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Summary Points to Remember- Post Acute Care provides short-term assistance to people who need extra help after being in hospital.
What is Post Acute Care?
Post Acute Care (PAC) provides community-based services and home-based therapy to help you recover at home after leaving hospital. It aims to assist people especially if they live alone, have limited support or if they are usually a carer.
The PAC services are only available for a short time once you go home. The maximum time is four weeks after going home from hospital.
What services are provided by Post Acute Care?
Post Acute Care offers a range of services including:
•Community Nursing
•Personal care assistance
•Home Help
•Shopping assistance
•In-home respite
•Occupational Therapy
•Speech Therapy
Am I eligible for Post Acute Care?
Anyone who has presented at a public hospital emergency department or has been discharged from either acute or sub-acute public hospital ward in the last 28 days is eligible.
The PAC program covers all of Victoria and services available will depend on availability for that area.
PAC is primarily intended for those who have limited support at home or are in a caring role. You are still eligible to use the PAC program even if you had services in place before going to hospital but your needs have changed.
Who can make Referrals
Referrals are usually made by hospital clinicians/staff but can also be made by General Practitioners, patients or family.
If you are concerned about managing at home and you think that you would benefit from some help, please discuss this with a staff member on your ward. They can make a referral for PAC services before you go home.
What happens when I am referred to Post Acute Care?
The Care Co-ordinators will phone you once you are home to discuss your needs and organise appropriate services.
The Care Coordinator will provide you with their phone number. Please contact them if you have any concerns or if you are readmitted to hospital.
How long can I receive Post Acute Care services for?
PAC services are provided for up to four weeks. If ongoing assistance is needed, this is usually provided by local services (Council / Community Health).
How much will Post Acute Care cost?
PAC services are free however you may be required to contribute to the cost of consumables such as wound dressings.
Contact / Practitioner / Patient notes
Direct Access Unit
RMH Royal Park Campus
Direct Access Unit
PO Box 7000
Carlton South 3053
Ph: 8387 2333
MH Direct Access Unit | SACS01.06B| Manager Sub-acute Ambulatory Care Services (SACS) | Reviewed Nov 2014
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