Third Grade Curriculum and Assessment Map


Campbellsville Elementary--Curriculum and Assessment Map

First Grading PeriodThird GradeBaugh, Collins, Horn, Sharp

Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8
Test Dates / STAR Reading
STAR Math / T-Pro Writing Assessment / Mid-Term Grades / ThinkLink
Guided Reading / Comprehension Strategy: Variety of Fix-It Up Word Strategies
Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Genres: Fiction
Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding
Craft and Structure: Context clues, summarize, monitoring comprehension / Comprehension Strategy:Preview/Predict/Prior Knowledge
Genres: Fiction
Grade Level Phonics: Continue: Multi-syllable Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding
Craft and Structure: Text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world
Character, setting, plot, theme compare and Contrast
Word Work / Phonics: (VC-CV; Long vowel diagraphs, plurals s and –es, adding -ed, -ing, -er, and -est, vowel sound in ball) / Phonics: vowel sound in ou, ow, oi, and oy; ending –le; v/cv, vc/v; compound words; vowel oo, ew, ue, ui, u)
Grammar / What is a sentence/non-sentences; Types of sentences: statements, questions, commands, and exclamatory sentences / Nouns (common and proper)
Nouns as subjects, Nouns as plurals and –s, add -es
Writing / Intro: Writing Vocabulary/Writing Traits
Simple sentences/compound and complex sentences
Types of Sentences
Define writing process—Planning and Brainstorming
Poems: “I Am” and “Name Poem” / Focus: Ideas/Prewriting
  • Paragraph Writing -- topic sentences, supporting details, closing sentences and types of paragraphs
Transactive Writing: Web quest and Feature Article on Ecosystems (Science Connection)
Debate: Governor Choice (Social Studies Connection)
Math connection: Creating Addition and Subtraction Number stories
Math / 0-18 addition and rounding / 0-18 subtraction and rounding / 2-digit Addition and Subtraction and Rounding / 3-digit addition and subtraction rounding / 2 & 3 digit addition with regrouping and rounding / 2 & 3 digit addition with regrouping and rounding / 2 & 3 digit subtraction with regrouping and rounding / 2 & 3 digit addition with regrouping and rounding
Science / Inquiry Mini Unit:
Scientific Method /Teach Non-Fiction Text Features / Earth Science: (Interdependence) / Unity and diversity/Energy Transformations /
Social Studies / Building Community/Rules, Laws and Citizenship; Conflict Resolution
CHAMPS Procedures/Non-fiction / Consumerism/Economics/Wants and Needs
(field trip to bank) / Consumerism and budgeting / Government and Voting

Campbellsville Elementary--Curriculum and Assessment Map

Second Grading PeriodP4/P5

Week 9 / Week 10 / Week 11 / Week 12 / Week 13 / Week 14 / Week 15 / Week 16
Test Dates / Report Card / Mid-term
Grades / ThinkLink Assessment
Guided Reading / Begin week 10 – Week 14
Comprehension Strategy: Monitoring comprehension/Ask questions/Activate and Connect
Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Genres: Non-Fiction
Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding
Craft and Structure: Non-fiction Text features, main idea and details, cause and effect / Week 15
Comprehension Strategy: Author’s Purpose
Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Genres: Reader’s Theatre, Plays
Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding
Craft and Structure: Literal and figurative language, point of view, similes, metaphors, and foreshadowing
Word Work / Phonics: Blends (thr, squ, str, spl) Prefixes (un-, re-, mis-, dis-) suffixes (-y, -ish, -hood, -ment)
Diagraphs (sh, th, ph, ch, tch) / Phonics: Consonant sounds /j/ and /k/; vowel sound /augh/, /al/, /ough/, and /ou/; contractions; irregular plurals
Grammar / Nouns with –ies, Special plural nouns, singular possessive nouns, plural possessive nouns / Verbs, verbs in present, verbs in past, special verbs (linking verbs), helping verbs,
Writing / Focus: Organization/Drafting
Literary Writing: Fall Poem/Narrative
Student Choice: Illustration of students favorite political person – Social Studies connection / Focus: revising, editing, publishing
Literary Writing—Social Studies connection
  • Myth—Pick an animal and write a story about how it changed the life of the Native American Tribe (Social Studies Connection)
  • Native American Poem (Social Studies Connection)
Creating Multiplication and Division Number stories (Math connection)
Math / 2 & 3 digit addition with regrouping and rounding / 0,1,2 Multiplication and Division facts / 3,4,5 Multiplication and Division facts / 6, 7 Multiplication and Division facts / 8 Multiplication and Division facts / 9, 10 Multiplication and Division facts / 1 digit by 2-digit multiplication and division / 1 digit by 2-digit multiplication and division
Science / Life SystemEndangered Ecosystems
Food Chains/Food Webs/Recycling / Matter -- Atoms/Solids, Liquids, and Gases
Social Studies / Government and Voting / Geography / Geography Cont. / Historical Perspective: Native Americans

Campbellsville Elementary--Curriculum and Assessment Map Second/Third Grading Period P4/P5

