PPG Meeting Minutes
25th September 2017 5.30 to 6.30
- Welcome & Introductions
Apologies from Sue Harris
- Practice Update (including ‘you said we did’)
Feedback from Sue and Jane’s meeting
- Practice declined suggestion of a TV screen, for the following reasons: people watch enough screens; concern re adverts (and inappropriate adverts); and mutual long standing agreement with PoW surgery. Clarification that could be used to display practice selected PowerPoint slides to avoid adverts. Outcome: PPG agreed to park.
- Practice declined suggestion of slow and fast lanes at reception, because they felt there wasn’t a need as the system works well at the moment
- Practice could see a way forward for a newsletter, if the PPG took owernship
- Practice could see potential for social media, but only if using PPG identity not the practices, and protecting the doctors, and clarifying that its not a channel to access doctors/medical advice.
- Newsletter
Sue shared copies of other examples, to prompt general discussion of content/process:
- Need to collate things that are useful from a national perspective eg themed weeks, and use already generated content (eg CCG Health Involvement Networks)
- Use info from CCG and local health social media feeds to create content
- Present missed appointment data in context (not necessarily financially, but in terms of other people who could be seen)
- Use GP Bulletin from CCG forwarded by Jane to pick up any relevant information
- Highlight website in the newsletter – had 125,000 hits in the last 12 months
- Practice could print 10-20 copies, but we need to encourage people to access the newsletter online
- Possibility of using text to tell people re the newsletter?
- All members to share feedback from example newsletters
- All members to suggest content for newsletter
- Jane to do final sign-off of newsletter once developed
- Flu Clinic
Two dates set – 7th and 14th October (8.30 to 12.30), with PPG planning to hand out leaflets on online services, My Life My Care and promote the website, with the CCG-owned pop-up banner. PoPPs and Fire Service already attending (joint with PoW).
Action: PPG members to confirm with Sue (Chair) which dates/times they will be available to help
- Patient information in waiting rooms
Identified as quick and visible action for PPG, and Jane agreed for PPG to work in this.
- Confirming that information should be for services and support that is free, non-religious, and appropriate to health and wellbeing.
Anya/Sue/anyone else interested to meeting to confirm a board for use of the PPG and 5 specific changes to get ok’ed by the surgery
- Social Media
Clear that it needs to be PPG and not practice
Good opportunity to involve patients with the PPG
Ask patients in the next newsletter whether they would like this or not?
- Agreed to cc rather than bb members into emails
- Members invited to attend CCG PPG conference on 9th Oct, 5.30 to 8.30 – liaise with Sue to attend, and opportunity to find out about CCG produced leaflets etc that could help with promotion, led by Catherine Barnes (CCG)
- Sue consented to Jane passing on her details as chair to Catherine
- Members invited to Dorchester/Mid-Dorset Locality meetings – Sue attending and will share info with members.
- Date of Next Meeting
Agreed to meet every two months.
Next meeting: 20th November 5.30 to 6.30
Sue/Keith to book the room via DHUFT