To me, art is a very broad term that refers to any activity involvingcreativity.
The word art can be used in many different ways. Art could be a paintingon the wall, the art of making friends, even used as: he has that down toan art.
Art is something used to occupy the mind. There are many different forms of art and they are all used to stimulate different parts of themind. There can be visual art like paintings of sculptures or plays, and there can be audio art like music.
My definition for art would be anything out of the ordinary that you consider beautiful.
My definition of art is any means of expressing yourself creatively.
I think people use art as a way toexpress their feelings in a creative way to the rest of the world…Everyone does this; personally, I use music and bodyart (tattoos) to express my feelings and values. Art is necessary inthe world so people can communicate with each other.
To me art is a way people can express them selves. You could be the worstsinger, or worst painter in the world, but it does not matter cause youare expressing your feelings and emotions. Like when I am really stressedout I like to draw, I may not draw very well but to me it's art.
Art is supposed to make everybody think about things, express themselves. Basically it cultures our society to different ideas so we don't numb ourselves to everyday life.
I am not a big art person and don't really understand it too much. I have heard that art is an expression of someone's feelings and some people can relate to different pieces or forms of art better than others. That is probably why I don't like my art. I don't relate much to most art or appreciate it as much as others. My definition of art: A way to let out your feelings and beleifs to form some sort of entertainment.
Art to me would be defined as; An over-drawnout defination of someone being open and free thinking self indivual. ThoughI do appericate most forms of art, I really believe society has over done it a bit on what art is.
My personal definition of art is something that you created with meaning and message. For example, an architect designs a building with his passion toward his career or his message to the public, then it is art to me. Thus, I think art is for everyone and you don’t have to be good at it. Art is interesting because it inspires people that see it and they create their art.
I believethat it has to mean something in order for it to qualify as a work ofart. Almost anybody can take a paintbrush and proceed to apply randombrushstrokes over the paper, but if it lacks passion and significance,it defeats the purpose of art.
I believe that art is anything that someone accomplishes themselves orin a group that has some meaningand is tangible.