Spectrum on Chapel

(Prahran Football Social Club)

ResponsibleGamblingCode ofConduct


Approved by the VCGLR - 14 May2014

Community Clubs Victoria Responsible Gambling Code ofConduct

EGM Gaming Venue Responsible Gambling Code ofConduct

1.Venue commitment to ResponsibleGambling

Thismessageisdisplayedattheentrancetothegamingroomand/oratthecashier’s station in the gamingroom:

This venue is committed to providing the highest standards of customercareand responsible gambling. Our Responsible Gambling Code ofConductdescribes how we dothis.

Responsible gambling means that consumers exercise a rational andsensiblechoicebasedonknowledgeandtheirparticularcircumstances.Itmeansashared responsibility with collective action by the gamblingindustry,government, individuals andcommunities.

2.Availability of the Code ofConduct

ThisCodewillbemadeavailableinwrittenform,includinginmajorcommunitylanguages, to customers upon request. A sign advising customers of thisisdisplayedatthegamingroomentranceorthecashier’sstationinthegaming room.


Languages willinclude:

  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Vietnamese
  • Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Turkish
  • Spanish

3.Responsible GamblingInformation

This venue displays responsible gambling information in a range offorms,including brochures, posters and Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM)on-screenPlayer Information Displays(PIDs).


(a)How to gamble responsibly

(b)How to make and keep a pre-commitmentdecision

(c)The availability of supportservices

(d)The payment of winnings policy, asfollows:

Bylawallwinningsofaccumulatedcreditsof$1,000ormoremustbepaid in full bycheque that is not made out to cash. Thesewinningscannot be provided as machinecredits.

(e)The prohibition on the provision of credit forgambling

(f)The venue’s self-exclusion program. Customers may speak withtheResponsible Gambling Officer/Duty Manager or pick up a copy of theself-exclusion program brochure displayed in the gamingroom.

(g)Further information regarding responsible gambling, including howtoaccess the Commonwealth government’s website MoneySmart or similar government ‘moneymanagement’ website.

4.Gambling ProductInformation

The rules for each Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM) game, including thechances of winning, are available by going to the Player Information Display(PID)screens on the machine. Information on how to view the PID screens isavailablefromamemberofstaffand/orbyreadingthePlayerInformationDisplay(PID)brochure, available within the gamingroom.

5.Pre-commitment Strategy

This venue encourages customers who play EGMs to set a time and moneylimitaccording to their circumstances. Signs in the gaming room and onEGMsrecommend that customers set a limit and keep toit.

AllEGMsatthisvenueenableaplayertotrackthetimeandamountofmoneyspent during a session of play. Information on how to activate session trackingisavailablefromvenuestaffandinthePlayerInformationDisplay(PID)brochuredisplayed in thevenue.

6.Interaction withCustomers

The staff at this venue are committed to providing consistently high levelsofcustomerservice,includingbeingconstantlyawareoftheircustomersandthevenue’s responsibility towards ResponsibleGambling.

This venue has a nominated Responsible Gambling Officer/Gaming Supervisor who is always available when the venue isopen.

A person who approaches a staff member for information aboutproblemgambling services or shows signs of having a problem with their gambling willbedirected to the Responsible Gambling Officer/Gaming Supervisor forhelp.

A customer displaying signs of distress or unacceptable behaviour willbeapproached by a staff member who will offer assistance. These signsmayinclude, but not be limited to aperson

  • self-identifying as a problemgambler;
  • displaying aggressive, anti-social or distressed behaviourwhilegambling;
  • making requests to borrow money from staff or other customersorcontinuing to gamble with the proceeds of largewins;
  • gambling every day over an extended period of time - thatis,gambling for three hours or more without abreak;
  • avoiding contact while gambling, communicating very littlewithanyone else, barely reacting to events going on aroundthem.

