BBCC Summer Club!
Post-Secondary Exploration/Transitions
CLUB DATES: July 10 – July 28 (3 weeks)
Monday – Thursday (8:30am – 12:30pm)
48 total hours of instruction (non- college credit) and fun!
FOCUS: Students between the ages of 16 – 21 on health plans, 504 plans, or IEP plans – do not need to be registered with DVR to participate. Students must attend Secondary School or be enrolled in a Post-Secondary (college) program.
The focus will be on the Transition to College, enriching students’ learning experience, providing networking and skill building opportunities, and College Success Skills. All instruction will take place on the campus of Big Bend Community College – to support the experience of an actual classroom setting and familiarity of a college campus. CLUB participants will become a part of the BBCC Campus throughout their experience in this CLUB.
Class time and activities may include:
Career Interest Surveys – Goal Setting, Myers-Briggs/Career Coach
College Choice and Selection – Financial Literacy for college, College Comparison Research (College Navigator/ONET.)
Campus Exploration – BBCC Student ID, Campus Tours, Mock Registration, In Class BBCC Experience, Mentoring Opportunities with current student leaders, Transportation information, and Group Reflection Activities. We may even take a bus ride on our GTAone day!
College Success Skills – Communications, Relationship Building, Persevering, Time Management, Reflection Activities, Leadership, Diversity, and Academic Success Strategies.
Motivational and Educational Speakers – Dream Big/Think Big, Persevering, Being a change agent.
Workbook: Your College Experience 12 Edition (Concise Edition)
You can also go to: check out more Summer Club info!
It is required that students attend at least 75% of all scheduled classes. If a student is unable to attend for one day… supplemental activities will be required for that student to complete, in order to continue their participation in the program.
Credit Retrieval May Be Available!
(Potential for credit retrieval with other school districts still pending.)
Credit Retrieval for MLSD: MLSD will allow 0.5 elective credit for any student willing to meet a few additional stipulations.
As high school credits are at least loosely tied to a quantity of time, 90 hours per half credit, we would ask that the students interested declare their desire for the credit by the end of their first day by emailing Mark Harris, Moses Lake High School Principal specifically.
Their additional task will be simple, they will be asked to send a daily email throughout the 3-week course.The first would be a declaration of seeking the credit. After that, a format and additional prompts will be givento respond to.
In a general sense, there will be daily reflectionsgiving feedback on each day's experiences. Each day it will be requiredthat the email is timestamped the day of each class, except Thursdays. Thursday’s email will be a week summary and day reflection. As it is longer and weekend connected, it can be time stamped Thursday-Sunday.
Program Requirements of each participant:
I am responsible for my own transportation to Big Bend Community College for Summer Club. (Stipends may be available for those living 20 miles or more from the BBCC campus. Transportation may be coordinated through various school districts)
I am responsible for my own lunch/snacks, with the exception of scheduled snacks/lunches by Summer Club.
I can independently care formy own personal needs and medication management.
I can demonstrate independence, motivation, and stability at all times.
I have a record of satisfactory attendance at previous schools.
I have the desire and motivation to participate in, learn, and benefit from a college experience through the Summer Club.
□I want and choose to participate in BBCC Summer Club from July 10th to July28th. I will commit to being at the BBCC campus, on time,every day for every class and activity planned. If I cannot make a day, I will connect with my team in order to complete all supplemental assignments to make up for days absent.
It is important to consider these guidelines when applying for this Summer Camp Program.
There are only 50 seats available… so sign up TODAY!
“This project is made possible by the Washington State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.”
If questions please contact:
Beth S. Laszlo or Jordan Shipley