiring of required knowledge and skills prior to the start of performing independent tasks and duties in the position, serving to supplement the appropriate education level for specific positions;
(2)Other terms used in these Rules have the same meaning as the terms defined in the law governing the protection against ionizing radiation and nuclear safety.
Article 3(knowledge and skills)
(1)Workers of the facility operator of the radiation or nuclear facility and outside contractors who are performing work, important for the safety on site, must have the necessary knowledge and skills. They should understand the importance of their activities on radiation and nuclear safety.
(2)The facility operator of a radiation or nuclear facility must establish and document the requirements for knowledge and skills for each workplace. Requirements for workplaces, where work in important for the safety, must include at least:
appropriate education,
work experience in a comparable working area and in other work areas and
initial and continuous professional training.
(3)The facility operator of a radiation or nuclear facility must provide an appropriate qualification and verification of their employees qualification as well as the qualification of their subcontractors, who are engaged in notifiable work, important for the safety.
(4)All employees of the facility operator of a radiation or nuclear facility as well as outside contractors working at the site of the radiation or nuclear facility, should know the basics of nuclear safety, radiation safety, fire safety, occupational safety and emergency preparedness.
(5)The facility operator of a radiation or nuclear facility must also provide practical training for work, important for the safety, for their own employees and subcontractors who perform maintenance and other technical work in the facility.
Article 4(physical and psychological fitness)
(1)Workers who perform work, important for the safety in positions set out in these Rules, must be physically and psychologically fit to perform such work and duties, as determined by authorised physiciansby a medical examination before employment and regular medical examinations during employment. Medical examinations shall also include checking for non-dependence on alcohol, drugs and other psychogenic substances.
(2)In case of suspicion that worker referred to the previous paragraph is addicted to alcohol, drugs or other psychogenic substances, the facilityoperator of the radiation or nuclear facility must deploy this worker to the extraordinary medical examination.
(3)If an authorised physician determines inability to perform work under the first paragraph of this article, he must immediately inform the facility operator of the nuclear or radiation facility.
(4)The facility operator of a nuclear or radiation facility must, in the event of receipt the notice of inability to perform work under the first paragraph of this article, immediately take the necessary steps to ensure that such worker does not perform such work any more and within 30 days of receipt of the notice inform the body, responsible for radiation and nuclear safety (hereafter: Administration).
Article 5(professional training programprograms)
(1)The facility operatorof a nuclear or radiation facility must prepare a training strategy and professional training program for employees, engaged in a notifiable work, important for the safety. Programs must include program of initial professional training for the workplace and continuous training program for the workers.
(2)Professional training programs should be prepared in accordance with the training strategy. A comprehensive training plan must be prepared on the bases of professional training program. The training strategy and training plan must be prepared on the basis of determined professional competence with a particular emphasis on radiation and nuclear safety.
(3)Professional training programs should be based on systematic approach that includes measures to attain the necessary competences,from identifying the necessary knowledge and skills to perform work, through the development and performance of training, including learning materials, to the subsequent review and evaluation of training effectiveness.
(4)Theprograms of training for workers engaged in radiation or nuclear facility work, important for the safety, must be defined in written procedures for training.
(5)Own and other’s operating experience, recommendations and experience of the supplier of the technology, international standards and recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency and other international organizations for nuclear energy and radiation and nuclear safety must be included in a professional training.
(6)The facility operator of a radiation or nuclear facility must review and restore the programs from the first paragraph of this article at least every five years to ensure its compliance with all amendments and supplements relating to the operation and maintenance of radiation and nuclear facilities and with the regulations and standards.
(7)The facility operator of a radiation or nuclear facility must implement restoration of the programs of the professional training as an introduction of modification in accordance with the rules regulating the safety after start-up of the operation in the radiation or nuclear facilities.
Article 6(detailed technical training programs)
(1)The indicativeannual program(framework) of professional training for personnel for the works, relevant to safety, should be prepared and submitted to the Administration at least one month before the start of the year. Integral part of the framework program is a proposal of terms for verification of qualification of authorized personnel.
(2)Before the start of each set of initial and continuous professional training, the facility operator of a radiation or nuclear facility must prepare and submit the detailed program of professional training to the Administration.
Article 7(appointment of expert commission)
(1)The Administrationshall appoint an expert commission to test professional competence and to verify the fulfilment of the other conditions for workers performing in nuclear or radiation facilities work and duties for which a licence is required (hereinafter: Commission).
(2)The Commission shall act and decide as a collegial body consisting of a chair, deputy chair and seven members. The Commission may include a maximum of two members employed at an operator of a radiation or nuclear facility. The Commission shall have its own secretary, who shall be a worker from the Administration. The chair, deputy chair and the secretary shall be appointed by the Administration.
(3)Commission members must be familiar with the training programs and the scope of knowledge and skills required for the work and duties for which professional competence are tested.
(4)The costs of testing professional competence and other conditions that must be fulfilled by workers in positions pursuant to these Rules shall be borne by the facility operator of the nuclear or radiation facility.
(5)The Commission shall regulate its business with the Rules approved by the Administration.
