Practice Makes Perfect ExercisesChapter 14

ECG # / Rate / Regularity / P waves / QRS complexes / PR Intervals / ST segments / T waves / QT intervals / U waves / Rhythm/Dysrhythmia
1. / 83 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus rhythm with two PVCs
2. / 214 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular tachycardia
3. / 39 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Idioventricular rhythm
4. / 59 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Wide, low amplitude, 0.16 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.40 / None / Sinus bradycardia with bigeminal PVCs
5. / 98 / Frequently irregular / Notched in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Wide, low amplitude, 0.12 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs with varying appearance / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.40 / None / Sinus rhythm with frequent multiform PVCs
6. / Cannot identify / Totally irregular / Absent / Chaotic looking waveforms / Absent / Absent / Absent / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular fibrillation
7. / 96 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Shortened, 0.32 / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
8. / 39 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Idioventricular rhythm
9. / 71 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, upsloping in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm / Normal, 0.44 / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
10. / 167 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Cannot identify / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular tachycardia
11. / 107 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Upsloping in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Tall, pointed in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.40 / None / Sinus tachycardia with bigeminal PVCs
12. / 136 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular tachycardia
13. / 65 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow RS, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Upright, small in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus rhythm with one PVC
14. / 31 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Idioventricular rhythm
15. / 93 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, downsloping in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal (appearance of those preceding PVCs are distorted) in underlying rhythm / Normal, 0.44 / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
16. / 57 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.20 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Lengthened, 0.52 / None / Sinus bradycardia with trigeminal PVCs
17. / None / Absent / None / None / Absent / Absent / Absent / Absent / None / Asystole
18. / 54 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.40 / None / Sinus bradycardia with a couplet of PVCs
19. / Cannot identify / Totally irregular / Absent / Chaotic looking waveforms / Absent / Absent / Absent / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular fibrillation
20. / 70 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Depressed in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Biphasic in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.40 / None / Sinus rhythm with a one PVC
21. / 214 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular tachycardia
22. / 34 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Idioventricular rhythm
23. / 70 / Patterned irregularity / Tall in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow QS, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, upsloping in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Shortened, 0.32 / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
24. / 70 / Irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Depressed, upsloping in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus rhythm with two interpolated PVCs
25. / 79 / Irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus rhythm with two multiformed PVCs
26. / 70 / Irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow QS, 0.12 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Elevated in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Lengthened, 0.48 / None / Sinus rhythm with four PVCs (two occur as a couplet)
27. / 115 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular tachycardia
28. / 80 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow QS, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Flat in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Cannot identify as end of T wave is indeterminate / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
29. / 94 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Accelerated idioventricular
30. / 83 / Irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.18 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus rhythm with two multiform PVCs
31. / 29 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Idioventricular rhythm
32. / 83 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow, 0.06 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Elevated in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.40 / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
33. / 83 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Wide, “W” shaped appearance, 0.12 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / Prolonged, 0.24 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.44 / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
34. / 100 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow RS, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Appears normal, 0.44, however, early beats distort end of T waves of underlying rhythm / None / Sinus tachycardia with bigeminal PVCs
35. / 100 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow RS, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Upsloping in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus tachycardia with two PVCs
36. / 36 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Idioventricular rhythm
37. / 80 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
38. / 80 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.20 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus rhythm with two multiform PVCs
39. / 37 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Idioventricular rhythm
40. / 75 / Irregular / Tall, pointed in the underlying rhythm, absent in the ventricular escape beat / Narrow RS, 0.06 in the underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in the ventricular escape beat / 0.20 in the underlying rhythm, absent in the ventricular escape beat / Depressed and upsloping in the underlying rhythm, cannot identify in the ventricular escape beat / Flat in the underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the ventricular escape beat / Cannot identify as it is difficult to see where the T wave ends / None / Sinus pause and ventricular escape
41. / 83 / Irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow rS, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Flat in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.44 / Present / Sinus rhythm with two couplets of PVCs
42. / 90 / Totally irregular / Indiscernible in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / Unable to determine in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Depressed in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Biphasic in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Cannot identify / None / Atrial fibrillation with multiform PVCs
43. / 75 in underlying rhythm and 167in the VT / Irregular / Notched in underlying rhythm, absent in PVC and VT / Narrow rS, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in the PVC and VT / 0.14 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVC and VT / Elevated in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVC and VT / Inverted in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVC and VT / Lengthened, 0.52 / None / Sinus rhythm with a PVC and a run of ventricular tachycardia (may be sustained)
44. / 75 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
45. / 96 / Irregular / Tall, pointed in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Narrow qRSr’, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, takes an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVC / Normal, 0.44 / None / Sinus rhythm with one PVC and an episode of sinus pause
46. / 115 in underlying rhythm and 214 in the VT / Irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in VT / Narrow rS, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in the VT / 0.14 in underlying rhythm, absent in VT / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in VT / Normal in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the VT / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus tachycardia with two runs of ventricular tachycardia
47. / 110 / Totally irregular / Indiscernible in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / Unable to determine in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Depressed in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Biphasic in underlying rhythm, take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Cannot identify / None / Atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response (uncontrolled) and two PVCs
48. / 85 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.20 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Depressed in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.40 / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
49. / 187 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular tachycardia
50. / 52 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in the underlying rhythm, absent with the PVC / Normal, 0.08 in the underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in the PVC / 0.12 in the underlying rhythm, absent in the PVC / Depressed in the underlying rhythm, absent in the PVC / Inverted in the underlying rhythm, takes an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVC / Lengthened, 0.60 / None / Sinus bradycardia with one PVC
51. / 136 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in the underlying rhythm, absent with the PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in the underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in the PVCs / 0.12 in the underlying rhythm, absent in the PVCs / Depressed, upsloping in the underlying rhythm, absent in the PVCs / Normal in the underlying rhythm, takes an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVC / Shortened, 0.32 / None / Sinus tachycardia with two PVCs
52. / 150 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Ventricular tachycardia
53. / 115 / Occasionally irregular / Normal in the underlying rhythm, absent with the PVCs / Wide, slurred RS, 0.12 in the underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in the PVCs / 0.16 in the underlying rhythm, absent in the PVCs / Upsloping in the underlying rhythm, absent in the PVCs / Normal in the underlying rhythm, takes an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVC / Normal, 0.36 / None / Sinus tachycardia with three multiform PVCs
54. / 88 / Regular / Absent / Wide and bizarre-looking / Absent / Cannot identify / Take an opposite direction to the QRS / Cannot identify / None / Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
55. / 75 / Patterned irregularity / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal, 0.08 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in PVCs / 0.16 in underlying rhythm, absent in PVCs / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in PVCs / Tall, pointed in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the PVCs / Normal, 0.40 / None / Sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
56. / In excess of 300 BPM / Totally irregular / Absent / Varying appearance, alternate between upright and downward deflections / Absent / Absent / Unable to identify / Unable to identify / None / Polymorphic VT, torsades de pointes
57. / 115 in underlying rhythm and 167 in the VT / Irregular / Normal in underlying rhythm, absent in ventricular escape beats / Normal, 0.10 in underlying rhythm, wide and bizarre-looking in ventricular escape beats / 0.12 in underlying rhythm, absent in ventricular escape beats / Normal in underlying rhythm, cannot identify in ventricular escape beats / Normal in underlying rhythm but take an opposite direction to the QRS in the ventricular escape beats / Normal, 0.36 in first portion of rhythm / None / Sinus pause with ventricular escape