FINAL EXAMPowerPoint Final Exam Review


Instructions: Complete the following PowerPoint tasks.

1. ___Create a new presentation using Normal View.

2. ___Personalize thefollowing informationto create the first three slides for your presentation:

3. ___Check the spelling of your presentation and switch to Normal view if necessary.

4. ___Apply the “Verve” Theme (underDesign) to your presentation.

5. ___Change the layout of slide 2 to TwoContent—All slides must have a title.

6. ___Insert a relevant clip art on slide 2.

7. ___Resize the clipart appropriately and add the “Wedge” entrance effect (Medium Speed) under custom animation.

8. ___Change the color of the font of the words “Where we live” topurple on slide 2 only.

9. ___Using the “Master Slide,” change all first level bullets to a smiley face (under customize and then wingdings)

10. ___Return to Normal View. On Slide 3, change the slide layout to TwoContent—All slides must have a title. Animate thebulleted text using the Checkerboard entrance effect so that the text appears all at once (not one line at a time) medium speed.

11. ___Add a relevant clip art to slide 3 and resize it appropriately.

12. ___Insert a new slide after slide 3 (layout = Title and Content). Using the SmartArt Graphics, create ahierarchy organization chartthat contains the followinginformation:

Your family name

At least three branches off the name (grandparents/parents/kids/made up people etc.)

13. ___Create a 5th slide Remember the 7 X 7 Rule Always have a title.

Summarize the role your family has or you would like to pretend it has had on history

14. ___On Slide 5 insert a clip art similar to the one shown here (I searched family).

15. ___Animate this pictureon Slide 5 using the Grow/Shrink emphasis effect.

16. ___Insert a Heart shape on the title slide and then color itred.

17. ___Reorder the slides so that Slide 5 that you created from Direction #13 above becomes Slide 2.

18. ___Change the background color of the slideWhere we Live.

19. ___Create a footer with your name to appear on all slides except the title slide.

20. ___Add slide numbers to appear on all slides except the title slide.

21. ___Create a header with YourName to appear on the Notes and Handouts pages.

22. ___Add the “Cover Right-Up” slide transition to all slides in the presentation. Hint: found on last row of “Push and Cover” section.

23. ___Set timings to 6 seconds and apply to all.

24. ___Set presentation to loop continuously.

25. ___Run your slideshow. Make any necessary adjustments. Resave.

26. ___Print the presentation to the LJ (F211) or Follow me (H305) printerusing handouts, 6 slides per page, black/white.

PowerPoint Final Exam Review