Valencia College
SPN1000—Conversational Spanish I
CRN 23568—3credits
W 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm; Bldg. 3, Room 130
Spring 2015 – January 12th – May 3rd
Instructor: / Professor Tiki Hagan, MATelephone: / n\a
Office: / n\a
Office Hours: / Before or after class
E-mail: /
Optional and/or recommended texts:
· Spanish –English dictionary, (Cuyás, Collins, Larousse, Oxford, or Vox).
· English Grammar for Students of Spanish: The Study Guide for Those Learning Spanish (English Grammar Series); Spinelli
· 501 Spanish Verbs; Kendris
On-line requirements and proficiencies: Internet browsing. File management. Typing. Word processor editing.
Course Description: SPN 1000 is an introductory course in conversational Spanish for students with some sort of familiarity with the target language. The class will emphasize everyday use of the language, integrating basic grammar and vocabulary through a conversational approach to Spanish. This class does not satisfy the General Education Foreign Language proficiency requirement.
This class is not open to native or heritage speakers.
Course Objectives: Our objective is for students to achieve a novice level of oral communication proficiency in the target language as well as some awareness of the Hispanic culture. At the end of the semester, students should be able to communicate in Spanish using basic words learned in this course.
Core Competencies: In addition to our program competencies, Valencia faculty has defined four interrelated competencies (Value, Think, Communicate, and Act) that prepare students to succeed in the community. These competencies are outlined in the College Catalog. In this course, through classroom lecture and discussion, group work, and other learning activities, you will further develop your mastery of these core competencies.
Class Competencies: This course will develop your mastery in the following areas: Reading skills (literal/critical comprehension); listening skills (literal/critical comprehension); speaking skills (composing and transmitting the message, using oral skills suitable to topic, purpose and audience).
Responsibility of the student: The student is expected to be prepared in class.
Withdrawal Policy: A student may withdraw at any time during the term in Atlas. The New Withdrawal Policy has been implemented. Here is what you need to know about the new Withdrawal Policy:
· Students may withdraw themselves for a W up until the withdrawal deadline (March 27th)
· After the withdrawal deadline each semester, students cannot longer withdraw themselves.
· Faculty can withdraw students for a W after the deadline only for excessive absences.*
· WP and WF have been deleted from Withdrawal procedures.
· Before the withdrawal deadline, both a student and faculty may withdraw the student.
· After the withdrawal deadline, a student cannot withdraw him-/herself.
* Students will receive a W if withdrawn by the withdrawal date. Students have the responsibility to withdraw by the deadline date (March 27th, 2015). Please remember that WP and WF will not be an option. See the professor in case of jury duty or military service. In this course, the professor will not drop anyone for excessive absences. If you are absent more than 3 times, your final grade will be “F”.
Method of Instruction: This course will be taught through a combination of classroom lectures, hands-on classroom exercises and homework assignments.
Grading: Your grade will be calculated as follows:
Homework / 100 pointsOral presentations / 300 points
Class Participation/Attendance / 200 points
Quizzes / 200 points
Final Exam / 200 points
90 - 100 / A
80 - 89 / B
70 - 79 / C
60 - 69 / D
59 - 0 / F
Tests & Quizzes: You will have announced quizzes.
All quizzes will be administered in class. There is not open textbook test or take home exams.
All tests must be taken on or before dates assigned. No make up tests are available without explicit consent of instructor.
Final Exam: The Final Exam counts for 20% of the total grade.
Missing the final exam will result in a grade of F until the student takes a make-up final, at which time a grade of A, B, C, D or F will be given.
Homework: There will be assigned activities. They will include grammar-driven practice, vocabulary practice, listening practice as well as activities to develop your oral proficiency. These activities will assist the student in internalizing the material they have learned.
If you are absent, make sure you submit your assignment on time.
Ø Make sure you contact a classmate–email or phone to get the information you missed.
Oral Presentations: You will have oral presentations in Spanish. The topics will be discussed during the course. No make-up. Reasonable excuses will be individually evaluated.
Attendance: Attendance is vital to academic success. Given the nature of the subject, it is strongly recommended that you attend all sessions.
Participation: You have to be willing to participate and ready with your work every class, orally or written.
Participation in class involves a number of variables, including but not limited to:
· Your use of Spanish in the classroom.
· Your willingness to participate actively in all class activities.
· Your cooperation during group and pair work.
· Your respect and attitude toward the class and your peers.
· Your daily preparation for each class.
· Your instructor may assign written homework that will be collected and graded; these assignments form part of your participation grade.
Class Participation:
A (90-100) Student prepares for the lesson, volunteers answers, responds correctly.
B (89 - 80) Student responds when called upon; answers are generally correct.
C (79 - 70) Student has some problems with the subject, but makes an effort to be prepared, understand, and respond.
D (69 - 60) Student does not respond correctly, is not prepared for class, does not have materials ready, and is absent frequently.
F (59 - 0) Student can’t answer questions, does other things not concerning class.
No accommodations will be given to earn extra points.
VCC Expected student conduct: 10-03 Student Code of Conduct
Specific Authority: 1006.60, FS.
Law Implemented: 1006.60, FS.
Valencia Community College is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning, and to the development of responsible personal and social conducts. By enrolling at Valencia, a student assumes the responsibility for knowing and abiding by the rules of appropriate behavior as articulated in the Student Code of Conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Faculty may direct students who engage in inappropriate behavior that results in disruption of a class to leave the class. Such students may be subject to other disciplinary action, which may include a warning, withdrawal from class, probation, suspension, or expulsion from the college. Please read the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook.
Here is the link to Valencia’s Student Code of Conduct website:
Students with Disabilities: Students who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first week of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities (West-SSB 102) determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The goal at the OSD is to open doors, remove barriers and assist you in any way the can. The key to success is matching your needs to the services provided. Please contact this office to discuss your individual needs.
Here is the link to Valencia’s OSD website:
West Campus
SSB, Rm. 102
Ph: 407-582-1523
Fax: 407-582-1326
TTY: 407-582-1222
Valencia I.D. Cards: Valencia ID cards are required for LRC, Testing Center, and IMC usage. No other form of ID at those locations will be accepted. Possession and utilization of a Valencia ID is mandatory in order to obtain these services.
Cellular phones and other type of electronic devices cannot be on your desk while taking exams. Text messaging, answering your cell phone or use electronic devices to engage in activities not related to the topic being seen in class will be not be tolerated.