Planning and Environment List
To: The Principal Registrar
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Ground Floor, 55 King Street
/629, 631, 631A Plenty Rd Preston.
/VCAT Reference No: P1181/2014
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X / I am unable to attend the hearing, but wish my statement of grounds to be considered.
Estimate of time to present my case to VCAT, including any expert witnesses: ___ hours ___mins
Set out a concise summary of grounds; attach additional sheets as required.
(1) Hawker avenue leads to Preston primary school, and is used by parents to drop off and collect their children. The development will add more traffic to school rush hour.(2) The development provides to few parking spaces for the residential and commercial tenants.
(3) Access to parking spaces is via a single car width rear lane way to and from Hawker Ave. The lane must accommodate two way traffic, for 30+ vehicles, yet provides no space to turn around. Parking access creates dangerous situations and is unworkable.
(4) The scale of the 6 storey development leads to overshadowing and overlooking of nearby single and double storey properties.
(5) There is an oversupply of 1 and 2 bed room apartments in Darebin, and an undersupply of housing for families. This development adds to the imbalance.
I certify that I have served a copy of this Statement of Grounds:
(tick box) on / / (insert date) on the Applicant(tick box) on / / (insert date) on «PrimaryRespondents»
Failure to serve a copy of your Statement of Grounds on BOTH the Responsible Authority and the Applicant may result in you being unable be heard at the hearing or have your objections considered.
Name of objector or referral authority:PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY
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Address for service of documents must be in Victoria
(Please see Rule 4.08, VCAT Rules 2008)
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Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)
Administrative Division: Planning and Environment List
55 King Street , Melbourne VIC 3000 Website Telephone 03 9628 9777
GPO Box 5408, Melbourne VIC 3001 Email Facsimile 03 9628 9789
Ausdoc DX 210576 Melbourne