Note: words shown in brackets [ ] are written in pencil on the list. Words in parentheses ( ) are in parentheses on the list

Item No. Machine Type Description Comments

500-32 L10 Ambrose Wine Refrigerator Flask

501-25 L10 Heaven Hill Whiskey 501-32

502-8 JPM Cylinder Jar 502-12

503-25 L10 Whiskey 503-32

505-12 JPM Tapered Peanut Butter

506-128 IS Canada Dry Gallon 506-128 S Knurled 506-132 Barton W..

508-32 L10 Stock Bleach

509-32 L10 Roman Cleanser Bleach

510-32 JPM Quart Packer (Tall)

511-5 IS d/g Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil

512-64 L10 Wine Decanter 512-32

513-8 IS A&P Tumbler 513-9 IS

514-14 JPM Skippy Peanut Butter

515-25 L10 Beam Whiskey

516-12 X moulds not ordered

517-25 L10 Old Forester Whiskey 517-8 and 517-16 L10

518-8 IS Chateaux Flask

518-16 IS Chateaux Flask

519-25 L10 Chateaux Whiskey

520-64 IS Wine Decanter

521-25 L10 Walker Imperial Whiskey

522-12 IS d/g Miller Beer

523-8 IS Smucker Tumbler

524-20 IS Peanut Butter 524-19, 524-14, 524-13, 524-5

525-8 IS Shedd Sauce Jar

526-8 IS Tumbler

527-16 IS Cylinder Packer

528-24 IS Michigan Wineries Grape Juice [528-12]

529-8 Milano Sauce Bottle

530-32 L10 Walker Imperial 530-25

531-32 IS Walker Gin 531-25

532-11 IS Wilson’s Pig Feet

533-3 IS Jurgen’s Lotion 533-7

534-7 IS Woodbury Preparation

535-128 L10 Narrow Neck Gallon

536-128 IS Wide Mouth Gallon

537-22 IS A&P Peanut Butter

538-4 IS Toni

539-11 IS Swift Peanut Butter 539-12

540-25 L10 Calvert Whiskey 540-16

542-64 IS A&P Narrow Neck Jug 542-128

543-16 IS Sharpe & Dohme Blake

544-25 Barton Whiskey

545-7 IS CT Listerine

546-12 L10 d/g 1-Way Export Beer 546-32

547-9 IS Tumbler 547-8

548-128 IS Helene Curtis Jug

549-5 IS Tumbler

550-7 IS Jergens Detergent 550-3

551-8 L10 Fleischmans 551-16, 551-25, 551-32

552-34 JPM Starch Jar 552-64

553-5 IS d/g Jergens Shave Lotion 553-7

554-25 IS Paw Paw Wine

555-134 IS Eli Lilly Gallon

556-33 IS CT Hubinger Starch

557-32 L10 Vinegar Decanter

558-4 IS Jergens Shampoo

559-25 IS Glencoe Whiskey

560-16 IS Tall Round Pickle 560-8, 560-12, 560-22

561-16 L10 Clown Beverage

562-8 IS d/g Searer Nursing Bottle

563-22 JPM Folger Coffee

564-8 IS Smucker Tumbler

565-20 L10 Blackburn Syrup

566-25 IS Schenley Decanter

567-5 L10 Chili Powder

568-25A IS Milan Wine

569-16 IS Barton Decanter

570-6 L10 Horseradish Jar

571-5 IS Hair Arranger

572-8 JPS Tumbler 572-9

573-16 IS Fuller Products Bottle

574-22 IS Quaker Oats Dog Food

575-24 JPM Economy Packer

576-128 Mogen David Wine

577-12 L10 d/g Miller One Way Beer [577-35]

578-25 IS Walkers “Crème de Menthi”

579-25 IS Calvert Whiskey [579-16]

