August 19, 2015
Dear Advanced Placement Student:
Congratulations! You are among a small number of students nationwide that have committed themselves to an enriched and accelerated high school experience. We are pleased that you have decided to take upon yourself this added commitment and look forward to helping you understand the special requirements involved.
The Advanced Placement Program enables students to earn college credit while still enrolled in high school by doing well on an exam given in May. An AP class is equivalent to a college class, as it is academically rigorous. You will be expected to work from a college text or multiple texts; handle assignments on the college level; be able to discuss your readings; and handle essay tests. An average of forty to sixty minutes an evening should be spent preparing for each class session because of the amount of material that must be covered. Students in AP classes may be required to complete a summer assignment before school begins in August.
Because there is more rigor involved in an AP class and because a standardized test is administered, a student receives a weighted grade for the class. A weighted grade affects a student’s GPA. For example, by making a “B” in an AP course, it is equivalent to an “A” or 4.0 when calculating the final standing of the student against his/her classmates. Weighted grades are reflected in the GPA, not on the report card.
As the class does provide a weighted grade, students are expected to complete the attached contract which says you agree to pay and sit for the appropriate exam for each advanced placement class in which you enroll. A student must take the AP exam in order to receive weighted credit. Please read over the contract carefully before agreeing to its terms.
Serious consideration should be given before enrolling in an Advanced Placement class and especially prior to enrolling in more than one college level class. These classes are a major commitment and must be given a high priority when a student schedules his/her time. Sports, extracurricular activities and jobs should be secondary to the academics.
Again, congratulations on your decision to enroll in Advanced Placement classes. We look forward to working with you towards your post high school academic career.
Fabricio Velez, Assistant Principal
Prairie View High School
AP Student Expectations Agreement
Date: August 19, 2015
From: Fabricio Velez, Assistant Principal
You are currently registered to take an AP course for 2015-16. Taking an AP course and exam is a collaborative effort between you the student, your parent/guardian, and the school. Each party plays a role and must make the commitment to meet the expectations noted below.
The Student agrees to organize his/her time and effort to successfully complete the AP course in which he/she is enrolled. The student will notify teachers immediately if he/she falls behind in class readings and/or assignments. The student will be expected to complete assignments, readings and projects outside of class time. The student will take the AP Exam on its scheduled date and time as outlined by the College Board.
The Parent/Guardian agrees to be familiar with and accept the AP course requirements and policies, and to help his/her child organize study time in support of class assignments. The parent/guardian agrees to purchase required materials and to pay the exam fee as determined by the AP Coordinator. If the parent/guardian is unable to meet these requirements for financial reasons, they will contact the AP Coordinator immediately.
The School (AP Teacher and AP Coordinator) agrees to provide rigorous instruction and challenging course content as described in the AP Course Description. The school will provide the student with a copy of the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents and agrees to administer the AP Exam in a fair and secure environment as outlined in the AP Coordinator’s Manual.
· By signing the attached contract I agree to the conditions above.
· I understand I must take the PARCC/CMAS/ACT test offered in spring 2015 in order to enroll in an Advanced Placement class for the 2015-2016 school year.
· I understand that there is a fee for the AP Exam and I agree to pay that fee in full prior to October 16, 2015. Amount is to be announced (approximately $85-90).
· Payments will be received in the Finance Office. Please make checks payable to PVHS. Phone numbers are required on all checks.
· A student enrolled in any 2015-2016 Advanced Placement class may NOT drop the class after August 28, 2015.
· A student enrolled in the class after the “drop” date indicated above, will take the exam offered in May 2016.
· A student enrolled in the class will complete all course requirements to the best of his/her ability.
· A student enrolled in the class will complete the summer assignment prior to the first day of school.
· A student must take the AP exam in order to receive weighted credit (1.0 grade quality point) in School District 27J.
Prairie View High School
As an Advanced Placement class is a rigorous and demanding class which should not be attempted without serious consideration, the following contract must be read over carefully, signed and returned to the AP Teacher by August 28, 2015.
It is very important for a class of this significance to have students who are dedicated to doing their best possible work; if students remain in the class and have no investment in doing well or learning to the best of their ability, then the entire class can suffer.
Please be aware that you may NOT drop the class after the second week of school. The last day for a student to drop is August 28, 2015. All students enrolled in the class after that point will be required to take the final AP exam in May. There is a fee for the final exam which must also be paid for by October 16, 2015 (approximately $83-85). SD27J students must take the AP exam in order to receive weighted credit (1.0 grade quality point) and must score a 3 or higher to qualify for test fee reimbursement from the district (per availability and district guidelines).
All students are expected to complete the summer assignment prior to the first day of school. Not completing the summer assignment will signal the student’s lack of intent to fulfill the requirements, and the student’s schedule will be changed accordingly.
In order to stay enrolled in any AP course, the attached contract between teacher, student, and parent must be signed and returned prior to August 28, 2015.
Failure to comply with any of the above deadlines could result in the student being dropped from the class.
Special Note: Completion of the AP exam is required to earn weighted credit. Therefore, I understand that if I don't take the advanced placement exam, for whatever reason, in May 2016, then the course will not receive a weighted credit (1.0 grade quality point).
I have read the attached letter and the above information and do agree to the criteria described in both.
AP COURSE ______
STUDENT NAME ______(print)
DATE: ______