World History (Unit 6, #5) Name ______

Date ______Block ______

The Renaissance—Life in Florence

STATION 1: Trade in the Renaissance—Trace the growth of trade during the High Middle Ages and Renaissance

/ 1. Who did Italian merchants trade with during the High Middle Ages & Renaissance?
2. What “luxury” products did merchants bring to Italy?
3. How might the growth of trade in Europe help bring about the rise of the Renaissance in Italy?
STATION 2: Population Changes in the Renaissance—Use the data provided to chart the population changes in 3 Italian city-states / 1. Which city-state had the most people by 1600?
2. Which city-state had the largest population growth from 1300-1600?
3. What trend do all these Italian city-states have in common?
STATION 3: Classical, Middle Ages, &. Renaissance Art—Examine the chart and images provided to answer each question below / STATION 4: Architecture in the Renaissance—Carefully read the description of Il Duomo and answer they questions. Then as a team, follow the directions to construct a human dome.
1.  What is a “copula”?
2.  What contest did Brunelleschi win?
3. Why didn’t your human dome collapse?
4. Why didn’t Brunelleschi’s dome collapse?
Identify each as “Classical,” “Medieval,” or “Renaissance” (Each sentence may describe more than 1 style)
______1. Figures in art look perfect, realistic
______2. Art was used to teach people about the Catholic Church
______3. Gold was often the main color used
______4. Backgrounds were deep & used perspective to show distance
______5. Stain-glassed windows
______6. Did not show emotion
______7. Showed important people, not ordinary daily life
______8. Showed nudity
______9. Showed people moving
______10. Art showed religious themes
______11. Used light to show depth / Renaissance or Medieval Art?
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
STATION 5: Social Classes in the Renaissance—Examine the reading and complete the chart below
Who are the “grandi”?
Who are the “popolo grassi”?
Who is the “middle class”?
Who are the “working class”? / 1. Who are the “new rich” in Florence?
2. Which group (in your opinion) most deserves to rule over the people of Florence
3. How is the social structure during the Renaissance different from the social structure of the Middle Ages?
STATION 6: Middle Ages vs. Renaissance Outlook on Life—Read the information about Medieval & Renaissance attitudes. Next to the people shown, complete the sentences
STATION 7: Leonardo da Vinci—Leonardo was a great artist & inventor. Guess what each of inventions is. Confirm your answers by looking on the back (Remember, Leonardo wrote backwards!!)
A. What do you think it is? (Confirm your answer)
B. What do you think it is? (Confirm your answer)
C.  What do you think it is? (Confirm your answer)
In the space below, do a sketch of an invention that could be used to help kids study their textbook as they walk to class. / STATION 8: The Medici Family—Read the biography on the Medici Family and answer the questions below.
1. What gave the Medici Family so much power?
2. Why did helping Cossa turn out to be a great thing for the Medici family?
3. What did Cosimo encourage Giovanni to do with some of the Medici family’s money?
4. Why do you think Cosimo was considered the “Godfather of the Renaissance”?