580-3 L10 Cylinder Olive ( A & P) 580-10

581-128 JPL W M. Gallon

582-8 JPS Oval Honey Jar 582-11 JPM 582-17 JPS Okmulgee

583-15 IS Ovaltine 583-34

584-20 IS Recipe Foods Bottle

585-9 IS Tumbler

586-32 Hubinger Starch Bottle

587-25 IS Walkers Corby Whiskey 587-32

588-6 IS Kraft Mustard (1 Mould)

589-8 IS Read Salad Dressing 589-16

590-9 IS Dog Tumber (1 Mould)

591-128 IS Linco Bleach 591-32, 59164

592-128 IS White Sail Bleach [592-32, 592-64]

593-3 IS Dennis Chicken Jar

594-11[12] JPS Packer 594-17 Okmulgee

595-8 IS Walker Gin 595-16

596-8 L10 Walker Imperial Whiskey 596-16

597-6 IS d/g A&P Mustard 597-9

598-12 IS d/g Heinz Ketchup

599-4 IS Nursing Bottle 599-8, 599-4A, 599-8A

600-25 L10 Jas Beam Whiskey

601-14 IS Rosefield Peanut Butter 601-6 [scrapped]

602-12 IS d/g Stokely Catsup [602-12LW]

603-24 IS Montrose Container - Syrup

604-1 IS Schenley Decanter 604-2, 604

605-64 JPL Graduated Pickle Jar

606-8 L10 Fleischmann Whiskey 606-16, 606-25, 606-32

607-128 JPL Wide Mouth Gallon

608-5 JPS Tumbler Okmulgee

609-6 IS d/g Kraft Mustard

610-10 IS62 JPG Peanut Butter

611-24- IS Crystal Canning Juice Bottle

612-24 IS Hubinger Starch Bottle

613-9 IS Barres Tumbler

614-13 IS Rosefield Peanut Butter [scrapped]

615-7 IS Barnes Tumbler

616-8 L10 Barton Tom Moore

616-16 L10 Barton Tom Moore

616-25 IS Barton Tom Moore

617-8 L10 Barton

617-16 IS Barton

617-25 IS Barton

617-32 IS Barton

618-12 IS Montrose Peanut Butter Okmulgee

618-17 IS Montrose Peanut Butter Okmulgee

619-12 L10 d/g 10½ oz. wgt. Export Beer (12 oz.) [see 65-38A]

620-8 L10 Jas Beam Concave Flask 620-16 (L10)

621-25 L10 Old Forester 4/5 qt. (15½ oz. wgt.) Brown – Forman

622-15 IS Preserve Jar – Owen & Mowrey

623-8 IS Mario Olive Jar 623 - 8X (IS)

625-16 JPM John Morrell Pigs Feet Jar Okmulgee

626-12 L10 d/g One Way Beer – Falstaff

626-32 L10 One Way Beer – Falstaff (Use 546-32 equip. except bottom)

627-14 IS Tumbler Okmulgee

628-17 IS Stanly Decanter 628-47

629-32 IS Best Food Mayonnaise 629-16

630-7 IS Standard Brands Soluble Coffee 630-15 (IS)

631-4 New number for H-11419

632-12 IS d/g Libby McNeill & Libby Catsup

633-10 IS d/g Suppige “Peter Pan” Catsup 633-11 (IS) [632-12]

634-25 IS Barton Whiskey (Replacing #617-25)

635-34 IS62 Starch Bottle (Okmulgee) [635-34A]

636-25 L10 Barton Square Whiskey

637-25 IS Barton Decanter

638-2 IS62 Olive Jar – Belle Products Co. – Okmulgee

639-8 IS d/g Kraft Italian Dressing [639-16] [639-32]

640-25 IS Schenley “Dant” Bottle [640-8]
641-8 IS d/g Gerber Baby Food

642-23 IS5 Barton “Tom Moore” Bottle

643-11 JPM Belle Products Jar Okmulgee

644-3 IS Toy Set Jar

645-16 IS CT Bonnie Jonnie

646-128 IS Narrow Neck Gallon – Handle in blank and mould

647-8 IS Smucker Jar

648-8 IS d/g CT Monsanto – Starch

649-128 IS CT Roman Cleanser 649-32, 649-64

650-8 IS CT Walkerville 650-16, 650-32, 650-25

651-23 IS Kraft Malted Milk

652-8 JPM Belle Products [652-10] Okmulgee

653-8 IS [see “746”] Kraft Cheese Whiz 653-16

654-128 IS Perfection Industries

655-6 IS Skippy Peanut Butter 655-19 [655-12, 655-18, 655-24]

