Registered Charity 801708
Welcome to Romsey Centre Pre-School!
Thank you for your enquiry. We are open from 8am – 5pm Monday – Friday Term Time only.
At Romsey Centre Pre-School our enthusiastic, experienced and dedicated practitioners work hard to provide a safe, happy and inspiring environment within which children are encouraged to develop their individuality and self-confidence. Our child centred approach allows children to grow, learn, explore and progress at their own pace through play. As part of our curriculum we aim to provide a range of experiences for the children to enjoy to support their learning and development.
We aim to create a friendly homely environment. Children need a strong sense of security when away from parents/carers and we make every effort to ensure our children feel happy, safe and relaxed.
We provide a high standard of care throughout the day. We will regularly record your child’s progress and development and share this information with you daily
Our staff are DBS checked and with the exception of our students and apprentices are all fully qualified. Staff attend regular training courses to keep them completely up to date in all aspects of their work.
At Romsey Centre Pre-School we believe in the importance of working closely with parents and families to provide care that will complement the care and routine they follow at home.
Every child is assigned a key worker to help give the child a secure attachment and someone to bond with at pre-school. Your child’s key worker will always be on hand to discuss your child’s progress and answer any concerns you may have.
If you have not yet visited our setting, we are always more than happy to make an appointment for you to do so. If you have already visited and wish to book your child into our setting, please complete the enclosed registration form and parent contract then return them in person or by post.
If you have any further enquiries or would like to arrange a visit, please do not hesitate to speak to our staff or call the pre-school manager, Sarah on 07946 113678
Romsey Centre Pre-school, Romsey Abbey School, Church Lane, Romsey SO51 8EP
Registration Form
To book a space please complete this form and return to
Romsey Centre Pre-school, Romsey Abbey School, Church Lane, Romsey SO51 8EP
Child’s Surname: ______Child’s Christian Name: ______Known As: ______D.O.B: ______Age: ______
Ethnic Origin: ______Religion: ______
Parent’s Name: ______ Mother / Father
Home Address: ______
Town: ______County: ______
Post Code: ______Telephone No: ______
Mobile Number: ______
Main E-mail Address: ______
Sessions/Days Required:
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / FriAM Session
8.50am-11.50am / 3 hours / Start Date Required: __ /__ /__
Please note school days and double sessions will require a lunch for your child. This can be a packed lunch or you can book school dinners at £2.50 a day.
PM Session
12.20pm-3.20pm / 3 hours
School Day
8.50am-3.20pm / 6 ½ hours
Double Session
9am – 3pm / 6 hours / All attendance during session times over and above funded hours is charged at £4.50 an hour.
Early Bird Club for is available from 8am for a fee of £2.50 to include breakfast. If you are interested in booking your child in please tick here ____
After School Club is available until 5pm for a fee of £6.00 to include a snack. If you are interested in booking your child in please tick here ____
I agree to abide by Romsey Centre Pre-School Contract at all times.
Signed (Parent): ______Date: ______
Office Use OnlyPlace Offered : Yes / No On Waiting List: Yes / No
Birth Certificate Date of Birth: ______Issue Date: ______
Parent’s Contract
- I will pay all of the fees on the first day of each half term for that period as laid out on my invoice.
- If fees are not received on this day I understand a letter will be sent out stating that fees are now late.
- If fees have not been received five days from the date of the letter I agree to pay a late payment fee of£25 in addition to the fees due.
- If after a further seven daysthe fees and the late payment charge have not been received I agree that my child’s hours will be restricted to the funded hours only until such time as payment has been made. If your child does not use any funded hours they will have their space suspended until payment is made. I understand my child’s hours cannot be held and hours outside of the funded hours may be given to a child on the waiting list.
- I understand that persistent late or non-payment of fees will result in the withdrawal of my child’s place in the pre-school.
- I understand that any payments returned by the bank will result in a £25 penalty to be added to the fees for those weeks.
- Any extra sessions taken during any term are to be paid at the time of booking.
- Late payment of extra sessions will result in the same penalty as 2 above.
- I agree to give at least four weeks’ notice to take my child away from Romsey Centre Pre-School or will payfour weeks fees in lieu.( not applicable to funded only children)
- Holidays and absence due to illness are charged at normal rates.
- If my child has a temperature, a rash, spots or any infectious ailment, I will not bring him / her to pre-school until they have not had a temperature for 24 hours, or until a Medical Doctor says they are no longer contagious. If my child has been prescribed antibiotics, then he / she must be kept away from pre-school for 24 hours to enable the medication to begin working. If my child has had diarrhoea or vomiting, then he / she must be kept away until the symptoms have stopped and the child has been on a normal diet for 48 hours.
- I undertake to collect my child as soon as possible if advised by the pre-school that he / she is unwell during a session.
- I undertake to pick up my child within the normal operating hours of the pre-school, according to the sessions I have booked.
- Persistent late pick up could result in charges being added to your account or your child’s place being terminated.
- The pre-school management reserve the right to refuse entry of a child to pre-school, should they deem it necessary
- Abusive or aggressive language or attitude towards staff, students or children will NOT be tolerated
- If my child is unable to attend the setting for whatever reason on their usual day, I will inform the Pre-School by no later than 9.00am.
- The pre-school reserves the right to alter charges and fees at their discretion giving appropriate notice.
- For confidentially reasons I agree not to put any information regarding the pre-school or any child who attends the setting my Facebook/social networking site.
Our Promise to You.
- We promise to care for your young child during the time they are with us at Pre-School.
- We will do our upmost to ensure your child has a safe and enjoyable time whilst in our care.
- We promise to take care of your questions and any concerns you may have in a timely fashion.
- We promise to treat you and your child with upmost respect.
- We will not tolerate any abusive and / or aggressive behaviour towards you and your child.
