Practice Exam

Exam 2 Study Guide

Supplemental Instruction

Iowa State University

Nutrition Standards

  1. What is the most controversial change on the food labels?
  2. Removing added sugars
  3. Adding sugars
  4. Changing sugars to total sugars and added sugars
  5. There is no change on the food labels regarding sugar
  6. What percent of foods have added sugar?
  7. 20%
  8. 33%
  9. 50%
  10. 75%
  11. Which of the following is not a type of added sugar?
  12. Cane sugar
  13. Agave nectar
  14. High fructose corn syrup
  15. Naturally occurring fruit
  16. Which of the following is NOT a reason the Dietary Guidelines pushed against lowering the Daily Value for sodium from 2300 mg to 1500 mg per day?
  17. It requires too much work
  18. It seems unrealistic for the typical American
  19. There is no evidence to support the lower value
  20. Only 90% of the public actually meet the guideline
  21. Which of the following is a pro of Front of Package labeling created by the FDA?
  22. It creates a standard for interpreting nutrition content
  23. It is easier for the manufacturer
  24. For the FDA to get more money
  25. It would be more likely accepted by the consumer
  26. True or False: The Facts Up Front labeling is created by the FDA and is involuntary.
  27. True or False: The inclusion of Nutrients to Encourage can pose the potential for reaching the Tolerable Upper Limit.
  28. Which of the following is a con of Front of Package labeling created by the FDA?
  29. It will cost too much to implement
  30. The food industry countered with Facts Up Front
  31. It is voluntary
  32. It would have discouraged healthy foods
  33. Which component is NOT on the Facts Up Front labeling?
  34. Calories
  35. Saturated Fat
  36. Sugar
  37. Sodium
  38. How many Nutrients to Encourage are allowed on the Facts up Front labeling?
  39. 1
  40. 2
  41. 3
  42. 4

Digestionand Absorption

  1. The term used to describe chewed up food is ______.
  2. Chyme
  3. Peristalsis
  4. Bolus
  5. Food
  6. True or False: The majority of digestion and absorption occur in the same location
  7. Which of the following is NOT an essential nutrient?
  8. Saturated Fat
  9. Protein
  10. Carbohydrate
  11. Water
  12. Which of the following is NOT a function of water?
  13. Cushioning
  14. Removing Waste
  15. Regulating Body Temperature
  16. Structure
  17. Which essential nutrient empties the fastest from the stomach?
  18. Fat
  19. Carbohydrate
  20. Protein
  21. Water
  22. True or False: Digestion begins the moment food touches your mouth.
  23. How many different foods does the average person consume on a regular basis? (4 day period)
  24. 15
  25. 30
  26. 45
  27. 60
  28. The coordinated movement of food from the mouth to the stomach is called ______.
  29. A bolus
  30. Peristalsis
  31. Digestion
  32. Absorption
  33. It takes about ______seconds for food to go through the esophagus.
  34. 2
  35. 6
  36. 10
  37. 30
  38. The valve that controls the volume of food allowed into the stomach is called what?
  39. Sphincter
  40. Esophagus
  41. Pyloric Sphincter
  42. Larynx
  43. True or False: When contracted the valve that controls the stomach is open.
  44. Protein digestion begins in the ______.
  45. Mouth
  46. Esophagus
  47. Stomach
  48. Small Intestine
  49. The secretion of gastrin signals ______and ______secretion.
  50. Bile, Bolus
  51. Bile, Hydrochloric Acid
  52. Hydrochloric Acid, Enzyme
  53. Enzyme, Bile
  54. True or False: Skipping breakfast helps someone lose weight.
  1. What are the functions of hydrochloric acid in the stomach? (Circle all that apply)
  2. Aide in Denaturation of Protein
  3. Begin Digesting Carbohydrate
  4. Activate Pepsin
  5. Kill Pathogenic Microorganisms
  6. The mix of partially digested food and stomach secretions is called ______.
  7. Bolus
  8. Bile
  9. Chyme
  10. Feces
  11. What essential nutrient empties from the stomach the slowest?
  12. Lipid
  13. Protein
  14. Carbohydrate
  15. Water
  16. True or False: A diet with high soluble fiber would increase stomach emptying.
  17. Which of the following is not an accessory organ for digestion?
  18. Liver
  19. Small Intestine
  20. Pancreas
  21. Gall Bladder
  22. What is the role of the pancreas? (Circle Two)
  23. Bile Secretion
  24. Enzyme Secretion
  25. Gastrin Secretion
  26. Sodium Bicarbonate Secretion
  27. What organ is sodium bicarbonate released from?
  28. Pancreas
  29. Liver
  30. Gall Bladder
  31. Small Intestine
  32. What is the role of sodium bicarbonate?
  33. Digest Macronutrients
  34. Denature Proteins
  35. Neutralize Stomach Acid
  36. Activate Stomach Acid
  37. True or False: Transit time and digestion time are the same.
  38. How long does it take food to go through the digestive system?
  39. 8 Hours
  40. 12 Hours
  41. 30 Hours
  42. 4 Days
  43. True or False: ALL of the macronutrients are absorbed in the small intestine.
  44. Which of the following increases the surface area for absorption in the small intestine?
  45. Folds
  46. Villi
  47. Microvilli
  48. All of the Above
  49. True or False: All nutrients enter the blood and go straight to the liver.
  50. When is food considered inside the body?
  51. When you Consume it
  52. When it Goes Through the Esophagus
  53. In the Small Intestine
  54. When it is Absorbed
  55. How long does it take for nutrients to be absorbed once inside the small intestine?
  56. 30 Seconds
  57. 30 Minutes
  58. 3 Hours
  59. 30 Hours
  60. Which of the following does NOT make up remnants that enter the large intestine?
  61. Fiber
  62. Micronutrients
  63. Macronutrients
  64. Water
  65. Which of the following are required for a product to be considered a probiotic?
  66. Live or Active Cultures
  67. Clinically Proven
  68. Sufficient Amount for Benefit
  69. All of the Above
  1. Which of the following conditions do probiotics help?
  2. Antibiotic Related Diarrhea
  3. Lactose Intolerance
  4. Rotavirus
  5. All of the Above