655-6A IS Plain Peanut Butter

656-25 IS Milan Wine 4/5 Oval

657-7 IS Standard Brands 657-22 [657-13]

658-5 L10 d/g [see 712-5] Lehn & Fink

659-12 IS d/g Butterfield Catsup

660-16 L10 Calvert Whiskey 660-25, 660-25, 660-8

661-16 IS5 Walker Whiskey [unit mould]

662-25 IS5 Schenley Bottle [662-16, 662-8]

663-8 IS5 Quaker Maid Salad Jar 663-16, 663-33

664-128 IS Sinclair Bleach Jug

665-25 IS Seagram Decanter

666-128 IS Vinegar Jar – (Unit)

667-25 IS Smucker Apple Butter

668-8 IS Folger Coffee 668-16, 668-23

669-8 IS d/g Glaser Crandell

670-8 Seagram 7 Crown 670-25, 670-16, 670-32

671-128 IS Linco Products 671-64

672-64 IS Bright Sail 672-128 [67-128A 672-64A (?????) 672-22]

673-130 JPL Robertson Sign Company

674-16 IS5 [(Wilsons?)] Green Bay Pickles

675-12 IS5 Quaker Maid [675-13]

676-128 IS [See ???) Coca Cola

677-22 IS Ken-L-Ration

678-9 IS Preserve Jar

679-12 L10 Jewett & Sherman I CT

680-12 JPM Weidner Pickle

681-12 IS Heifetz Pickling Co. 681-20

682-8 IS [682-24] Heifetz Pickling Company 682-15, 682-22, 682-7, 682-9

683-16 IS Hirsch Brothers

684-32 JPM Heifetz Pickling Company

685-48 JPM Syrup Pail 685-92, 685-47, 685-128

686-22 IS Hirsch Brothers 686-22T [686-8, 686-16]

687-128 IS Pepsi Cola Jug

688-12 IS Blackburn Syrup 688-20

689-5 IS Gebhart Chili Powder

690-8 L10 D/G Barton “Kentucky Gentleman” Flask 690-16, 690-25

691-10 L10 D/G Stokely Square Catsup

692-32 JPM Green Bay Packer [692-23, 692-128]

693-3 IS Cherry Jar

694-11 IS Folger Coffee [694-8] 694-23, 694-23LW [694-38, ????]

695-25 IS Milan Hock Wine

696-16 IS Lohman Foods [696-15]

697-7 IS M & R Dietetics Laboratory 697-11

698-11 L10 D/G Unit Brooks Foods

699-128 IS W. M. Gallon Jar

700-5 IS D/G Gerber Baby Food Jar

701-5 IS D/G Olive Jar 701-7, 701-10

702-128 IS Coca Cola Gallon Jug [702-128B]

703-64 IS Purex Bleach 703-128

704-128 IS Crown Glass Jug

705-9 IS Mrs. Dixon’s Jar

706-12 L10 D/G Heinz Catsup

707-8 L10 Seagram & Crown 707-16 [707-25, 707-32]

708-32 JPM Hirsch-Weidner Pickle Jar

709-25 IS Walker Canada [709-8A] 709-16 [709-5, 709-16, 709-16A]

710 IS Walker 40oz. bottle

[710-8 IS Quaker Brand Tumbler 709-9]

711-16 IS Kraft LW Salad Jar

712-12 IS Cylinder Jar

713-5 L10 D/G Lehn & Fink Lysol

714-6 IS Derby Peanut Butter 714-4, 714-5

715-11 IS Sessions Peanut Butter 715-9 [715-17, 715-46]

716-7 IS Goetz Brewing Company

717-11 IS Velvet Peanut Butter 717-17

718-12 IS Stokely Square Pickle

719-64 IS Roman Cleanser Jug 719-128 [719-96, 719-32 See ???]