In these circumstances, staff may offer appropriate assistance based ontheparticular circumstances,e.g.,

  • speaking with the customer and encouraging them to take abreak;
  • offering the customer some refreshments (e.g.,cup of teaorcoffee) in a quieter, more private part of the gamingvenue;
  • offering to co-ordinate travel arrangements away from thevenue.

Contacts with customers by the Responsible Gambling Officer are recorded ina Responsible Gambling Register and include action taken. This register iscoveredby the Privacy Act. Details to be included in the registerinclude

  • the date and time of the incident ormatter;
  • the name(s) of the staff member(s)involved;
  • the name of the customer involved (ifavailable);
  • an outline or overview of the incident ormatter;
  • actiontakenbystaff(e.g.,theprovisionofGambler’sHelp/SelfExclusioninformation).

7.Customer Loyalty SchemeInformation


7.1ThisprovisioninourResponsibleGamblingCodeofConductappliesonlyifthevenuehasaloyaltyschemethatisaloyaltywithins.1.3oftheGamblingRegulation Act. Such a loyalty scheme is characterisedby

  • player expenditure tracking; and
  • rewards based on thatexpenditure.
  1. We do not permit self-excluded persons to remain in or join theloyaltyscheme.

Upon joining the venue loyalty scheme or as soon as practicablethereafter,information will be provided in a written statement thatincludes

  • the rules of the loyalty scheme;and
  • how rewards are achieved;and
  • how rewards are redeemed;and
  • how rewardsexpire.

Participating customers will be informed about any benefits they have accruedaspartoftheloyaltyschemeviaawrittenstatementonaperiodicbasis(atleastannually) as determined by thevenue.

8.Staff GamblingPolicy

Employees of this venue are not permitted to gamble here at anytime,including playing gaming machines, keno, wagering or purchasing lotterytickets.

Plus, in addition to either of the abovealternatives

Each year responsible gambling professional development sessions for staffareheld in conjunction with the local Gambler’s Help service. Informationabout responsible gambling and problem gambling support services is in thepackagereceived by staff members when they startemployment.

The venue will assist any staff member who indicates they may have agamblingproblem by ensuring they are given information about problem gambling andthesupport services available. The employee’s right to privacy will be respectedand any such matters will not be recorded in theregister.

9.Problem Gambling SupportServices

This venue is committed to maintaining strong links with local problemgamblingsupport services. Senior staff from this venue will meet regularly with thelocalGambler’sHelpandVenueSupportWorkers. Someexamplesofhowweshallconnect with Gambler’s Help and Venue Support Workersare

  • holding regular (at least annual) staff training session, run by thelocalGambler’s Help service;
  • conducting regular management meetings between theVenueOperator/ManagerandtheGambler’sHelpservice/VenueSupport Workers.

Details of these meetings will be kept in a Responsible Gambling Register.Themeeting details mustinclude

  • time and date of themeeting;
  • attendees at themeeting;
  • topicsdiscussed;
  • outcomes/ action items from themeeting;
  • next meetingdate.

10.Customer Complaints

A customer with a complaint about the operation of this Code of Conductshouldmakeitinwritingdirectlytothevenuemanagement.Allcomplaintswillbecheckedbythevenuemanagertomakesurethattheyareabouttheoperationof this Code. Complaints about customer service or machine operations shouldgo directly to the venue manager / staff on duty. Venue staff will assistcustomers with this process ifasked.

Complaints will be investigated sensitively and as soon as possible.Complaintswill be resolved in the followingway

  • all complaints will be acknowledgedpromptly;
  • if it is decided not to investigate the complaint as it does not relate totheoperation of the code, the customer will be informed of thereasons;
  • during the investigation the Venue Manager may seek informationfromthe staff member concerned on the subject of thecomplaint;
  • the Venue Manger will seek to establish whether the customer hasbeentreated reasonably and in accordance with thisCode;
  • if the complaint is substantiated, the Venue Manager will informthecustomer of the action that is to be taken to remedy theproblem;
  • the customer will always be informed of the outcome of thecomplaint;
  • complaint details will be maintained in the ResponsibleGamblingRegister;
  • information about the complaints will be provided to the VCGLRifrequested.