Week 17 / Week 18 / Week 19 / Week 20 / Week 21 / Week 22 / Week 23 / Week 24
Test Dates / STAR Reading / STAR
Report Card / Practice: CAT Assessment / Otis Lennon / Mid-term grades / ThinkLink Assessment
Guided Reading / Weeks 19 - 23
Comprehension Strategy: Drawing Conclusion/Generalize/Inference
Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Genres: Realistic Fiction
Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding
Craft and Structure: Determine Importance, Summarize and Synthesize / Week 24
Comprehension Strategy: Author’s Purpose
Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Genres: Poetry
Fluency: Accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression
Craft and Structure: Stanza, parts of a poem, key ideas and details, craft & structure, integration of knowledge and ideas
Word Work / Phonics: schwa, suffixes (ly, ful, ness, less); prefixes (pre-, mid-, over-, out-), Consonant diagraphs, (wr, mb, kn, gn) / Phonics: R-controlled Vowel, Vowel pattern cvvc; cvv; suffixes (-er, -or, -ess, -ist), homophones
Grammar / Irregular Verbs; Contractions, Correcting Run-on Sentences, Compound Sentences / Adjectives
Writing / Focus: Rough Draft: (topic, illustrations, details, linking words and concluding statement)
Museum Box: Creating Personal Wellness Plan (Science Connection)
Art using area and perimeter graphs(Math Connection) / Focus: Sentence Fluency/revising/editing/publishing
Polishing and Publishing
  • Daily Mini-lessons focus on—strategies procedures for revising, editing and publishing
  • Independent writing—students reviseedits and publish pieces.
  • Narrative
  • In your lab group, write your own poem, rhyme, song/rap, or skit about the rock cycle. (Science Connections)
  • Sing: Rock Cycle Song (Tune of Row, Row, row your boat)

Math / Area & Perimeter with Multiplication and Division / Review telling time (hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, five minutes) and teaching telling time to the min. / Measurement: Volume in liters, mass in kilograms, addition and subtraction, multiplication, and division for liters, grams and kilograms & word problems Use rulers to measure ½, and quarter of inch.
Science / Unity and Diversity:
  • Personal Wellness: Stress, management, problem solving, conflict resolution and communication
  • Behavioral choices: diet, exercise, and behavior choices and consequences
/ Rocks and Minerals / Fossils
Social Studies / Historical Perspective: Native Americans / Historical Perspective Cont.
Native Americans / Historical Perspective:
Native Americans / Cultures

Campbellsville Elementary--Curriculum and Assessment Map

Third Grading Period and Fourth Grading PeriodP4/P5

Week 25 / Week 26 / Week 27 / Week 28 / Week 29 / Week 30 / Week 31 / Week 32
Test Dates / STAR Reading / STAR
Math / Report Card / Practice: CAT Assessment / Otis Lennon / Mid-term
Grades / ThinkLink Assessment
Guided Reading / Week 25 -32
Comprehension Strategy:
Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Genres: Plays
Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding
Craft and Structure: Literal and figurative language, point of view, similes, metaphors, and foreshadowing
Word Work / Phonics: Suffixes (-tion,- sion, -ture), vc-ccv patterns, multi-syllabic words / Phonics: Diagraphs, Same Sound, different letters (R-controlled), Suffixes -ed, -ing (Double last consonant)
Months of the Year
Grammar / Editing: Correcting Sentences, , Quotation Marks, Commas (in a series, in dates, quotations, and introductory words) / Capitalization, Punctuation, Book Titles, Words, abbreviations
Writing / Focus: Conventions/revising/editing/publishing
  • Opinion pieces
  • Support point of view with reasons
  • Intro topic
  • State opinion
  • Organize ideas
  • Provide reasons for opinion
  • Using linking words to connect opinion and reasons
  • Provide a conclusion
Pretend you are a rain drop—create a poem, rap, skit on your life in the water cycle (Science connection) / Research projects
Discriminate between relevant and irrelevant information
Song: Electricity and Proton, Neutrons, and Electrons (Science Connection)
Math / Measurement Cont. / Fractions—Identify fractional parts, equal than, less than, and greater than one, represent on number line, equivalent fractions / Fraction / Review for CC assessment / Geometry of 2-D shapes / Data
Science / Weather and Water Cycle / / Electricity
Social Studies / Cultures: / Intro: (Historical Perspective) Early Americans (Pilgrims, Constitution, American Revolution) / Westward Movement
(Lewis and Clark)

Campbellsville Elementary—Curriculum and Assessment Map

Fourth Grading PeriodP4/P5

Week 33 / Week 34 / Week 35 / Week 36
Test Dates / CATS Testing / Test of Basic Skills / Closing Activities-Report Card
Guided Reading / Week 33-36
Comprehension Strategy: Poetry
Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Genres: Student Choice
Student read and presentation of favorite author
Word Work / Phonics: Consonant diagraphs /wh/, /thr/, /tch/, /ng/, /gh/; three letter blends / Phonics: words ending in -y
Hard and Soft c and g
Grammar / Pronouns / Prepositions
Writing / Continue research activities
Math / DATA / 3rd Grade Review
Science / Forces and Motions / Simple Machines
Social Studies / Westward Expansion (continued)

Baugh, Collins, Horn, and Sharp

Class Schedule

2011 - 2012

Times / Class
8:00 – 8:15 / Homeroom
8:15 – 9:15 / Block 1
9:20 – 10:20 / Block 2
10:25 – 11:25 / Block 3
11:30 – 12:00 / Block 4
12:05/12:10 – 12:40 / Lunch and Movement
12:40 – 1:05 / Block 4 Continue
1:10 – 1:55 / Activity
2:00 – 3:00 / Re-teaching/Computer
2:00 – 2:30 / Library Time M- Baugh; T-Collins;
W-Horn, Th-Sharp

Blocks Times: Baugh = Math, Collins = Social Studies, Horn = Reading/Writing, Sharp = Science