720-4 IS Aerosol Bottle Unit

721-32 JPM Pickle Jar

722-128 IS Glaser-Crandell

723-14 IS Quaker Maid Peanut Butter 723-21, 723-28

724-128 IS Hurty Peck NN Jug

725-16 L10 Jas. Beam Flask 725-8

726-25 IS Barton “Bikeman” 4/5 qt. [726-8, 726-16]

727-25 IS Milan Wine (Replacing 695-25)

728-20 IS Tidy House –Detergent 728-15 Okmulgee

729-25 IS/ Milan Wine (Replacing 568-25) [729-64]

730-25 IS Milan Wine

731-17 IS Table Products – Peanut Butter

732-32 IS National Tea Salad Dressing Unit

733-32 IS Jewel Tea Liquid Starch

734-64 JPM Half Gallon Barrel Jar [734-32, 734-24]

735-25 IS Barton Square Liquor 735-32 [735-64]

736-128 IS Wide Mouth Gallon Okmulgee

737-16 IS Calvert Flask 737-8 [737-45, 737-32]

738-12 IS D/G Libby Catsup

739-128 IS Pepsi Cola Jug

740-23 IS JFG Coffee Jar 740-8, 740-39

741-15 IS Jewel Tea Preserve Jar

742-25 IS Seagram & Crown Decanter

743-5 IS D/G Gerber Baby Food 743-8

744-5 IS D/G Gerber Baby Food

745-8 IS D/G Gerber Baby Food

746-8 IS D/G Kraft Cheez-Whiz IS 746-16

747-66 JPL “Our Own Foods” Jar

748-5 IS Honey Jar 748-8, 748-11, 748-22 (JPM)