  1. Which of the following is NOT a monosaccharide?
  2. Glucose
  3. Sucrose
  4. Fructose
  5. Galactose
  6. Which of the following monosaccharide is found in fruit?
  7. Glucose
  8. Sucrose
  9. Fructose
  10. Galactose
  11. The average American consumes _____ teaspoons per day and the Dietary Guidelines recommends _____ teaspoons per day.
  12. 12 tsp.; 7-13 tsp.
  13. 19 tsp.; 4.5-9.5 tsp.
  14. 24 tsp.; 4.5-9.5 tsp.
  15. 5 tsp.; 10-15 tsp.
  16. The leading source of added sugar in the United States is ______.
  17. Sandwiches, Tacos, Burgers
  18. Cakes
  19. Candy
  20. Soft Drinks
  21. Trends in the United States associated with soft drinks are ______.
  22. Increasing
  23. Decreasing
  24. No change
  25. Not significant
  26. Which of the following is NOT a nutrient of concern?
  27. Sodium
  28. Potassium
  29. Fiber
  30. Vitamin D
  31. __ of the __ nutrients of concern are present in milk, which is why the decreasing consumption is alarming.
  32. 3; 4
  33. 4;4
  34. 3;3
  35. 2;4
  36. Which of the following is NOT a health concern associated with consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages?
  37. Low Blood Sugar
  38. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  39. Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease
  40. There are none
  41. If a soft drink contains 24 grams of sugar it contains _____ tsp. of sugar.
  42. 4 tsp.
  43. 6 tsp.
  44. 8 tsp.
  45. 10 tsp.
  46. Kelly decides to cut 500 kcals per week, how long will it take to lose 2 pounds?
  47. 1 week
  48. 7 weeks
  49. 14 weeks
  50. 20 weeks
  51. It takes ___ miles to burn off 300 kcals.
  52. 1 mile
  53. 3 miles
  54. 5 miles
  55. 6 miles
  56. What did the study involving jellybeans and soft drinks prove?
  57. Both groups were mindful of the calories they were taking in
  58. Only those eating jelly beans were conscious of calorie levels
  59. Liquid calories have a high satiety than solid calories
  60. Eating jelly beans is an effective weight loss tool
  61. Heart disease is associated with which of the following risk factors?
  62. High LDL
  63. High Blood Sugar
  64. High HDL
  65. Low triglycerides
  66. Which of the following disaccharide is present in milk and is made up of glucose and this other monosaccharide?
  67. Sucrose; Glucose
  68. Lactose; Glucose
  69. Lactose; Galactose
  70. Maltose: Fructose
  71. True or False: Fatty liver disease is the most common liver disease in the United States.