Practice Policy
There are two types of absences: excused and unexcused. The following is a definition of each:
Excused Absence – Any athlete who is excused from school with parental contact, written or verbal, to school AS WELL AS COACH MCDILL, COACH REEVES, OR COACH JONES, will be considered excused that day. This means two phone calls need to be made when an athlete is absent. One call needs to be made to the school, and the other needs to be made to the player’s coach. If no one answers, leave a message. Coach McDill’scell number is 214.448.7991.
Unexcused Absence – Any athlete who is not excused from school by parental contact, written or verbal, will be considered unexcused. Skipping practices will not be tolerated.
- Any athlete with two UNEXCUSED absences from practice will serve a one game suspension from the team.
- UNEXCUSED absences will also result in extra running.
Repeated UNEXCUSED absences will result in removal from the team.
Practice Rules
- Be on time – Dressed and on the floor 10 minutes prior to starting time. Be dressed in the jersey and shorts that you have been issued. NO EXCEPTIONS! If you wear another t-shirt or sweatshirt to the gym, it should say SUNNYVALE.
- “To be early is to be on time; to be on time is to be late; to be late is UNACCEPTABLE.”
- Take pride in never missing a practice – Play with little aches and pains. Talk with teachers about making up tests and tutoring before school. You need to be here!
- You MUST dress out unless you have a note from a doctor or Coach Wangler. If you do not have a note, the absence will be considered unexcused. When you are hurt, do your rehab and treatment BEFORE school. You should be on the floor when we meet at the start of practice.
- No chewing gum.
- NO CELL PHONES! Put your phone in your locker when you get here, and leave it locked up.
- No sitting down – The only time you are allowed to sit down is during a water break and never lie on the floor.
- No jewelry of any kind needs to be worn.
- Be a good listener – Eye contact, Good attitude
- Be coachable.
- Run everywhere!