749-25 L10 Heaven Hill Square

750-47 JPM Kroger 12 ounce coffee

751-128 IS Coca Cola Jug

752-65 IS Half Gallon Whiskey

753-14 IS Derby Tamale Jar Unit

754-3 IS Aerosol Bottle Unit

755-3 IS Aerosol Bottle Unit

756-3 IS Kroger Spice Jar Unit

757-16 IS Safie Bros. Modernistic

758-11 IS Kroger Peanut Butter 758-29

759-32 IS Roman Cleanser 759-64, 759-96, 759-128

760-8 IS Hygeia Nurser

761-8 IS Packer Jar 761-16, 761-32, 761-32A, 761-24

762-16 IS Table Products Oil Bottle 762-32, 762-8

763-11 IS Sioux Honey 763-11A

764-22 IS Quaker Maid Peanut Butter

765-16 IS Pickle Jars 765-32, 765-32A, 765-22, 765-8, 765-23

766-15 IS Quaker Maid Olive Jar

767-64 IS Butterfield Decanter

768-12 L10 Heinz Catsup

769-32 IS Purex Bleach 769-64, 769-128

770-12 IS Table Products Peanut Butter 770-17

771-25 IS Seagrams Decanter

772-16 IS Quaker Maid Salad Dressing 772-33

773-32 IS Purex Fleecy White

774-22 IS Kretschmer

775-8 IS Kroger French Dressing

776-8 IS Safeway Stores 776-16, 776-32

777-64 IS Robertson Sign

778-12 IS Pepsi Cola 778-16

779-22 IS Kraft Malted Milk

780-32 IS National Tea Salad Dressing

781-32 IS Hirsch Brothers Pickles

782-128 JPL 89 m/m Gallon

783-32 IS Barton Distilling 783-25

784-8 IS Kraft Oil

785-12 IS Stock Beverage 785-12A, 785-121X

786-8 IS Fleischman Distilling 786-16, 786-25, 786-32

787-8 IS Quaker Maid Preserves 787-9

788-128 IS Stock Bleach

789-24 IS Hawiian Punch

790-8 L10 Barton Distilling 790-16

791-48 IS Aunt Nellies Decanter 791-32

792-8 IS Barton Distilling (Paul’s Pride) 792-16

793-16 IS Aunt Nellie Vegetable Jar

794-21 IS Kretschmer Wheat Germ 794-35

795-12 IS Green Bay Pickles

796-12 IS Canfield Beverage 769-12A, 769-12B, 769-12 S

797-5 IS Kraft Horseradish

798-5 IS Thor-Shackle Horseradish

799-8 IS Kraft Oil Bottle

800-16 IS Canfield Beverage

801-64 IS Stock Barrel

802-64 IS Stock Decanter

803-6 IS Quaker Maid Mustard 803-9

804-12 IS Derby Foods Peanut Butter

805-22 IS Barrel Jar (Okmulgee)

806-22 IS Canfield Beverage

807-10 IS Brooks Catsup

808-12 IS Quaker Maid Jelly 808-13

809-128 IS Stock Gallon Jug

810-2 IS Alka Seltzer

811-16 IS Lohman Foods

812-15 IS Jewel Tea Preserves

813-24 IS Barton Distilling Brandy

814-25 IS Canadian Club 814-32

815-32 IS Kraft Salad Dressing

816-8 IS Smucker Preserves

817-32 IS Staley Starch

818-11 IS Wilson’s Pigs Feet

819-9 IS Smucker Jelly

820-16 IS J. L. Reed Salad Dressing 820-33

821-12 IS Canada Dry

822-16 IS Safeway Stores Oil Bottle 822-24, 822-32

823-33 IS Karo Syrup Bottle

824-8 IS Heaven Hill 824-16

825-6 IS Kraft Mustard 825-3

826-5 IS Gerber Baby Food 826-8

827-3 IS Safeway Stores

828-1 IS Three Mountaineer’s 828-3

829-128 L44 120 m/m Gallon

830-63 IS Stippled Pail

831-8 IS Folgers Coffee 831-23 831-38

832-33 IS Green Bay Pickles

833-33 IS Pickle Jar (Okmulgee)

834-16 IS Kraft Salad Oil 834-24, 834-32

835-128 L44 89 m/m Gallon

836-12 IS Butterfield 8 Panel Catsup

837-12 IS Butterfield 16 Panel Catsup

838-15 IS Aunt Nellie Barrel

839-33 IS Quaker Maid Mayonnaise

840-32 IS Jewell and Sherman Salad Dressing

841-16 IS Wine Flask (Okmulgee)

842-25 IS Sessions Peanut Oil 842-39

843-128 IS Coca Cola

844-7 L44 T. W. Garner Tumbler 844-13

845-16 IS Barton Distilling

846-5 IS Gerber Products

847-12 IS Stokely Catsup 847-17

848-128 IS Pepsi Cola

849-21 L44 Kretschmer

850-33 L44 Pickle Jar

851-2 IS Pimento Jar 851-4

852-12 IS Quaker Maid Catsup

853-66 IS Boden Decanter

854-5 IS Gerber Baby Food

855-12 L44 Skippy Peanut Butter

856-32 IS Aunt Nellie Decanter

857-36 IS Quaker Maid Jelly 857-36A

858-5 IS Gerber Baby Food 53-960-1493 finish

859-33 L44 Quaker Maid Salad Dressing 70 m/m

860-1 L44 Jif Peanut Butter 860-17

861-6 IS Quaker Maid Mustard 861-9

862-8 IS Kraft Cheese Whiz 862-16

863-16 IS Salad Oil Bottle (Okmulgee)

864-17 L44 Derby Peanut Butter [864-12]

865-32 L44 Blue Seal Salad Dressing

866-15 IS Kraft Barbeque Sauce 866-25

867-128 L44 129-1/2 ounce 120 m/m Gallon

868-9 IS Jewel Tea Preserves [865-7]

869-5 IS Gerber Baby Food (Okmulgee)