Present:Eddie Griffith, Randy Wesolowski, Paul Smith, Jimmy (the Man) Jones, Cindy Wesolowski, Ric Buchanan, Bill Gallagher, Ed Nuneville, Ruth Nuneville, Cindy Warne, Jim Stueve

The meeting was called to order at 7:15

President’s Opening Remarks

  • Meeting opened with a welcome by President Eddie Griffith.

Recording Secretary – Minutes from October

  • Minutes from November meeting were presented. Minutes were unanimously approved (Jim, Paul).

Committee Reports

Board of Directors

  • The Board has not met since the last meeting.


  • Jimmy reported that a new member, Jamie Shank, has joined the Nest. Since he paid for a full year, the Nest agreed that he would be paid through the end of the next year (06/2012).


  • Cindy Warne will add info about meetups.com to the website since we have a presence on that site. She will also include the story about the boy from Pennsylvania that received a box of gifts from the Ravens that Eddie helped facilitate, including pictures sent by the boy’s teacher.
  • Cindy renewed the web site service for another year


  • We will have 2 raffles planned for this year – a helmet signed by Joe Flacco and Ray Rice, and a Ravens jersey signed by Michael Oher. Paul will purchase helmet (approved last meeting) and take helmet and jersey to the Ravens facility to get signed. We will do one raffle in the spring and the other in the fall.
  • Eddie mentioned that Great Moments is another option for fundraising. We could get supplies from them on consignment and pay for what was sold afterward.

Parking Lot

  • Eddie reported that there were no major issues with the lot this year, but there were a couple of incidents of disorderly conduct and littering.We agreed to send out a Code of Conduct with the parking applications next year.
  • Eddie indicated that he is looking for another person to take over the parking lot responsibilities next year. If anyone is interested, contact Eddie.

Chamber Report

  • Nothing to Report

Treasurer’s Report

  • Cindy presented the treasurer’s report for the month of December. She initially thought the insurance premium increased by $200, but later found out that it was the same as last year, as this was just the first installment.
  • There is still one scholarship remaining to be paid. We are awaiting documentation from the mother showing proof of enrollment. Ruth already emailed the person and will followup.
  • Pat O’Brien donated $100 for the Christmas gifts.
  • The report was also approved (motion – Paul, Jim) and is included below.

Beginning Balance 12/01/10 / 9,093.85
Nest Events-Xmas Party / 35.00
Parking Lot - OneDayPass / 123.00
Parking 50/50 / 100.00
Raffles - Income
50/50 Drawings / 50.00
Helmet Tickets / 0.00
Total Raffles - Income / 50.00
Total Income / 308.00
Away Game Raffle Payments / 50.00
General Liability Insurance / 154.00
Supplies / 10.59
Sharp Leadenhall Xmas Presents / 110.00
Nest Event-Xmas Party / 329.20
Scholarship Fund / 0.00
Total Expense / 653.79
Net change in cash / (345.79)
Ending Cash Balance 12/31/10 / 8,748.06
Sharp Leadenhall
Scholarships / (500.00)
Working balance / 8,248.06
Paypal Account Balance / 434.92
Community Fund Account Balance / 500.00
Total Cash / 9,182.98

Old Business

Nest #3 Christmas Party

  • Our party took place on 12/7 at 7:00 at Morgan’s. There were about 15 attendees. The food and holiday cheer was good, and the games and singing were fun.

Sharp Leadenhall Christmas Party

  • This event took place on 12/21 at the school. George Frye was Santa again and Sergio Kindle represented the Ravens (sore subject). Paul did a good job coordinating the event, and he thanked everyone who participated or purchased gifts for the children. Everyone said that it was a wonderful experience.

Away Game Party for the Ravens/Texans Game

  • Several of us met at Memories in Mt.Airy for this Monday Night game. Those who attended felt it was a good location for having away game parties and even monthly meetings in the future (see new business).

New Business

Porta Pot

  • Paul suggested that the Nest rent a Porta Pot for the parking lot for next season to reduce the public urination around the side of the school. After some discussion on the effectiveness of this solution, we agreed that Paul follow up with Jim Linde from the school to see if he would be willing to pay for some of the cost of this rental. Paul will report back at the next meeting.

Move Meeting Location to Memories

  • Eddie suggested that we consider moving the monthly meetings from Morgan’s to Memories since many of the attendees live closer to Mt Airy and its cheaper there. There was some concern expressed about Morgan’s willingness to let us use their restaurant for the scholarship event if we stop using it for monthly meetings. We agreed to try Memories for the February meeting and then decide which one to use going forward. Eddie will contact Morgan’s to cancel the meeting at that location for February.

Playoff Party at Jimmy the Man’s House

  • Jimmy the Man has volunteered to host a playoff party at his house for the Ravens/Chiefs Playoff game this Sunday. Jimmy will send a separate email with details, for those that are interested.

Player Appearance

  • Paul indicated that depending on how long the Ravens stay alive in the Playoffs, we may be able to get a player to appear at a Nest meeting in the near future. The Ravens indicated that Lardarius Webb would make an appearance, and Paul suggested that we plan to have a special meeting in 2 weeks at Morgan’s so that the Ravens would (possibly) still be in the area. Paul will follow up with the Ravens and let us know.

Scholarship Event

  • We agreed to have the scholarship event at Morgan’s on May 15, if its available. Eddie will confirm the date with Morgan’s.

Polar Bear Plunge

  • The Polar Bear Plungefest is scheduled for 1/29 this year, for anyone interested in taking the plunge for charity.

50/50 Drawing

  • Jim Stueve won the 50/50 - $25.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00. Next meeting is on February 1 at 7:00 at Memories in Mt Airy (note new location). We may also have a special player appearance meeting in 2 weeks if the Ravens are still alive.

Minutes respectfully recorded by Randy Wesolowski.