Kosmas PAVLOPOULOS (Ph.D), geologist-geomorphologist, Associate Professor in Geomorphology and Chairman of the International Working Group on Geoarchaeology (IAG) 2009-2013. He has experience in geological, geomorphological and geoarchaeological research projects (1988-2009). He has participated in more than forties research projects founded by the E.U and greek and foreign Universities. He has published more than eighty scientific papers in Greek and International scientific journals and participated in more than sixty five, International and Greek Conferences. Since 2000, he has been teaching in the Department of Geography, the courses of Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Climatology and Hydrology, Coastal Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology and Oceanography.
Post Doc training and seminars :
Ø Seminars of laboratorial trials soil and rock mechanics, in the Department of Geotechnical Mechanics of Central Laboratory of Public Work, from January until March 1990, Athens.
Ø Post Doc, training in mechanic and chemical laboratorial analyses of soil samples for geo-ecological and environmental researches, in laboratory of Physical Geography, Institute of Geography of University of Vienna, November 1995, Vienna, Austria.
Ø Post Doc training, “Measurement of in heavy metals in drinking and surface water”, with regard to the specifications and chemical analyses of quality of surface waters. TECHWARE, UETP, University of Ioannina. May 1997, Ioannina.
Ø Academic further training (sabbatical) for six months, from September 2006 until February 2007, in the University of Lyon-2, in the Department of Geography (GHHAT) and more specifically in the Laboratory of Geography and Environment of Rhone (LRGE) after invitation of his Director, professor Jean Paul Bravard. Concretely were developed analytic techniques in core samples by region of research in Greece (laser granulometric analysis, heavy metals, C14 dating). At the same time existed active attendance in the analysis of stratigraphical sections in fluvial deposit (regions Valence Montelimar) and slope deposit (regions Boulc, Vercore), with inquiring objective the analysis of dynamics and change of systems from the last centuries until the last glacial period. Active attendance existed also on issues management of environment and sustainable management of rivers and lacustrine systems. At the same time I taught in postgraduate level in the Department of Geography (GHHAT) University Lyon2, Master2 titled “Interfaces nature-socities”.
ü "Attic landscape and environment", 1988-89 (Sponsor: Ministry of Culture, Project Coordinator: Zamani A.).
ü "Study of the mineral springs at Thermi, Lesvos, property of TSAI", 1992 (Sponsor: TSAI, Project Coordinator: Zamani A.)
ü "Hydrogeological study for irrigation in the area of Nea Liosia Municipality", 1993 (Sponsor: Nea Liosia Municipality, Project Coordinator: Pavlopoulos K.)
ü 'GEO-HYDRO Managment of Water Resources , Environmental protection' ÅPET1 (Sponsor: GSRT - K.I. Sarantopoulos S.A., Project Coordinator: Apostolopoulos G.), 1994- 1995.
ü "Study for irrigation in the area of Nenitouria Municipality, Chios island"(Sponsor: Nenitouria Municipality, Project Coordinator Pavlopoulos K.),
ü "The causes of the expected rise of the sea level during the following decades on the low coast of Greece", 1993-95 (Sponsor: GSRT, Project Coordinator: Zamani A.).
ü «Final geological study of the dam of Mili Fthiotidos», Sponsor:Municipality of Mili.
ü “Hydrogeological study of Chania” Sponsor: Ministry of Agriculture. 1998
ü “Management and improvement of the aquatic potential of the environmental sensitization Park Antonis Tritsis” Sponsor: Municipalities of Western Attica. 2003-2006.
ü Programme MALRHO, Marqueurs des lignes de rivage Holocènes (Adriatique et Mer Egée) - (2004-2008). Programme financé par la Commission des Fouilles du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et le programme EGIDE du CNRS. Responsable: Rémi Dalongeville (2004) et Eric Fouache (2005).
ü Programme l’eau à Délos. Programme financé par l’École Française d’Athènes et dirigé par Michèle Brunet (1999-2005).
ü Programme «Attique – GEHIPAT (2005-2007), Géographie Historique des paysages de l’Attique.» financé par CNRS et ANR Responsable: Roland Etienne et Eric Fouache.
ü Research project “Lafrouda Project” 2004-2008, Sponsor: INSTAP Project Coordinator, Prof N. Efstratiou.
ü Research project «ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΙΙ» 2005-2007 titled “Study of effect of biogeochemical conditions of sedimentation in the constitution and exoscopy of the sediments of Aegean Seas using electronic microscope sweep”, financier the Ministry of Education and Project coordinator Kosmas Pavlopoulos.