- We promise to listen to you at all times.
- We promise to keep you informed in all aspects of your child’s progress whilst they are at the pre-school.
- We promise to implement all areas of the curriculum in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Parent / Guardian Name:……………………………………… Date…………………………………………………..
Child’s Name:………………………………………………………….
Signed on behalf of the Pre-School:……………………………………..
Policy and Procedure Summary
Please note that the full copies of policies and procedures are available on the information table, in entrance hallway, please make sure you read and understand them all. If you have any queries please speak to a member of staff.
Safeguarding Children
- Children’s Rights and Entitlements - We promote children's right to be strong, resilient and listened to.
- Safeguarding children and child protection - Our setting will work with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and to give them the very best start in life. Our safeguarding policy is based on the three key commitments of the Preschool Learning Alliance Safeguarding Children Policy.
- Confidentiality and client access torecords - In our setting, staff and managers can be said to have a ‘confidential relationship’ with families. It is our intention to respect the privacy of children and their parents and carers, while ensuring that they access high quality early years care and education in our setting. We aim to ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children. There are record keeping systems in place that meet legal requirements; means of storing and sharing that information take place within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulations and the Human Rights Act.
- Information sharing - We recognise that parents have a right to know that information they share will be regarded as confidential as well as be informed about the circumstances, and reasons, when we are obliged to share information.
- Uncollected child - In the event that a child is not collected by an authorised adult at the end of a session/day, the setting puts into practice agreed procedures. These ensure the child is cared for safely by an experienced and qualified practitioner who is known to the child. We will ensure that the child receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible.
- Missing child - Children’s safety is maintained as the highest priority at all times both on and off premises. Every attempt is made through carrying out the outings procedure and the exit/entrance procedure to ensure the security of children is maintained at all times. In the unlikely event of a child going missing, our missing child procedure is followed.
- Supervision of children on outings andvisits - Children benefit from being taken out of the setting to go on visits or trips to local parks or other suitable venues for activities which enhance their learning experiences. Some settings do not have direct access to outdoor provision on their premises and will need to take children out daily. Staff in our setting ensure that there are procedures to keep children safe on outings; all staff and volunteers are aware of and follow the procedures.
- Maintaining children’s safety and security onpremises - We maintain the highest possible security of our premises to ensure that each child is safely cared for during their time with us.
- Making a complaint - Our setting believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our setting and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the setting. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns. We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our setting to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parties involved.
Equality of Opportunity
- Valuing diversity and promoting equality - We will ensure that our service is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children, particularly those that arise from their ethnic heritage, social and economic background, gender, ability or disability. Our setting is committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all children and families.
- Supporting children with special educational needs - We provide an environment in which all children, including those with special educational needs, are supported to reach their full potential.
- Achieving positive behaviour - Our setting believes that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour.
Promoting Health and Hygiene
- Animals in the setting - Children learn about the natural world, its animals and other living creatures, as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This may include contact with animals, or other living creatures, either in the setting or in visits. We aim to ensure that this is in accordance with sensible hygiene and safety controls.
- Administering medicines- While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to the setting, we will agree to administer medication as part of maintaining their health and well-being or when they are recovering from an illness.
- Managing children with allergies, or who are sick or infectious - We provide care for healthy children and promote health through identifying allergies and preventing contact with the allergenic substance and through preventing cross infection of viruses and bacterial infections.
- Nappy changing - No child is excluded from participating in our setting who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and who may still be wearing nappies or equivalent.
- Food and drink - This setting regards snack and meal times as an important part of the setting's day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating.
- First aid - In our setting staff are able to take action to apply first aid treatment in the event of an accident involving a child or adult. At least one member of staff with current first aid training is on the premises or on an outing at any one time. The first aid qualification includes first aid training for infants and young children.
- Employment and staffing - We provide a staffing ratio in line with the Welfare requirements of the Early Years FoundationStage to ensure that children have sufficient individual attention and to guarantee care and education of a high quality. Our staff are appropriately qualified and we carry out checks for criminal and other records through the Criminal Records Bureau in accordance with statutory requirements. We ensure secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of disclosure information.
- Induction of staff, volunteers and managers - We provide an induction for all staff, volunteers and managers in order to fully brief them about the setting, the families we serve, our policies and procedures, curriculum and daily practice.
- Student placements - This setting recognises that qualifications and training make an important contribution to the quality of the care and education provided by early year’s settings. As part of our commitment to quality, we offer placements to students undertaking early year’s qualifications and training. We also offer placements for school pupils on work experience.
Health and Safety
- Risk assessment - This setting believes that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance. We make our setting a safe and healthy place for children, parents, staff and volunteers by assessing and minimising the hazards and risks by completing a daily risk assessment to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment.
- Health and safety general standards - This setting believes that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance. We make our setting a safe and healthy place for children, parents, staff and volunteers.
- Fire safety and emergency evacuation - We ensure our premises present no risk of fire by ensuring the highest possible standard of fire precautions. The person in charge and staff are familiar with the current legal requirements. Where necessary we seek the advice of a competent person, such as our Fire Officer, or Fire Safety Consultant.
- Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents - We have accident/incident sheets and also prior incident sheets which are filled out when necessary, one per child. Child protection matters or behavioural incidents between children are NOT regarded as incidents and there are separate procedures for this.
- Food hygiene - We maintain the highest possible food hygiene standards with regard to the purchase, storage, preparation and serving of food.
- Admissions - It is our intention to make our setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the setting through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.
Childcare Practice
- The role of the key person and settling-in - We believe that children settle best when they have a key person to relate to, who knows them and their parents well, and who can meet their individual needs. The key person will also carry out a home visit before the child starts to make the connection between home and the setting.