HELD ON MONDAY 18 Mar 2013
Opening: The ChairmanMr Ben Pritchard opened the meeting at 1905 with 14members present
Apologies: V. Howard
B. Smith
D McLachlan
Minutes:The minutes of the previous meeting were discussed and confirmed.
Business Arising: Ben advised that David Hinchliffe has accepted the position of Patron
And has been accorded Life Membership.
The position of Secretary is still vacant.
New Business: Members are reminded that Annual Fees are now due.
Ben Pritchard and Jill Butler have an appointment with David McLachlan to discuss local Development matters and will provide a report at the next meeting.
Ben will also be discussing access to the Ward allowances with both David McLachlan and Vicki Howard.
TPA need to acquire identifying banners, a tent/pergola and a folding table, Roger Armfield will source a supplier and advise cost.
The TPA website is to be upgraded and members are asked to use it as a forum for discussion outside the monthly meeting
TPA intends to have a presence at the Teneriffe Festival to promote the Association, members are asked to volunteer to assist during the Festival to hand out flyers and promote the Association.
Ben reminded the meeting that Teneriffe was divided into two Council Wards making it a little difficult to achieve some of our objectives. He will draft a submission to the Electoral Office requesting relocation of the Boundary.
Stephen Mahony suggested a concerted effort to attract more members by approaching Body Corporate Managers and local business owners directly. A programme will be developed by the Committee for discussion and implementation.
Stephen also offered assistance in drafting a flyer for production by TPA.
Catherine Scally suggested moving our meeting to other available venues throughout the Precinct to engender more interest from Residents.
Frank Van Schagen requested Michael Hawke be approached to have a regular spot for TPA in The Village News.
Stephen Mahony requests the regular meeting of TPA continue on a monthly cycle with only December being missed. Agreed by those members present, Stephen also suggested more social events be programmed. Committee to discuss ASAP
Movement Sub Committee: Jill Butler advised the sub-committee is following up on requests for Pedestrian Crossings at Florence St. and Longlands/Wyandra Sts.
The need for Public Amenities is to be further discussed with BCC
BCC is to be approached to consider reducing the speed limit through the precinct to 40KPH with appropriate signage.
Bus services through Teneriffe will be affected by the changes proposed by State Government. (Hold that thought backflip occurred 21/3)
Development Issues: Ben Pritchard advised that the Draft City Plan has been released and while he does not believe that there is much change, he has committed to provide a summary of the 2000 pages for the next meeting..
Planning Sub-Committee: The DA for 76 Commercial Rd is available on the BCC website for submission for or against. Although the time has lapsed.
New drawings are available for viewing since the tree was removed. We are advised there are a number of objections from the residents of the Woolstore opposite the site.
Should you wish to add further comment on the Development please address traffic issues rather than Architectural as this aspect is the harder to justify unless you are qualified in that area.
Guest Speakers: Speakers are still being sought from fellow Community Organizations members will be advised ASAP
Closure: Members are advised that the next meeting will be held at the ANFE
Hall on Monday 15 April at 7.00PM.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2030
Ben Pritchard