NUMBER: 205.1480
PAGE: 1 OF 2
The purpose of this policy is to provide a mechanism to determine if a patient is a suitable candidate for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) study, to determine if a nurse needs to accompany the patient to the MRI trailer, and to provide for safe transport of the patient to the MRI trailer.
A nurse caring for the patients for whom an MRI study is ordered will initiate the proper evaluation procedure to determine patient suitability for transfer and ability to tolerate the procedure. In the event that the MRI study cannot be completed for any reason, the attending/ordering physician will be notified.
1. All patients scheduled for an MRI must be given an MRI Screening Form to be completed at the time the MRI study is requested. The screening form and the requisition form will be faxed or delivered to the radiology department together. Confused or disabled patients may need nursing assistance with the completion of this form. The completion of the screening form will determine if the patient is a suitable candidate for the test. No ferro magnetic metal of any type is allowed on or in the patient.
2. If a nurse needs to be in attendance with a critical patient undergoing a scan, that employee needs to be free of metal (scissors, etc), no jewelry, analog watches, credit cards, pacemakers, cochlear implants, metal in eyes or cerebral aneurysm clips.
3. Patients unable to ambulate fifteen feet must be transported via guerney. If a guerney is required, an aluminum guerney must be used. The MRI scanner has an aluminum guerney. Radiology will obtain it.
4. There is no specific dietary preparation for the MRI examination.
5. Nurses should determine if the patient being sent for MRI is claustrophobic and notify the patient’s physician if appropriate. The MRI is done in a small, enclosed space. Sequences usually last 8 – 10 minutes each. The total study may take 30 to 90 minutes.
6. Patients of child bearing age will be asked pregnancy status and, if pregnant, will be asked to sign a waiver of responsibility by the Radiology Department representative. All pregnant patients must be evaluated for appropriateness on a case-by-case basis.
7. The only monitoring device in the scanner is a pulse oximetry O² saturation monitor. No cardiac or other monitoring can be done during the scan. When necessary, the MRI staff will stop the exam and allow for patient assessment.
8. The patient should wear a simple hospital gown or a garment without any metal (no IV snap gowns). Metal snaps are ferro magnetic.
9. The patient cannot have an IV pump(s) or metal IV’s. Saline lock the IV if appropriate. If the patient is on a drip, a nurse must be in attendance. A scalp butterfly needle is unacceptable. IV drips are a nursing scope of practice and may require nursing monitoring.
10. Should an emergency occur and medical help is needed, assistance should be summoned by activating the Code Blue response team.
New: Revised: 03/09
Approval Signatures:
Nurse Manager Date
Chief Clinical Officer Date
Medical Chief of Staff Date
Chief Executive Officer Date
President, Board of Directors Date