Practical information to operate MICE TOFI

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Dec 13 2008

TOF I was mounted on Dec 10 right in front of KL, just downstream of Q9. It consists of 14 scintillator slabs 6 cm wide, 7 horizontal, 7 vertical (42*42 cm2). Each slab is read out by a PMT at each end. That makes 28 R/O channels.

HV cables (42 m) reach the HV system of CAEN SY527 supplies on the south wall of the MICE hall. To switch on HV go to the control room. On the screen tagged mice target PC1, look for a window open on the miceacq04 DAQ computer[1], the one that also reads TOFI data.
Execute the xterm –ti vt100 –e minicom command to start the HV CAEN program. The CAEN SY527 manual can be found on the CAEN site[2]. You have to type D (for Display/Modify) and go on from there.

High speed 50 Ohm signal cables (42 m) reach a patch panel in the counting room (at the very bottom of the MICE-DAQ-02 rack). From the bottom, TOF I signal cables feed patches 46 to 75 located in the fifth, sixth, seventh, eight rows of patches from the bottom. The correspondence of the numbers at the patch panel with physical PMTs is detailed in the appendix 1 and its figures.

HV were set individually according to a pre-prepared table that was implemented in the HV CAEN program.

Brown LEMO cables from the patch panel feed, just above the panel, splitters units, each housed in a shaping unit. Both units accommodate 16 channels. Flat cables (in gray housing) from the splitters provide 110 Ohm output impedance signals to Lecroy 4415A CAMAC discriminators, that provide a signal to the CAEN V1290 TDCs and to the Lecroy 4516 logic unit. LEMO cables from the shaping units feed the CAEN V1724 flash ADCs.

The cabling scheme of these brown LEMO cables into the splitter/shaping (SS) , FADC and TDC units is given in appendix 2. Presently

-all 28 PMTs go to a TDC (south and bottom to TDC0, north and top to TDC1). In TDC0 TOFI took the channels of TOF0_EXT that moved from TDC0 to TDC3.

-all the 14 vertical TOFI PMTs go to FADC13 or FADC14. Only the two PMTs of the central horizontal counter do, on the contrary, for the moment, the one south to FADC13, the one north to FADC14. The others will be as soon as more FADC channels become available.

Three trigger signals are built up:

1) TOFIV: this is he OR of all the 7 vertical TOFIV counters ( ie of the 7 ANDs of the two PMTs of each counter)

2) TOFIH : this is the OR of all the 7 horizontal TOFIH counters (ie of the 7 ANDs of the two PMTs of each counter).

3) TOFI: this is the OR signal of 1) and 2). TOFI = TOFIV+TOFIH

A small amount of data was taken on the evening of Dec 11 and then again, after identification of a few problems with cables, on Dec 12, adequate for a first survey. The most useful histograms are so far the hit multiplicities in the TDCs at the end of this document. Last histogram shows counts in the scaler unit.

TDC0 multiplicities show no surprise with the TOFI south and bottom PMTs. They show equal rates in TOFIH and TOFIV, consistent with full efficiency of both planes. They also exhibit the known problem of one dead/noisy channel in TOF0.

TDC1 multiplicities provide the profiles from north and top PMTs. Again all channels appear

alive and well behaved, at first sight.

Appendix 1 Numeration of TOFI PMTs

1 = Bottom pmt of 1st (most north) Vertical slab =B6 signal cable 46 on the patch panel

2 = Top 1st =T6 signal cable 47

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13 = Bottom pmt of 7th (most south) Vertical slab =B0 signal cable 58

14 = Top 7t h =T0 signal cable 59

15 = North pmt of 1st (lowest) Horizontal slab =N0 signal cable 60

16 = South 1st =S0 signal cable 61


27 = North pmt of 7th (highest) Horizontal slab =N6 signal cable 72

28 = South 7th =S6 signal cable 73

Signal cable 74 & 75 are spare

Appendix 2 Cabling scheme of TOFI PMTs into the splitter units, FADCs and TDCs

[1]If the window displayed is on miceacq06 or other PCs, instead, press the NUM and the * keys simultaneously on the number pad of the keyboard. As soon as the NUM LED blinks, type 1 and you will reach miceacq04.

[2] A copy was posted for convenience at http|//