Children under age 18 may be considered “disabled” if they have a physical or mental impairment, (including an emotional or learning problem). Child Protective Services receives SSI payments for eligible children in agency custody. These payments are typically redirected to adoptive parents and kinship caregivers upon transferring custody, however SSI is then recalculated based on the adoptive or legal custodian’s income.


KPI provides KPI provides time-limited incentive payments to families caring for kin. Eligible kinship caregivers will receive an initial payment and may receive additional payments every 6 months to support the stability of the child's placement. The maximum amount may not exceed 6 payments and will not be provided for longer than 36 months. KPI payments are in addition to Ohio Works First (OWF) cash assistance.

The gross income of the caregiver's family, including the child, may not exceed 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.y re

Post Adoption Special Service Subsidy (PASSS)

PASSS is a unique subsidy designed to assist Ohio families after the finalization of adoption. PASSS is available to all types of adoptions (international, public, private etc.) with the exception of stepparent adoptions. PASSS is not a maintenance program, and is intended to cover services not covered by other adoption subsidy programs or insurance. There is no fixed income limit although adoptive parents may be required to pay a 5 percent copayment for approved services. PASSS funds are used to cover services like respite, medical or psychiatric services or residential or foster placement.

Ohio Works First (OWF child only)

Cash Assistance– apply at your local County Department of Job and Family Services agency (CDJFS), and ask for “Child Only” TANF or Ohio Works First cash assistance. Eligibility is based on the child’s out of home status, not the caregiver’s income.

Medicaid coverage– apply at your local CDJFS, while seeking cash assistance. Based on child’s income, if they are not already covered on a health insurance policy, the child is likely eligible for a Medicaid card.

SNAP (Food Stamps)– apply at the local CDJFS. This benefit is based on your household income and number of people living there.

Child Care Subsidy– for low income caregivers that are working. Apply at local CDJFS.dditional payments every 6 months to support the stability of the child's placement. The maximum amount


(Education and Training Voucher)

The Ohio ETV Program is designed to help youth who were in foster care. Students may receive up to $5000 a year for school related expenses. Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first served basis. To apply you must be:

in foster care on your 18th birthday or aged out at that time. OR

Adopted from foster care with the adoption finalized AFTER your 16th birthday.


(Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

Students applying for college and for financial aid must complete a FAFSA. The student may file as an Independent student (not counting caregiver income) if one of the following apply:

•the student is an orphan (both parents deceased) or ward of the court or in foster care at any time after turning age 13

•or was a ward of the court until age 18.

or the student is/was in legal guardianship

Medical Card

The gross incoThe Ohio Medicaid program includes health care coverage for youth, who aged out of foster care on their 18th birthday, until age 26, regardless of income. Adoption and legal custody prior to aging out would require caregivers to apply for Medicaid based on household income or include on private insurance.

Emancipated Teen FINS

Each public children services agency shall, when requested, provide services and support to former foster care recipients, who emancipated from agency custody due to attaining 18 years of age. The services and supports are to complement the young adult's own efforts to achieve self- sufficiency, and shall be available until the young adult's 21st birthday. The agency may provide funds and financial assistance to help the youth live independently.

Non Recurring Adoption Expenses Subsidy

Nonrecurring Adoption expenses are one time expenses directly related to the legal adoption of a child with special needs. This program provides payment or reimbursement for such expenses as supervision of placement, attorney’s fees, court costs, transportation costs, and reasonable food and lodging.. Payment or reimbursement is also available for costs associated with the adoption home study, health exams, and reasonable and necessary adoption fees.

Adoption Assistance

Provides financial assistance to adoptive families based on the child’s special needs at the time of the adoptive placement. In order to be eligible for AA the child must meet the definition of special needs and one of several other criteria, each with varying requirements. Factors include things such as the age of the time and the length of time spent in care.