Copper Valley Club, Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes for 3/20/2017

Board Members in Attendance: [Present, Absent,Virtual]

Shawna Baron / A / John Bate / P / Logan Brady / A / Paul Cahill / A
Wayne Eddy / P / Nicole Kaya / A / Marylee Kelly / P / Jeff Mahar / P
Karin Pasinski / P / Steve Prior / A / Rick Roberts / A / Steve Schneider / A

Ian - Guest

  1. Meeting Start:6:20pm

Motion to approve agenda of / 3/20 / : Moved by, 2nd by / Karin / , / Jeff / -approved
Motion to approve meeting minutes of / 3/2 / : Moved by, 2nd by / John / , / Wayne / -approved
  1. Update on past actions:
  2. Reviewed action tracker: No action
  1. Financial and Hiring Discussions:
  3. Insurance
  4. Property and Umbrella quotes being obtained. Should know within a week
  5. Worker’s Comp.
  6. Corrected paperwork to current situation. Approximately $1700 in savings for 2017
  7. Auditing 2016 with CT-941 forms submitted, Potential $500 savings
  8. Regional Water Company - Examining water bill for savings. May shift from yearly to Monthly/quarterly bills. Jeff/John/Ian working these costs
  9. Tax Filings – Jeff to follow up on status
  10. Pool and Tennis: getting quotes
  11. Pool - Meet with Savol. Series of quotes coming. Ian setting up meeting with Blue Wave
  12. Tennis – Wayne getting quotes from Putnam and Atlantic Tennis
  13. Phone and Internet: changing billing address. Rick to help get approval to change control of account
  14. Cintas - Rick sending Cintas cancellation.
  15. Hiring Update: Applications being submitted. Still looking for candidates
  16. Budget Review – Jeff submitted preliminary to board. Board Reviewing
  1. Membership/Revenue Generation:
  2. Memberships
  3. Membership Update – Added two new members so far
  1. Junior Membership- Discussed options. Tabled to next Board Meeting. Nish pushing and potential move to Membership to include Tennis and Swimming
  1. Cheshire Pizza and Ale Mixer: Great from Club social aspect. Didn’t get new members. Handed out prizes.
  2. Market Plan Discussion
  3. Action Item Review – Mary Lee and Karin to set up meeting for this Saturday March 25
  4. Flyers Distribution. Got two families from sports events sign-up. No signs allowed at Big Y. Passing out flyers at two businesses.
  5. Realtors
  6. Calcagni marketing meeting to occur on Monday 3/27 with Jeff.
  7. Coldwell Banker - Mary Lee supplied brochures to Gaye Barnett. She announced a joint program at her Tuesday Meeting. Jeff to Follow up. Also Doreen Duchette will supply to all new Home Owners announcement of Open House dates – Mary Lee to supply dates.
  8. Sally Bowman Real Estate – Mary Lee supplied flyers
  9. Marty Rauch Real Estate – Jeff to follow up. They are interested
  10. Others – No response from other Realtors Jeff to continue to follow up
  11. Social Media
  12. Southington Talk - Jeff and Mary Murphy added Southington Talk on Facebook.
  13. Patch - Looking into Cheshire Patch plus other surrounding towns
  14. Cheshire Herald - Examining Cheshire Herald ads section and possible articles from Greg Lederer
  15. Discussed briefly Twitter/Instagram/Snap Chat Options
  16. Jeff to work on GeoTrak for Copper Valley Club Location
  17. Next Board Meeting discuss how to use. We have a Twitter account already with only 4 followers
  18. Sport Teams Updates
  19. CYB/CYS –Registered for fund raiser. May 20 from 11AM-2PM.
  20. Cheshire Lacrosse – Wayne had potential buy-in for visit to club. Details to be discussed at Next Board Meeting. Potential to add to current Open House Dates.
  21. Next Steps and Plan
  22. 1/2 Marathon Update – April 30th
  23. Booth and Volunteers need to be assigned on next Board Meeting
  24. Dodd Open House
  25. Quick Discussion on
  26. GuestFees and Regulations Task Group: TabledJeff Responsible
  27. Corporate and Business Sponsorship Task Group: TabledJeff Responsible
  28. Wayne updated Wint’s List. Jeff has Kevin Murray’s old list. Meeting to be scheduled on Saturday March 25th
  1. Tennis:
  2. Wayne provided membership certificates to Wint Filipek
  3. Silent auction items
  4. Fund Raiser
  5. March 11th – Cardio Event at North Haven Health & Racquet: Made enough to replace ball hoppers.
  6. Planning April 29th Rocky Hill Cardio event. Wayne coordinating
  7. Filipek Tournament
  8. Nicoleto publish food plan for tournament
  9. Need to publish the event on the calendar, with rules on court availability.
  10. Wayne will plan to support breakfast egg sandwiches for 3 days
  11. Michael Filipek Camp:
  12. Wayne Supplied Marketing Plan for advertising
  13. Wayne to determine next steps in Payment. Contract?
  14. Nish is updating tennis page on CVC site. Still Open
  15. Nish looking at possible tennis assistants. Still Open, none supplied to CVC Info website
  1. Swim
  2. Swim Brochure: Jeff working with Kendra
  3. Pool Options
  4. Savol: Awaiting their input. Quotes coming
  5. Blue Wave: Working to get them to meet with us.
  6. Muscle Rehab by Kendra: Rick to research legalities.
  7. Number of Lifeguards applying increase. Still need more
  1. Operations
  2. Ian- Updated of Check List with Key Milestones to be reviewed by John
  3. Snack Bar – Need to a discussion on implementation next Board Meeting
  4. Nicole to help establish set-up and preparations plan. We need to have a plan.
  5. Dates to get club ready – Next Board Meeting Coordination with dates and resources to accomplish. Hire or volunteer key steps?
  6. April 15, 22, and 29 – Clean Up
  7. May 4 – Planting
  8. Need Dates for Pool Clean Up - John
  9. Need dates for Tennis and Pool Openings.
  1. Summary and Next Steps
  2. See above
  3. Next Meeting:
  4. Thursday, 3/30/176:00pm at Nuzzo-Roberts Meeting Room
  1. Motion to Adjourn:
  2. At 7:42PM Waynemoved –2ndby John– Approved

Motion to Adjourn at / 7:42 / PM Moved by, 2nd by / Wayne / , / John

Respectfully submitted

Jeff Mahar/john bate, Acting Secretaries

Paul Cahill, Secretary

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