Ifacomplaintcannotberesolvedatthevenue,itgoesforresolutiontotheInstitute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA). Either party involvedinthe complaint may contact the IAMA. To initiate a complaint, either party cango to IAMA’s web site ( download a Dispute Resolver form,and then submit this completed form with the relevant fee to the IAMA. Themediator / arbitrator will then contact both parties to facilitate aresolution.

Note: Complaints sent to this independent body for resolution may beexpensive.Allpartiesareurgedtoattempttoresolvethematteratthevenuelevelbeforegoing to professionalmediation.

Documentation regarding all complaints against the code must be maintainedinthe Responsible Gambling Register for access by the VCGLR asrequired.


Gambling by minors, including the sale of gambling products and servicesisprohibited. Signs are located at every gaming room entrance banningminorsfrom entering the room. All staff share the responsibility for asking for proofofage if they are uncertain whether a customer is at least 18. Ifrelevantverification cannot be produced, the customer must be asked to leavethegamingroom.


Customers will be encouraged to take regular breaks from gaming machineplay.This encouragement may take the form of an announcement suchas

  • Announcing that morning tea is nowavailable;
  • Announcing a member’sdraw;
  • The commencement of activities such as morningmelodies.

Clocks are in all major areas of the venue so customers know time ispassing.

In the normal course of their duties staff will interact with customersasopportunities arise. This can have the effect of breaking up intensive orextendedperiods of EGMplay.


This venue does not cash cheques fromcustomers.

A sign stating this is displayed at the cashier’s station in the gamingroom.

Winnings below $1,000 from gaming machines at this venue can be paid bycashand/orcheque.Bylawallofthewinningsoraccumulatedcreditsof$1,000ormoremustbepaidoutentirelybycheque,whichcannotbemadeouttocash.These winnings or accumulated credits cannot be provided as machinecredits.

A Prize Payment Register is maintained in the gamingroom.

14.Advertising andPromotions

Unaddressed advertising of Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM) gamblingproductsis prohibited inVictoria.

Allnon-EGMadvertisingundertakenbyoronbehalfofthisvenuewillcomplywith the advertising code of ethics adopted by the Australian AssociationofNational Advertisers.(

Each proposed advertisement and promotion will be checked against achecklistdeveloped from the AANA Code of Ethics to ensurecompliance.

Further, prior to publishing, management will review all advertisingandpromotional material to ensure that our advertising and promotionswill

  • not be false, misleading or deceptive about odds, prizes or the chancesofwinning;
  • not be offensive or indecent innature;
  • not create an impression that gambling is a reasonable strategyforfinancialbetterment;
  • not promote the consumption of alcohol while purchasinggamblingproducts;
  • not, in any publication, identify any person winning a prize withouttheirexpressconsent.

15.Implementation of theCode

TheCodeispartoftheinductioninformationgiventoallnewstaffwhentheystart employment. Staff members have received training about itspurpose,contents andprocedures.

Matters raised by staff or customers about the Code should go totheResponsible Gambling Officer/Duty Manager forattention.

Staff members who effectively implement and adopt the practices in theCodewill be recognised by venuemanagement.

16.Review of the Code

This Code is reviewed annually to ensure that it complies with theGamblingRegulation Act and any Ministerial Directions. The operation and effectivenessof the Code for the preceding 12 months will also be reviewed at this time.Thereview seeks feedback from all relevant stakeholders, including venuestaff,customers and problem gambling supportservices.

Requiredchangestothevenue’spracticeswillbenotedandthenimplementedwhere possible. Any changes will be recorded in the venue’sResponsibleGamblingRegister.AnychangesrequiredtotheCodewillbemadesubjecttoapproval by theVCGLR.