
JobTitle: / Assistant Principal (Teaching, Learning &Data)
Salary: / L8-L12 on FCAT’s Leadership Pay Scale as agreedon appointment
(currently £46,799-£51,639 perannum)
Responsibleto: / Head ofSchool
Date of JobDescription: / January2018
Primary Purpose of theRole:
Securing in consultation with the rest of the senior leadership team outstanding education from its opening for all young people at Armfield Academy, ensuring consistently high expectations of students and outcomes, which improve year onyear.
Working as part of the senior leadership team to ensure a purposeful, positive and disciplined culture and ethos, which ensures a safe and stable population with strong progress and attainment outcomes for students. Thereby, ensuring a high quality education for allstudents.
Ensuring the key elements of progress and achievement, quality of teaching, behaviour and safety and leadership are all of a very highstandard.
Working in association with the Head of School overseeing, as appropriate to this role, staffing and resource management to ensure the school is financially secure and operating within budget.
  • In carrying out their duties, all senior post holders will be required to implement the policies of the Fylde Coast Academy Trust and the AcademyCouncil.
  • Strategic and operational leadership of teaching and learning including T&L development, self-evaluation of T&L, Sharing Good Practice, Appraisal and Staff Development. Strategic and operational leadership of all CPD activities within the academy, including both support staff, teachers and leaders in an inclusive and engaging programme of CPD activities. Strategic overview (with the Head of School) and operational leadership or teacher and support staffappraisal.
  • Strategic and operational leadership of all aspects of assessment within the all through academy, in particular ensuring that relevant, accurate and timely data is collected at appropriate points throughout theyear.

  • To fulfil requirements of a classroom teacher to Core and Post Thresholdstandards
  • To work as a full member of the Senior LeadershipTeam.
  • To share a common vision for the academy and participate in the academy’s operational planning andimplementation;
  • To undertake specific professional responsibilities and duties which help provide professional leadership and management of staff within theacademy.
  • To assist in, and to have the opportunity to lead in, the forward-planning and smooth running of the academy, through attendance at regular Senior Leadership Team meetings.
  • To be responsible, with other members of the SLT, for creating a rational, just and firm sense of order within the academy by consistently reaffirming and enforcing core values everyday.
  • To be responsible, with other members of the SLT, for ensuring that the very highest standards of behaviour for learning are evident from all students at alltimes;
  • To ensure that the character and reputation of the academy is highly regarded and maintained.
  • To encourage staff and students, by personal example, to participate in all aspects of academylife.
  • To attend all meetings relevant to the post and to update the Head of School and Academy Council asrequired.
  • To pro-actively support other academies within the Fylde Coast Academy Trust as considered necessary or asrequired.
  • To carry out efficiently and effectively specific administrative and organisational tasks allocated to therole.
  • To maintain and further develop high standards of Teaching & Learning within the academy, through regular monitoring and coaching and by personalexample.
  • To play an active part in the development of the academy improvement plan including taking overall strategic lead for aspects of theplan.
  • Monitor, evaluate and report on the effectiveness of data with regard to students’ progress.
  • Ensure accurate and up to date records are kept on studentprogress.
  • Responsible for the quality assurance of reports to parents and the accuracy of informationprovided.
  • To monitor academy performance againsttargets.
  • Ensure the progress of each individual student is effectively tracked and appropriate intervention isdelivered.
  • To perform the duties of Performance Management Reviewer for identified support staff andteachers:
o Reviewing annually the performance of these support staff and teachers and

Specific Duties andResponsibilities:
Outcomes forstudents
  • Ensure that high expectations prevail with high standards of achievement across all key stages and for alllearners.
  • Plan, implement and evaluate strategies where improvement needs areidentified.
  • Monitor, evaluate and report on the effectiveness of teaching with regard tostudents’ progress.
  • To monitor academy performance againsttargets.
  • Ensure the progress of each individual student is effectively planned for and appropriate intervention isdelivered.
  • To oversee the quality of intervention teaching to ensure that it has an impact on student outcomes.
  • Lead on the provision of CPD across the academy to ensure all staff acquire and retain appropriate skills to contribute effectively to delivering outstanding outcomes forstudents.
Teaching andLearning
  • Write and implement sections of the Academy Improvement Plan relating to teaching and learning andCPD.
  • Sustain personal expertise and act as a role model of good/outstanding classroom practice, modelling effective strategies and sharing these with other teachers as appropriate.
  • Lead on the provision of teaching and learning across the academy to ensure staff acquire and retain appropriate skills to deliver outstanding lessons and become (or remain) outstanding practitioners in their subjectareas.
  • Develop and deliver strategies across the academy in order to ensure that the academy continues to meet the varied needs of the students entering the school, both at individual and whole academylevel.
  • Develop, deliver and constantly evaluate an effective self-evaluation program for teaching and learning across theacademy.
  • Leadonensuringthatinnovativeandhighlyeffectiveteachingandlearningisevident

daily within theacademy.

  • Monitor the delivery of teaching across the academy for both quality andeffectiveness.
  • Provide meaningful and timely data to SLT, Academy Council and FCAT as necessary about the quality of teaching andCPD.
  • Lead, develop and enhance the practice of all staff within theacademy.
  • Lead and monitor homework within theacademy.
  • Ensure the schools’ lesson observation strategy is properly implemented, documented and achieves the strategicgoals.
  • Ensure the professional development and INSET provision for staff is properly related to the requirements of the school and theindividual.
  • Ensure that marking and feedback and lesson planning leads to positive outcomes for students.

