Wizards Place’s Aussies Purchaser Questionnaire

The following questionnaire is designed to help us determine if one of our Aussies is the right choice for you and which puppy would best be suited to your situation/purpose. Your answers will also help us give suggestions on raising your new puppy. If you need more room to answer questions just add on at the end of the questionnaire. Thank you for inquiring about one of our Aussies and for completing this form. Please feel free to ask us questions about our dogs and how we raise our puppies!





Please answer the following questions:

How did you learn about Wizards Place’s Aussies?
What is your primary reason for purchasing a puppy? (Choose as many choices as desired) / Companion:
Family dog:
Conformation dog:
Obedience dog:
Working dog (Ducks, sheep, cattle):
Tracking/search and rescue:
Other, please explain:
Have you previously owned an Aussie? Explain;
Is this your first puppy? If no, what breed of dog did/or do you own?
Are there any dogs or cats or other pets in your home at present? How many?
Do you have children? How many and what ages?
Do you have a fenced yard that is secure, or an area where your puppy can be safe and protected while you are gone?
Have you read any books on raising a puppy or training dogs?
Will you have your dog spayed or neutered?
Please comment on how you envision living with your new puppy?
How are you living?
/ in a city
on the country
other: (explain)
Are you living in
/ Apartment
Other; (Explain)
How much time can you spend each day on your puppy/dog?
Do you want a male or female?
Do you have a color preference? If so, wich? We place our puppy’s only according their character not by color
Are you interested in having a puppy in co-ownership with the breeder?

What do you want to know or tell us more?