Some optional relevant readings:

Brumfit, C. 1997. How applied linguistics is the same as any other science. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7, 1, 86-94.

Carter, R. 1998. A reply to Guy Cook. ELT Journal,52(1), 64.

Chapman, S. & Routledge, C. 2009.(Eds.) Key ideas in linguistics and the philosophy of language . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (pp. 219-232, Sections on structuralism and systemic-functional linguistics)

Chaski, C.E. (2010). Linguistics as a forensic science: The case of author identification. In S. J. Beherns & J. A. Parker (eds.), Language in the real world: An introduction to linguistics, (pp. 180-203). London: Routledge.

Church, K.W. & Mercer , R. L. 1993 Introduction to the special issue on computational linguistics using large corpora.

Coupland, N. 1997. Language, ageing, and ageism: A project for applied linguistics? International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7, 1, 26-48.

Crosby, C. 2009. Academic reading and writing difficulties and strategic knowledge of Generation 1.5 students. In Roberge, M, Siegal, M. & Harklau, L. (Eds.), Gernation 1.5 in College Composition, (105-119), London: Routledge.

Dartmouth University:

Decker, N. 2010. Machine translation: The challenge of ambiguity. In S. J. Beherns & J. A. Parker (eds.), Language in the real world: An introduction to linguistics, (pp. 107-122). London: Routledge.

Gavioli, L. & Aston. G. 2001. Enriching reality: Language corpora in language pedagogy. ELT Journal, 55, 3, 238-246.

Hamilton, H. 2008. Language and dementia: Sociolinguistic aspects. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 28, 91-110.

Harklau, L . 1999. Generation 1.5 students and college writing

Heller, M. 1997. Autonomy and interdependence: Language in the world. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7, 1, 79-85.

Johnson, D.C. 2010. The relationship between applied linguistic research and bilingual language policy. Applied Linguistics, 31, 1, 72-93.

Jones, R. 2007. Why there is no such thing as “Critical Discourse Analysis”, Language and Communication, 27, 337-368.

Kress, G. 1997. Before writing: Rethinking the paths to literacy. London: Routledge (ch. 1).

Labov, W. 1997. The judicial testing of linguistic theory, In D. Oaks (ed.), Linguistics at work. (pp. 49-64). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace.

Leonard, R. 2005. Forensic linguistics: Applying the scientific principles of language analysis to issues of the law International Journal of the Humanities, 3.

Lenchuk, I. & Swain, M. 2010. Alise’s small stories: indices of identity construction and of resistance to the discourse of cognitive impairment. Language Policy, 9(1), 9-28.

Malmkjaer, K. 2005. Translation and linguistics. Perspectives: Studies in translatology, 13 (1), p. 5.

Menz, F. & Al-Roubaie, A. 2008. Interruptions, status and gender in medical interviews: The harder you brake, the longer it takes, Discourse and Society, 19, 5, 645-666.

Morel,E. & Duncan-Andrade, J. M. R. 2002. Promoting academic literacy with urban youth through engaging hip-hop culture, The English Journal, 91, 6, 88-92.

Morley, G. D. 1985. An introduction to systemic grammar. London: Macmillan.

Orwell, G. 1946. Politics and the English language. Retrieved from Stanford University, Master of Liberal Arts website:

Rampton, B. 1997. Retuning in applied linguistics. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7, 1, 3-25.

Reder, S. & Davila, E. 2005. Context and literacy practices. Annual review of applied linguistics, 25, 1, 170-187.

Strawn, C . 2008. The relationship between literacy proficiency and the digital divide among adults with low education attainment.

This American Life:

Thompson, G. 1996. Introducing functional grammar. London: Arnold. (ch. 4).