ü Research project ‘Geophysical and Geoarchaeological project at Priniatikos Pyrgos and within the Istro area, Mirabello, Eastern Crete’ that was financed by Institute of Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP) and is executed in collaboration with University of Pennsylvanian Museum, the Laboratory of Dimokritos, the Centre of Mediterranean researches Crete. Project coordinator, I. Mpasiakos, - Barbara Hayden (University of Pennsylvanian Museum), 2004-2007.
ü Programme «Projet de carottages et des prospections geophysique sur le littoral du port Sacré de Délos», in collaboration with EFA, Universite Paris XII, NTUA, 2007-2008. Project coordinator R. Ettiene and S. Desruelles.
ü Research program “The study of the coastline development of Ifaisteia and in Saltmarsh in the island of Limnos the last 6000 years”, in collaboration with the Italian Archaeological School, Universite ParisXII, AUTH, 2007-2009. Project coordinator, E. Fouache, E.Greco.
ü Research program ΕΝΤΕR, titled “Benefit of data for the estimation of seismic Hazards with palaeoseismological and geomorphological methods”, financed by GSRT, 2007-2008. Project Coordinator K. Pavlopoulos.
ü IGCP Project 534 "Reconstruction of the past coastal environments by means of geomorphology and geoarcheology: management through geosites and virtual itineraries", Leaders: Marta Pappalardo (Italy), Florina Grecu (Romania), χρηματοδότης UNESCO, 2007-2011. http://www.dst.unipi.it/igcp_recoast/partecipants.htm.
ü IGCP Project 567 "Archaeoseismology along the Alpine-Himalayan seismic zone”, Leaders: Manuel Sintubin, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, Iain Stewart, University of Plymouth, U.K., Tina Niemi, University of Missouri-Kansas City, U.S.A., Erhan Altunel, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Turkey, χρηματοδότης UNESCO, 2008-2012. http://ees.kuleuven.be/igcp567/news/index.html
ü Research program “Ground deformation mapping in Ilia Prefecture using persistent scatterers interferometry technique from space radars data”. Financing by I. Latsis Foundation, Project coordinator Ι. Parcharidis (2008-2009).
1. PAVLOPOULOS K., MAROUKIAN H., ZAMANI A., 1993. "Coastal Retreat in the Plain of Marathon (East Attica) Greece: Cause and Effects" Geologica Balcanika, 23(2), 67-71, 1993.
2. PAVLOPOULOS K., MAROUKIAN H., 1997. “Geomorphic and morphotectonic Observations in the drainage network of Kakotopia Stream, North East Attica, Greece”, Geologica Balcanika vol. 27 no 3-4 pp.55-60, 1998.
3. CANDY A., KORTEKAAS S., DEWEZ T., STEWART I., COLLINS P., CROUDACE I., MAROUKIAN H., PAPANASTASSSIOU D., GAKI-PAPANASTASSIOU K., PAVLOPOULOS K., DAWSON A.G., 2000. “Coastal wetlands as recorders of earthquake subsidence in the Aegean: a case srudy of the 1894 Gulf of Atalandi earthquakes, central Greece.” Marine Geology 170, pp.3-26.
4. Pavlopoulos, K., Karkanas, P., Triantaphylloy, M. AND Karymbalis, E., 2003. “Climate and sea level changes recorded in coastal plain of Marathon, Greece”. In Fouache (Ed.), The Mediterranean World Environment and History. Elsevier Paris, 453-465.
5. TRIANTAPHYLLOY M., PAVLOPOULOS K., TSOUROU TH. & DERMITZAKIS M. 2003. “Brackish marsh benthic microfauna and paleoenvironmental changes during the last 6000 years on the coastal plain of Marathon (SE Greece)”, Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, vol. 109, n. 3, pp. 539-547.
6. BRUNET M. DESRUELLES S., COSANDEY C., FOUACHE E., PAVLOPOULOS K., SIARD H., 2003. «L’eau de Délos», BCH (Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique) vol.127, pp.516-522.
7. DESRUELLES S., FOUACHE E., PAVLOPOULOS K., DALONGEVILLE R., PEULVAST J.P., COQUINOT Y., et POTDEVIN J-L.2004.«Beachrocks et variations recentes de la ligne de rivage en Mer Egee dans l ensemble insulaire Mykonos-Delos-Rhenee (Cyclades, Grece).». Geomorphologie 1,2004, p.5-18.
8. Maroukian H., Gaki-Papanastassiou k., pavlopoulos k., sabot v. 2004. «The assumed future sea level rise as a natural hazard threatenig the coastlines of continental Greece». Annales Geologiques des Pays Helleniques, v.40, pp. 69-82.
