Potomac Marlin’s Fall TEAM Travel Trip
Newport News VA. Nov. 14-16
The Marlins are planning to attendtheCoast Guard Blue Dolphin’s Meet in Newport News, VA. in November. This will be a “team travel” meet which means that all swimmers will travel on busses to and from the meet. We will stay in a hotel, go to and from the meet and eat meals as a team. A link to the meet announcement is available at the Marlin web site at the swim meet schedule section. This was an incredibly successful and exciting meet last year!! The Coaches STRONGLY urge ALL eligible swimmers to attend this meet.
Why?The coaches feel that we need to have the swimmers participate in this type of travel meet to help them prepare for travel experiences they will encounter later in their swimming careers. Trips to Zones, Sectionals, Nationals, high school travel and college swimming involves knowing what to do when you aren’t with your parents. All swimmers attending the meet will travel via the provided team transportation. Swimmers will stay with the team including all meals. Swimmers will attend the Friday session of the meet. You MAY NOT drive your swimmer to the pool after school on Friday.
Who?Due to the logistics involved with transportation, housing and meals, we are limiting the trip to no more than 100 swimmers. At this time the meet will be open to swimmers who qualified for 2014PVS Junior/Senior Champs or PVS Junior Olympics/Age Group Champs, short course or long course. If you went to Junior Olympics and have “aged up” you are still eligible to attend the meet. After our initial entry period has passed we may take additional swimmers to fill the busses and hotel rooms. If you do not have the qualifying times but are interested in attending, please mail an application and check to me by the dead line. If space is available, you will be notified.
How?The team will travel in motor coaches leaving from a central location to be decided on. We will be staying at the Marriott Hotel, Newport News at City Center. Swimmers will travel to and from meet sessions by bus with the coaches. There will be team activities in the hotel for swimmers when they are not attending meet sessions. All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will be provided by the team either through the hotel or outside catering. You will need to provide a lunch type meal for the bus ride to Newport News.
When?The team will leave midmorning on Friday Nov. 15. We will arrive in Newport News in time to check in to the hotel, have a snack and go to the Friday evening session of the meet. Tentative plans for Sunday have 13 and over swimmers leaving Newport News around 12 noon, arriving in Northern Virginia around 3.30. Twelve and unders have an afternoon session and will probably not return until 8.00 PM on Sunday.
How much??At this time we anticipate the cost of the trip to be about $325 per swimmer. This includes transportation to and from Newport News and all meet sessions, meals beginning Friday night through a meal for the bus ride home, hotel room and all coach’s fees. Trip cost may fluctuate up or down 10% based on number of swimmers attending.
What do I do next?Return theattached registration form and $100 deposit check to Coach Steve Ercolano by Monday Sept. 29. (postmark Sept.26 if you mail it). You may mail it or get it to me at Cub Run during morning or afternoon practice. DO NOT hand it to your coach, do not e mail the form, get the registration and check to Coach Steve by the dead line. We need the early commitment to better plan trip logistics as well as to see if we can open the trip to additional swimmers.
Questions?If you swim with Kevin Ahearn or Bill Marlin they can answer your questions about the trip because they have been planning this with me since August. General questions like “should my child do this?” can be directed to your primary coach. Any other questions can be directed to me at .
Potomac Marlins Fall Travel Trip
Registration Form
Swimmer(s) Name ______
Age ______Swimmer’s Coach ______
Parent Name ______
Best Phone number during the day ______
Email ______
If I could choose someone to room with it would be: ______or ______
Initial deposit is $100/swimmer, payable to Potomac Marlins.
Registration Form and check needs to be to Coach Steve Ercolano on Monday, Sept.29 or postmarked Sept. 29.
Steve Ercolano
14550 Battery Ridge Lane
Centreville, VA 20120