A Reader Prepared for

PPA 691: Seminar in Public Policy Analysis

Spring 2007


Thomas R. Martinez, Ph.D.

Department of Public Policy and Administration

CaliforniaStateUniversity, Bakersfield




* Assignment #1: Defining & Explaining Pub. Policy & Pub. Policy Anal. (Martinez Handout)

* Types of Papers Which May Be Appropriate: PPA 698 Masters Paper (Martinez Handout)

Anderson, Charles W., "The Place of Principles in Policy Analysis," American Political Science Review, Vol 73, 1979, pp.

Anderson, James E., Public Policymaking: An Introduction. 2nd Ed., Houghton Mifflin Co.,

Boston, 1994. ( On Reserve in CSUB Library )

Chapter 2:The Policymakers and Thier Enviroment

Chapter 3:Policy Formation: Problems, Agendas and Formulation

Chapter 7:Policy Impact, Evaluation and Change

Biller, Robert P., "Some Key Points in Drafting Policy and Administrative Recommendations," mimeo, n.p., University of Southern California, October 7, 1981.

Excerpts: pp. 3-5 and pp. 16-17.

Chandler, Ralph C. and Plano, Jack D., The Public Administration Dictionary, 2nd Ed.,

John Wiley & Sons, 1988.

Excerpts-- Decision Making: Incremental; Mixed Scanning; and Rational-Comprehensive

“California’s San JoaquinValley: A Region in Transition” Congressional Research Service

Report, 2005. Order CodeRL33184. (Summary, and Chapter 1, Introduction, pp. 13-30)

Dye, Thomas R., Understanding Public Policy. Englewood, New Jersey: Prentice -Hall, Inc.,

6th Edition, 1987.

Chapter 2:Models of Politics

Chapter 5:Poverty and Welfare: The Search For A Rational Strategy

Gramlich, Edward M., A Guide to BenefitCost Analysis. 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall: New Jersey, 1990.

Chapter 1:Introduction, pp. 1-8

Chapter 2:Objectives of Government Intervention in a Market Economy

Chapter 5:Excerpt , pp. 66-73 on : Valuation of B-C When "Markets Do Not Exist

- Loss of Life."

Guess, George M. and Paul G. Farnham, Cases in Public Policy Analysis. Langman: New York, 1989.

Chapter 1:Introduction to Policy Analysis

Chapter 5:Cost Effectiveness Analysis

Chapter 6: Benefit Cost Analysis

Kingdon, John W., Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policy. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1984.


Chapter 1: How Does an Idea's Time Come

Chapter 4:Processes: Origins, Rationality, Incrementalism & Garbage Cans

Chapter 5:Problems

Martinez, Thomas R., "Problem Analysis in Public Policy & Administration," a paper presented

at the 13th National Conference on Teaching Public Administration, Arizona State University, February 15-17, 1990, pp. 175-184.

Poister, Theodore H., Public Program Analysis: Applied Research Methods, Baltimore,

University Park Press, 1978.

Chapter 11:Excerpt, pp. 421-427, on: "Cost-Effectiveness Analysis."

Radin, Beryl A., “The Evolution of the Policy Analysis Field: From Conversation to Conversations,” Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, Volume 16, Number 2, Spring 1997.

Schrag, Peter,Paradise Lost: California’s Experience, America’s Future , The New York Press, 1998. Part I

Shafritz, Jay M. and Albert C. Hyde, Classics of Public Administration, 2nd ed., Chicago,

Dorsey Press, 1987.

Chapter 43:Purposes of Evaluation, by Carol H. Weiss, pp. 474-483.

Spector, Malcolm and John I. Kitsuse, Constructing Social Problems, Menlo Park, Cummings Publishing Company, 1987.

Chapter 1:Introduction

Stokey, Edith and Richard Zeckhauser, A Primer for Policy Analysis, W.W. Norton &

Company: New York, 1978. (On reserve in CSUB library).

Chapter 1:Thinking About Policy Choices, pp. 3-7.

Chapter 5:Queues

Chapter 9:Program Evaluation: Benefit-Cost Analysis

Zeckhauser, Richard, et al., Benefit Cost and Policy Analysis, Chicago, Aldine, 1974.

Chapter 22:Ten Practical Principles for Policy and Program Analysis, by Alain C. Enthoven, pp. 456-465.



(Books & Articles)

Bardach, Eugene, A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving, 2nd Edition, CQ Press, Washington, DC, 2005.

