Government of West Bengal
Prani Sampad Bhavan, 2nd floor, LB-2, Sector-III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 106
Ph: 2335-1145 Fax:2335-1187 Website:. E-mail:
No. WBARDDOCDNIT14T560A1617(2nd call) Date of issue:20th July, 2016
Online bids (2nd call) are invited by the Governor to the Stateof West Bengal through the undersigned onlyfromthereputed hatcheries or breeding farms or reputed supplier having experience in this fieldforratecontractfortwelvemonthsfor supply of 15-20 lakh(Approx) Day Old Chicks & Day Old Ducklings of undernoted spec. up to Block Levelacross the State of West Bengal.
- Age of chick / Duckling: Day Old.
- Percentage of mortality: Nil.
- Breed Variety in case of Day Old Chicks (DOC)–Kalinga Brown(CPDO)/ Rainbow Rooster(IndbroResearchBreedingFarmPvt. Ltd.,Hyderabad)/Vanaraja(PDP, Hyderabad), RIR andincaseofDayOldDucklings(DOD)–KhakiCampbel(CPDO or any other organization).
- Minimum Body Weight of DOC shall be 32 grams and that of DOD is 40 grams.
DetailCataloguealongwithall particulars is obtainable from the website from 27th July, 2016 also is viewed from the Website
Each online tender must be supported by:-
a)Each tender, unless the bidder is exempted under the existing order of the Govt. of West Bengal or Govt. of India, will have to submit EarnestMoney amounting toRs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only under head of account 8443-00-103-001-07 drawn on Animal Resources Development Dept. using GRIPS in the Finance Dept. website () in favourof “JointDirector, A.R.D., Accounts, Directorate of Animal Resources & Animal Health.The paid e-challan shall have to be uploaded along with other requisite documents of this Tender.
b)The paid e-challan as Earnest Money Deposit for Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only or documents in support of EMD exemption (scan copy of that document should be uploaded) should be submitted physically to the Office of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, West Bengal,Prani Sampad Bhavan, LB-2, Sector-III, Salt Lake,Kolkata-106 at purchase cell, 2ndFloor through a forwardinglettersuperscribing EMD of e-tender for RATE CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY OF DOC/DODon or before 4 pm on 17th August, 2016.
c)The bidder should be reputed hatcheries or breeding farms or reputed supplier having experience in this field. Bidder has to submit documentary evidence from reputed hatcheries, breeding farms or organizations supplying Hatching Eggs (H.E.) or DOC or DOD to the bidder.
d)Bidder has to submit certificate from organization (i.e. CPDO, PDP, Inbro Research and Breeding Farms etc as the case may be) to the effect of supplying parent stock or H.E. or DOC or DOD to the Breeding farm or Hatcheries or reputed supplier possessing credentials.
e)The bidder should have a minimum turnover of Rupees Fifty lakh in any fiscal viz. 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15. This has to be substantiated by the Balance sheet of the Firm for the relevant years & shall be supported by appropriate documentary proof.
f)Audited Balance Sheet of Profit & Loss Account in 3 CD Form.
g)Scanned ORIGINAL PAN Card.
h)Scanned ORIGINAL Trade License (valid up to 31.3.2017).
i)Scanned ORIGINAL VAT Registration Certificate.
j)Scanned N.I.T. digitally signed will have to be uploaded as a token of acceptance.
k)Scanned copy of CHECK LIST.
No Tender will be accepted, if the same is not supported with all the above documents.
HardcopyofStatutory/Non-StatutoryDocumentis NOTrequiredtobesubmitted, saveexceptearnestmoneydeposit/documentshowingEMDexemption.
The offered rate should be valid for TWELVE MONTHS but the period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the undersigned/Tender Committee/Tendering Authority & requirement.
Onlinesubmissionofbidwillstartfrom2pmon27th July, 2016. The last date of submission of tender (Technical & Financial) is upto5 pmon16th August, 2016.Thetechnicalbidwillbeopenedon17th August, 2016 at 11am. The date of opening of financial bid will be notified later on.
For any clarification the bidder may contact e-tender helpdesk (033) 2334-6098.
The bidder must abide by the enclosed terms & conditions as laid down by this Directorate.
Director of Animal Husbandry &
Veterinary Services, West Bengal