UEENEEE137A-Practical Assessment
Practical Assessment # 1
UEENEEE137A- Document and apply measures to control OHS risks associated with electrotechnology work.
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
This is the 2nd of 2 assessment events for this unit. Each of the two events must be successfully completed in order to demonstrate competence.
Instructions to Students· Time permitted for this test is 240 minutes.
· All questions must be attempted – answers to be written on this paper
· Where working is required, all working must be shown.
· Answers without working will not be awarded any marks.
· All drawings must be neat and legible.
· Mobile phones are to be turned off
· Student must provide pens, pencil, eraser, rule, calculator
· Allowable reference materials will include your resource notes, workbooks (Workcover Code of practice, Safework Aust. code of practice) and text books for reference information, and use the documents supplied to complete the task, following the “Hierarchy of Controls
· Any student found gaining unfair advantage by copying or using illegal references will face disciplinary action.
Section 1.
Aim: The aim of this skills observation and assessment is to allow the student to demonstrate their skills in identifying, rating and documenting hazards and risks in the workplace, assigning levels of risk and developing and documenting control measures and reviewing control measures.
Method: You will be asked to identify and document any hazards and risks, rate the risks, develop control measures and document all steps in the following scenario, following all the necessary protocols covered in the unit UEENEEE137A and those covered by the relevant authorities.
The Scenario: You are a qualified Electrical Supervisor working for an Electrical contractor, engaged to perform the following task. Under your supervision will be a 1st year apprentice.
You are required to upgrade the sub-main from the sub-board in the hallway of the electrotechnology Department to the new Refrigeration workshop and also upgrade the sub-main protection device. This will include installing a new cable tray & having to penetrate a brick wall & a fibrous cement wall. The said work will be carried out in normal TAFE operating hours therefore all areas could be functional & occupied with student’s .The job will cover 2 working days. A floor plan showing the layout of the building is following
You are required to follow and document all the necessary steps as far as the Work Health and Safety Act are concerned and also the Unit UEENEEE137A.
Use your resource notes, workbooks (Workcover Code of practice, Safework Aust. code of practice) and text books for reference information, and use the documents supplied to complete the task, following the “Hierarchy of Controls”.
Please note: We realise as an electrical apprentice or refrigeration apprentice you are not at supervisor level and also that you do not carry out electrical work but this scenario is about visualising & then documenting the job at hand, especially with potentially “live” electrical equipment.
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Electrotechnology Dept.
North Coast TAFE. Grafton Campus