Component -- Instructional Event Summary
Course Name: English Writing Date: 9/16/08 Reviewer: mdm
Component Name: noun phrases K ü H W P
Instructional Events / Tell / Ask / Show / Do / Multimedia / Structure / Feedback / Guidance / Coaching / Peer / Comments
Rule – definition / x / x / x / 3 levels of definition given
Examples / x / x / multiple examples 3 levels
Questions / x / x / x / multiple examples

Comments: Every component follows the same format. Some have only one level. It should be noted that the same examples can be used for both examples and questions but only if the learner uses all the examples in the file. The same file of examples serves both functions.

Course name: BYU Clips -- English URL:
Reviewer: mdm Date: 9/16/08 Page 1 of 1

Component Skills:
What is it? / How to do it? / What happens?
Sentence elements >phrases>noun phrases / / /
‘” object of preposition / / /
subjects & predicates > / / /
“ predicates / / /

Whole Problem

only component skills no whole problem /
KEY: / Tell / Show / Multimedia / Guide / >3 / Structure
Ask / Do / Feedback / Coach / >3 / Peer

n = 4 ΣC = 24 P = 0

Score =.75 ΣC + .25P = .75 x 24/4 + 0 = 4.5

Comments: This instruction is a very straight forward Tell Definition – Show examples – Do classify examples. No guidance or coaching. Feedback is mostly R/W. There are multiple examples. All of the instruction is similar teaching one component skill at a time with the same format. The unique part of this instruction is learner control over the sequence of instructional events and the ability to select easier or harder definitions, examples and questions.