Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance Committee Held

On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Pursuant to Notice Duly Given

  1. Meeting called to order at 5:10p.m. by Vice-Chairperson Feldt
  1. Roll Call: Darrell Anderson, Jean Feldt and Al Schreiber

Excused: Alderperson Reed, Alderperson Resch

Also Present: Alderperson Le Breck, Interim Fire Chief John Reed, Superintendent of Public Works Jeremy Wusterbarth, Mayor Bostedt, Sara Perrizo, Administrator Perrizo as Recording Secretary and other interested parties

  1. Approval of Agenda

Moved byAnderson, seconded bySchreiber to approve the agenda.M/C

  1. Approval of Minutes from the 9/1/15 meeting.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded byAnderson to approve the minutes as typed.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.3 ayes

  1. Correspondence/Public Appearances


  1. Discussion/Recommendation on:
  2. Invoice from KerberRose, S.C. for 2014 Audit Services in the Amount of $6,190

Perrizo explained that the majority of the invoice is for the single audit that was required for 2014 because the Airport received a federal grant. The remainder of the invoice is due to some work done for the utility and work done to track the City’s fixed assets. Schreiber asked if the Airport will be charged the fees for the single audit. Perrizo confirmed that they will. Mayor Bostedt asked if the total amount charged for the audit is over the normal amount. Perrizo stated that it is over the quoted amount by approximately $1,300.

Moved by Anderson, seconded by Schreiber to approve the invoice from KerberRose, S.C. in the amount of $6,190.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.3 ayes

  1. Approval of Bid from PHD Roof Doctors in the Amount of $50,540 for Roof Replacement on WWTP Sludge Storage Building

Wusterbarth stated that the budget for this project is $60,000. Four bids were received ranging from $50,540 to $126,660. PHD Roof Doctors was the low bid and they did the work on the Library roof, which we were happy with.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve the bid from PHD Roof Doctors in the amount of $50,540 for roof replacement on WWTP sludge storage building.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.3 ayes

  1. Approval of Invoice from Bruce Municipal Equipment, Inc. in the Amount of $4,008.13

Wusterbarth explained that this is for repairs to the vactor truck as the blower was worn out. A portion of the repairs will be paid for by the Public Works department because they use the truck for storm sewer cleaning.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve the invoice from Bruce Municipal Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $4,008.13.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.3 ayes

  1. Moved by Anderson, seconded bySchreiberto adjourn.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.3 ayes

Meeting adjourned at5:17p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Sara J. Perrizo, CPA