Benveniste, Guy, Mastering the Politics of Planning: Crafting Credible Plans and

Policies that Make a Difference, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1989.

Bobrow, Davis B., and John S. Dryzek, Policy Analysis by Design , University of Pittsburgh

Press, 1987.

Cochran, Clarke E. and Lawrence C. Mayer, T. R. Carr and N. Joseph Cayer, American Public

Policy: An Introduction . 5th Ed., St. Martin's Press, New York, 1996.

Dunn, William N., Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 2nd ed., 1994.

Kirlin, John J. and Donald R. Winkler, Editors, California Policy Choices , Volumes 19.

SacramentoPublicAffairsCenter, University of Southern California, 19841994.

Kruschke, Earl R., and Byron M. Jackson, The Public Policy Dictionary , ABC-CLIO, Santa

Barbara, California, 1987.

Marmor, Theodore R., Donald Wittman, and Thomas C. Heagy, "The Politics of Medical Care Inflation, "

Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spr. 1976,

pp. 69-84. ( Note: Although the health care data in this article is dated, read with a focus on general principles and for the "Theory of Imbalanced Political Interests -

Concentrated Versus Diffuse Benefits and Costs.")

Meltsner, Arnold J., "The Seven Deadly Sins of Policy Analysis," inKnowledge: Creation

Diffusion,Utilization. Vol. 7, No. 4, June 1986, pp. 367-381.

Nagel, Stuart S., Editor, Encyclopedia of Policy Studies , 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New

York,1994. ( a comprehensive collection of policy studies in a broad range of substantive policy areas.

Palumbo, Dennis and Rita Mae Kelley, Editors, Controversial Issues in Public Policy: Volumes 16 , Sage Publications, 1992.

Vol. 1:"Controvertial Issues in Enviromental Policy," K. Portney

Vol. 2: ""Energy Policy," A. Marcus

Vol. 3:""Social Welfare Policy," C. Chelf

Vol. 4:""Educational Policy," L. Bierlein

Vol. 5:""Health Care Policy," J. Kronenfeld

Vol. 6:""Economic Regulatory Policy," M. Whicker (not on reserve)

Plein, Christopher L., "Agenda Setting, Problem Definition, and Policy Studies," Policy Studies Journal ,

Vol. 22, No. 4, pp: 701-704, 1994. ( Review of: Baumgartner and Jones, 1993, and of Rochefort and Cobb, 1994. )

Rabin, Jack, and W. Bartley Hildreth and Gerald J. Miller, Editors, Handbook of Public

Administration , Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1989.

Chapter 6:Decision Making in Public Administration


7:Five Great Issues in Decision Making

12:A History of the Policy Sciences

13:Five Great Issues in Public Policy Analysis

Rappaport, Julian, "In Praise of Paradox," American Journal of Community Psychology. Vol. 9, 1981.

Sagoff, Mark, "Values and Preferences," Ethics: An International Journal of Social, Political,

and Legal Philosophy , Vol. 96, No. 2, pp: 301-316, 1986.

Seidman, Edward and Julian Rappaport, editors, Redefining Social Problems, New York, Plenum Press, 1986.

Solo, Robert A., and Charles W. Anderson, Editors, Value Judgement and Income Distribution ,

Praeger: New York, 1981.

Stone, Alan and Edward J. Harpham, editors, The Political Economy of Public Policy, Beverly

Hills, Sage Publications, 1982.

Chapter 6:Political Economy and Cost-Benefit Analysis: Problems of Bias, by Kenneth J. Meier, pp. 143-162.

Stiglitz, Joseph E., Economics of the Public Sector. 2nd ed., W.W. Norton & Company:

New York.

White, Louise G., "Policy Analysis as Discourse," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management ,

Vol. 13, No. 3, pp: 506-525, 1994.

Wholey, Joseph S., and Kathryn E. Newcomer, Improving Government Performance:Evaluation Strategies for Strengthening Public Agencies and Programs. Josseey-Bass Publications, 1989.

Wildavsky, Aaron, Speaking Truth to Power: The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis , Little,

Brown and Company, Boston 1979.


Other Selected References

Hayes-Bautista, David, The Burden of Support: Young Latinos in an Age-Ethnic Stratified Society , StanfordUniversity Press, 1988.

McWilliams, Carey, California: The Great Exception , The University of California Press,

Takaki, Ronald, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Little, Brown and Company, New York, 1993.

Hayes-Bautista, David E., La Nueva California: Latinos in the GoldenState,

University of California Press, 2004