9. ADERIDAN A., Parcharidis I., Poscolieri M., Pavlopoulos K. 2004. «Computer-assisted discrimination of morphological units on north-central Crete (Greece) by applying multivariate statistics to local relief gradients”. Geomophology 58, pp.357-370.
10. FOUACHE E., DESRUELLES S., PAVLOPOULOS K.,DALONGEVILLE R., PEULVAST J-P, POTDEVIN J-L. 2005. ‘Using beachrocks as sea level indicators in the insular group of Mykonos, Delos and Rhenia (Cyclades, Greece)’.”ΙN Fouache E. and Pavlopoulos K. (Ed.) Z.Geomorphoph. N. F. Suppl. Vol.137 pp.37-43.
11. Palyvos, N., Pantosti, D., DeMartini, P. M., Lemeille, F., Sorel, D., Pavlopoulos, K, (2005), The Aigion-Neos Erineos normal fault system (Western Corinth Gulf Rift, Greece): Geomorphological signature, recent earthquake history and induced coastal changes during the Holocene, Journal of Geophysical Research,v.110pp.1-15.
12. theodorakopoulou k. , pavlopoulos k., tsourou t., triantaphyllou m., kouli k., vandarakis d., bassiakos y., hyden b. (2005). ‘Coastal changes and human activities at Istron-Kalo Chorio (NE Crete, Greece) during the Upper Holocene.’ Revista de Geomorfologie, v.7, pp. 21-31.
13. Pavlopoulos, K. Karkanas, P., Triantaphyllou, M., Karymbalis, E., Tsourou, Th., and Palyvos, N. 2006. Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the coastal plain of Marathon, Greece, during the Late Holocene: Deposition environment, climate and sea-level changes. Journal of Coastal Research v. 22, n.2, pp. 424-438.
14. kalpaxis Th., ATHANASSAS K., BASSIAKOS I., BRENNAN T., HAYDEN B., NODAROU E., PAVLOPOULOS K. and SARRIS A. 2006. “Preliminary results of the Istron, Mirabello, geophysical and geoarchaeological project, 2002-2004”, The Annual of the British School at Athens, vol 101, pp. 131-181.
15. PAVLOPOULOS K., TRIANTAPHYLLOU M., KARYMBALIS E., KARKANAS P., KOULI K., TSOUROU Th. 2007. “Landscape evolution recorded in the embayment of Palamari (Skyros Island, Greece) from the beginning of the Bronze Age until recent times”. Geomorphologie vol. 1/2007, pp. 37-48.
16. PAVLOPOULOS K., THEODORAKOPOULOU K., BASSIAKOS I., HAYDEN B., TSOUROU Th., TRIANTAPHYLLOU M., KOULI K., VANDARAKIS D. 2007. “Paleoenvironmental evolution of Istron (N.E Crete), during the last 6000 years: depositional environment, climate and sea level changes”. Geodynamica Acta 20/4 (2007), pp.219-229.
17. DESRUELLES S., FOUACHE E., DALONGEVILLE R., PAVLOPOULOS K., PEULVAST J.P., COQUINOT Y., POTDEVIN J.L., HASENOHR C., BRUNET M., MATHIEU R., NICOT E. 2007. “Sea-level changes and shoreline reconstruction in the ancient city of Delos (Cyclades, Greece) Geodynamica Acta 20/4 (2007), pp.231-239.
18. COUCHOT C., FOUACHE E., PAVLOPOULOS K., JOVANOVSKI M. 2007. “Early Holocene environment in a subsiding balkanic graben (Skopje, FYROM): The case of tumba Madzhari (5800-5300 BC)” Geodynamica Acta 20/4 (2007), pp.267-274.
19. DALONGEVILLE R., DESRUELLES S., FOUACHE E., HASENOHR C., PAVLOPOULOS K. 2007. «Hausse relative du niveau marin a Delos (Cyclades, Grece): rythme et effets sur les paysages littoraux de la ville helenistique». Mediterranee vol 108 (2007), pp. 17-28.
20. Theodore Kanellopoulos, Vasilios Kapsimalis, Serafim Poulos, Michael Angelidis, Aristomenis Karageorgis, Kosmas Pavlopoulos 2008. «The influence of the Evros River on the recent sedimentation of the inner shelf of the NE Aegean Sea». Environmental Geology 53 (2008), pp. 1455-1464.