Leadership andManagement

  • Lead the appraisal process for teaching staff and support staff ensuring that improving teaching and learning remains at the heart of the appraisalprocess.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of teaching and commence support where required in line with the academy competencypolicy.
  • Responsible for highly effective Leadership and Management of teaching andlearning.
  • Responsible for creating a learning culture within the academy that encourages students to define, desire, demand and deliversuccess.
  • Responsibility for implementation, monitoring, self-evaluation and review of Academy policy and procedures relating to Teaching and Learning andCPD.
  • Responsible for highly effective Leadership and Management of heads of faculty, phase leads or house leaders asappropriate.
  • Responsible for the strategic leadership of the post holders current area ofresponsibility
  • Provide the Academy Council, Head of School or other designated leadership post- holders, with relevant performance information asappropriate.
  • Provide the Academy Council, Head of School or other designated leadership post- holders, with relevant commentary to support the impact of the work we are doing in raising studentoutcomes.
  • Chair meetings of middle leaders whereappropriate.
  • Ensure that teaching and learning at Armfield Academy is highly innovative andeffective.
  • Ensure that an appropriate CPD plan is produced annually and that all staff are actively participating in their own professionaldevelopment.
  • To attend and represent the interests of the academy at the FCAT Teaching and Learning/CPDQIG
  • Lead and develop the use of self-reflection across theacademy.
  • Take a lead role in the organisation of all internal CPD events within theacademy.

Behaviour andSafety

  • Work constructively with all relevant staff within the academy to promote the integral link between effective teaching and learning and excellent student conduct (behaviour for learning).
  • To be responsible, with other members of the SLT, for creating a rational, just and firm sense of order within the academy by consistently reaffirming and enforcing core values
As a member of the Senior Leadership Team you will be responsible, with others, for ensuringall academy progress and attainment targets are met eachyear.
  • Accountable for the standards of achievement (attainment and progress) of allstudents.
  • Ensure that appraisal arrangements are executedappropriately.
  • Accountable for the effective implementation of relevant sections of the academyplan.
  • Accountable for the quality of teaching and learning across theacademy.
  • Accountable for the quality of CPD and ensuring staff engage withCPD.
  • Accountable for the production of teaching and learning/CPDdata.
  • Accountable for the standards within the curriculum areas or phases the post holder line manages.
  • Accountable for the self-evaluation of teaching and subsequent actions arising fromthis.
  • Accountable for the smooth running of the appraisalprocess.
  • Accountable for ensuring the capability policy is updated and invoked wherenecessary.

The above represents a broad outline of the specific duties and responsibilities currently attached to the role of Assistant Principal (Teaching, Learning & Data). Depending on the needs of the academy, these may be altered from time to time in consultation with the Head of School or ExecutivePrincipal.

Person Specification – Assistant Principal (Teaching, Learning andData)

Essential requirements (E) are those without which an applicant will not be considered for appointment. Desirable requirements (D), whilst desired, a candidate will still be considered for appointment withoutthese.

Personal attributes required based on JobDescription / E/D
1.Qualified TeacherStatus.
2.Qualified to degreelevel.
3.Relevant post-graduate qualification in education ormanagement.
4.Successful completion of an appropriate leadership qualification or actively working towards one e.g. NPQSL, NPQML, Leading from theMiddle. / E E D E
1.Recent experience as a middle or seniorleader.
2.Experience of success in an all-throughsetting.
3.Trackrecordofdeliveringandsustainingprogressiveimprovementsin achievement through quality of teaching andlearning.
4.Experience of raising studentattainment.
5.Experience of successful and robust budgetmanagement.
6.Experience of working in a multi-academy trustenvironment.
7.Has led teams of otherssuccessfully.
8.Demonstrable track record of outstanding classroompractice.
9.Has experience of managing staff performanceeffectively.
10.Shows an awareness of whole schoolissues.
11.Experience of successfully initiating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating developments to improve the quality of teaching andlearning.
12.Can use data systems effectively to raise standards andoutcomes.
13.Experience of contributing to whole school strategic planning at a seniorlevel.
14.Experience of delivering high qualityCPD. / E D E E E E D E E E E E
Knowledge andUnderstanding
1.Detailed knowledge of current accountability measures at all keystages.
2.Full knowledge of the current Ofstedframework.
3.Excellent knowledge and understanding of strategies to improve the quality of teaching and learning across all key stages for alllearners.
4.Up to date knowledge of the principles ofsafeguarding.
5.Excellent knowledge of the principles of coaching to improve teaching at alllevels.
6.Knowledge of effective self-evaluation systems for Teaching andLearning.
7.Knowledge of effective data management systems (e.g.SISRA) / E E E
Skills andAbilities
1.Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with the ability to negotiate and consult tactfully and effectively; to achieve desirableoutcomes.
2.Strong ability to present to a wide range ofaudiences.
3.Excellent ability to make well-judged decisions based upon accurate analysis and interpretation of appropriate data orinformation.
4.High level pro-active and creative thinking to anticipate issues, address problems and pursueopportunities.
5.Strong resilience and mental toughness to operate in a challengingenvironment.
6.Readiness to seek and respond to advice andguidance.
7.Excellent collaborative working skills to perform effectively as part of the wider team of the Fylde Coast AcademyTrust.
8.Expert and robust people management and leadership skills, to lead byexample.
9.Determination to promote equality of opportunity throughout all aspects of academylife.
10.Ability to set, expect and monitor excellentstandards.
11.Strong ability and drive to achieve challenging personal and organisationalgoals.
12.Positive outlook, flexible, a team player andleader. / E
1. Evidence of having undertaken recent and relevant continuous professional development and to demonstrate the impact of this in workpractice. / E