Article 8(application for testing of professional competence)
(1)The operator of a nuclear or radiation facility shall submit an application for testing of the professional competence and other conditions for its workers to obtain licences to perform tasks and duties in the positions set out in these Rules, at least two months prior to the envisaged deadline for testing the professional competence.
(2)For each candidate, the operator must attach to the application for a first licence the following data and attachments: name and surname, date, town and municipality and country of birth, citizenship, a list of schools at which the worker completed courses and the numbers of the relevant certificates, confirmation of successful conclusion of initial professional training, data on work experience and the copy of confirmation of medical examination of worker with assessment of capacity to perform work and duties.
(3)For each candidate the operator must attach to the application for an extension of the licence the following data: name and surname, date of birth, date and level of last testing of professional competence, any interruption or change to the work and duties at the radiation or nuclear longer than three months and shorter than six months, data of having completed regular continuing professional training and copies of confirmation of medical examinations with assessments of working capacity.
(4)The operator may apply for testing of professional competence for obtaining a licence to perform tasks and duties in a radiation or nuclear facility on behalf of a person who is not in employment relationship with the operator of the facility, if he fulfils the conditions for such works and duties.
Article 9(workers trained elsewhere)
(1)The operator of a nuclear or radiation facility must for workers seeking to obtain licences to perform tasks and duties referred to in paragraph 1 of the previous article at that facility, and having been trained to perform similar work at another similar facility, and holding a valid licence to perform such work at the similar facility, attach to the application all documentation prescribes by paragraphs 2 and 3 of the previous article.
(2)In order to obtain a licence, workers referred to in the previous paragraph must successfully complete an adapted program of professional training, previously sent to the Administration by the operator of a radiation or nuclear facility, successfully perform continuing professional training and successfully pass a test of competence before the Commission.
Article 10(testing of professional competence)
(1)The Administration shall no later than one month after receipt of an application notify in writing the operator of a radiation or nuclear facility regarding the place and time of testing professional competence. Testing must be conducted no later than five months after receipt of an application. The Administration shall coordinate the deadlines and method of testing in agreement with the operator of the radiation or nuclear facility.
(2)For individual testing of professional competence the Commission shall appoint at least two members to conduct the testing. A written record shall be kept of the testing of competence.
(3)The Commission shall test the knowledge and skills required by candidates to perform their tasks and duties.
(4)Members of the Commission shall adopt a final evaluation at a meeting following the testing of competence. The evaluation of a candidate may be “Pass” or “Fail”. The evaluation “Pass” shall be awarded to a candidate who has attained at least 80% of all possible points.
(5)If a candidate sitting a test of competence for a first licence does not pass the test of competence, the Commission shall set a date for renewed testing, which may not be sooner than three months from the unsuccessful test.
(6)If a candidate sitting a test of competence for the extension of a licence does not pass the test of competence, the Commission shall set a date for renewed testing, which may not be sooner than one month from the unsuccessful test.
Article 11(licence to perform work)
(1)The Administration shall issue the worker with a licence to perform tasks and duties for which he fulfils the conditions, on the basis of a report from the Commission of the successful passing of the test of competence and fulfilment of the other conditions laid down.
(2)Based on the testing of the demonstrated competence of the worker, the Commission shall propose to the Administration the duration of validity of the licence. In the first issuing of a licence the Commission shall propose the validity of the licence for a period 12 to 18 months or up to 31 December of the following calendar year. In extensions of licences the Commission shall propose the validity of the licence for a period of 27 months, where the candidate attained between 80% and 90% inclusive of the possible points in the testing of competence, or for five years, if the candidate attained more than 90% of the possible points. The Commission proposes a validity of the license up to 31 December.
(3)A licence shall be valid for an individual radiation or nuclear facility and for work and duties for which the testing of competence was conducted and for which the conditions have been fulfilled.
Article 12(invalidity of licence)
(1)The facility operator of the radiation or nuclear facility should not allow worker to perform tasks at the workplace for which the license is required,if a worker does not perform such tasks for six months or more and in that time does not pursuea program of continuing professional training for that position.
(2)The facility operator of a radiation or nuclear facility must notify the Administration within four weeks from the finding that worker does not fulfil the conditions on the basis of which a licence was issued.
Article 13(renewal of invalid licence)
(1)If the operator of a radiation or nuclear facility wishes to renew the validity of the licence for a worker whose licence has been revoked or has expired pursuant to the provisions of the previous article, in order to renew the licence the worker must apply in accordance with Article 8 of these Rules.
(2)The operator of a radiation or nuclear facility shall, in cases referred to in the previous paragraph, inform the Administration of the program of professional training for a worker renewing a licence.
Article 14(record keeping)
(1)For each radiation or nuclear facility the Administration shall keep a separate record of persons whose professional competence have been tested and who fulfil the conditions for performing certain tasks and duties and to whom licences have been issued and to whom licenses have been revoked.
(2) Records shall contain at least information on the name and surname of the person, the date and place of birth, level of education, number of the license, date of first issuing of licence, date of all subsequent extensions of licences, type of valid licence, dates of validity of licence and date of any revocation of licence.