21. N. Palyvos, F. Lemeille, D. Sorel, D. Pantosti, K. Pavlopoulos, 2008. «Geomorphic and biological indicators of paleoseismicity and Ηolocene uplift rate at a coastal normal fault footwall (western Corinth Gulf, Greece)». Geomorphology 96 (2008), pp.16-38.
22. Albert J. Ammerman, Nikos Efstratiou, Maria Ntinou, Kosmas Pavlopoulos, Roberto Gabrielli, Kenneth D. Thomas & Marcello A. Mannino 2008. «Finding the early Neolithic in AegeanThrace: the use of cores», Antiquity,v. 82 (2008), pp.139-150.
23. H. Maroukian, K. Gaki-Papanastassiou, E. Karymbalis, K. Vouvalidis, K. Pavlopoulos, D. Papanastassiou, K. Albanakis 2008. «Morphotectonic control on drainage network evolution in the Perachora Peninsula, Greece». Geomorphology, v.102, pp.81-92.
24. KATERINA KOULI, MARIA TRIANTAPHYLLOU, KOSMAS PAVLOPOULOS, THEODORA TSOUROU, PANAGIOTIS KARKANAS, MICHAEL DERMITZAKIS 2009. “Palynological investigation of Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the coastal plain of Marathon (Attica, Greece)”, Geobios v. 42, pp. 43-51.
25. S. DESRUELLES, E. FOUACHE, A. ÇINER, R. DALONGEVILLE, K. PAVLOPOULOS, E. KOSUN, Y. COQUINOT, J.L. POTDEVIN 2008. "Beachrocks and sea level changes since Middle 1 Holocene: comparison between the insular group of Mykonos-Delos-Rhenia (Cyclades, Greece) and the southern coast of Turkey". Global and Planetary Changes (submitted, accepted).
26. J.L. PENA-MONNE, M. DE DAPPER, A. CONSTANTE, B. DE VIEGHER and Κ. PAVLOPOULOS 2008. “El sistema de poljes de la region de Dystos-Almyropotamos (Isla de Eubea, grecia): Cartografia y evolucion geomorfologica”, Geographicalia, v.53, pp.143-161.
27. THEODORAKOPOULOU K., PAVLOPOULOS K., ΤRIANTAPHYLLOY M., BASSIAKOS Y., ZACHARIAS N., HAYDEN B., TSOUROU T., VANDARAKIS D. 2009. “Geoarchaeological studies in the coastal area of Istron-Kalo Chorio (gulf of Mirabello- Eastern Crete): landscape evolution and paleoenvironmental reconstruction”. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, v.53, suppl. 1, pp. 55-70.
28. KAPSIMALIS V., PAVLOPOULOS K., PANAGIOTOPOULOS I., DRAKOPOULOU P., VANDARAKIS D., SAKELLARIOU D., ANAGNOSTOU CH. 2009. “Geoarchaeological challenges on the Cyclades shelf (Aegean sea)”. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, v.53, suppl. 1, pp. 169-190.
29. PARCHARIDIS I., PAVLOPOULOS K., POSCOLIERI M., KOURKOULI P. 2009. “Using time series of satellite Earth’s observation data to determine geomorphological and paleogeographical changes at the South eastern coastal areas of Gokceada (Imvros) island (Turkey)”. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, v.53, suppl. 1, pp. 139-149.
30. K. Vouvalidis, G. Syrides, K. Pavlopoulos, M. Papakonstantinou, P. Tsourlos. 2010. “Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in Agia Paraskevi prehistoric settlement, Lamia, Central Greece”. Quaternary International (In press).
31. K. Pavlopoulos, M. Triantaphyllou, P. Karkanas, K. Kouli, G. Syrides, K. Vouvalidis, N. Palyvos, Th. Tsourou 2010. «Paleoenvironmental evolution and prehistoric human environment, in the embayment of Palamari (Skyros Island, Greece) during Middle-Late Holocene”, Quaternary International (In press).
32. M.V. Triantaphyllou, K. Kouli, T. Tsourou, O. Koukousioura, K. Pavlopoulos, M.D. Dermitzakis. 2010. “Paleoenvironmental changes since 3000 BC in the coastal marsh of Vravron (Attica, SE Greece)”. Quaternary International (In press).
33. Palyvos, N., Pavlopoulos, K., Froussou, E., Kranis, H., Pustovoytov, K., Forman, S., Minos-Minopoulos, D., 2009. Paleoseismology of the oblique-normal Ekkara Rupture Zone (April 30, 1954 M 6.7-7.0 Thessaly earthquake, Greece) - archaeological and geochronological constraints on ground rupture recurrence, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), doi:10.1029/2009JB006374, in press, available on-line since Dec. 10, 2009.