Project Initiation Document
Project Initiation Document
This document is designed to bring together the key information needed to start the project on a sound basis and to convey that information to all concerned with the project. The following documents can be “rolled into” the PID: Project Brief, Project Approach, Project Quality Plan, Project Plan and Schedule, Business Case, Risk Log and Communication Plan.
Project Name
Project Register Number
Governance Group or Corporate Strategy
Faculty or Department
Prepared By:
Document Owner(s) / Project/Organization RoleProject Initiation Document Version Control
Version / Date / Author / Change DescriptionConfidential Page 2 3/18/2010
Project Initiation Document
Confidential Page 2 3/18/2010
Project Initiation Document
Approved by all Senior Staff referenced in this document: Yes No
(Signatures available upon request)
Confidential Page 2 3/18/2010
Project Initiation Document
Project Sponsor
1.1 Purpose 3
1.2 Background 3
1.3 Project Definition 3
1.4 Communication Plan 5
1.5 Project Quality Plan 5
1.6 Project tolerances 6
1.7 Project controls 6
1.8 Attachments 6
1.9 Project Rating Tool 7
This document draws on aspects of the Tasmanian Government project management guidelines, produced by the Inter Agency Policy and Projects Unit, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tasmania and is protected so far as is allowed by the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (C'th) ("the Act"). Apart from any use permitted by the Act, the State of Tasmania grants users a license (within the meaning of the Act) to download, print and otherwise reproduce the information for non-commercial purposes only.
Such content as is reproduced here is intended for use in managing the University's projects and project portfolio and is for non-commercial purposes only.
1.1 Purpose
Refer to Business Case or Project Mandate
What does this project set out to achieve?
1.2 Background
Refer to Project Brief or Project Mandate
What are the circumstances that led up to the decision so start this project?
1.3 Project Definition
Project objectives
Refer to Project Brief or Project Mandate
What are the specific goals to be achieved? What needs to be done?
How will you measure their achievement?
Are they achievable?
Are they relevant to the purpose of the project?
What are the major milestones?
Defined method of approach
Refer to Project Brief or Project Mandate
What will be the project approach?
Project scope
Refer to Project Brief or Project Mandate
Where are the boundaries of the project?
What will not be included?
Project deliverables
Refer to Project Brief
Briefly describe each deliverable.
Include products, processes and associated documentation
Include documentation to be included in the Communications Plan (reports etc)
Refer to Project Brief
What will be specifically excluded from the project?
Compare with “Scope” above.
Refer to Project Brief or Project Mandate
Identify any constraints on:
· Time
· Money
· Quality
· Resource use and availability
· Skill requirements
· Risks and Security
· Corporate strategies or statements of direction
· Training requirements
Refer to Project Brief or Project Mandate
Which people or groups will interact directly or depend on components of the project?
What workflow processes, applications or systems will interact directly with the components of the project?
Are there any assumptions that need to be made?
Project organisation structure
Who will be the Executive of the Project Board?
Who will represent the Senior Supplier?
Who will represent the Senior User?
Who will be the Project Manager?
Who else will be on the Project Board
Who else will be on the Project team
Have job descriptions been drawn up for all key members of the project and attached to this document?
Have all members of the project confirmed their job descriptions?
Have the relevant USQ Faculties and Departments been notified and confirmed the roles and responsibilities of the members of the project?
Have you made arrangements for each and every contractor you intend to employ on this project to undergo “contractor inductions” including completing the online induction program which all USQ Staff are required to complete?
This is located at and requires the respondent to use their USQ login details.
Username: usq
Password: usq.
1.4 Communication Plan
Who are the interested parties of the project?
What information will each interested party require?
How frequently will the information be provided?
What will be the method of communication in each case?
1.5 Project Quality Plan
What are the customer’s quality expectations?
What are the acceptance criteria?
Who has responsibility for checking quality?
What standards need to be met?
What quality control and audit processes will be applied to the management of the project?
What are the quality control and audit requirements for specialist work?
What are the change management procedures?
Outline the Configuration Management plan.
What tools are used to ensure quality?
1.6 Project tolerances
Refer to Project Brief or Project Mandate
The Project Board will need to be notified if your project looks like it will go beyond the tolerances you agree up front. These could include:
· Time
· Timing
· Cost
· Standards
· Quality
· etc
What are these to be?
1.7 Project controls
Describe how control is to be exercised within the project and the reporting and monitoring mechanisms that will support this; include the exception process.
1.8 Attachments
· Initial Business Case
· Initial Project Plan
· Initial Risk Log
· Job Descriptions
· etc
1.9 Project Rating Tool
On the next page you will find a tool to assist you to enable your project proposal to be rated by:
· a Business Analyst from ICT and
· the ICT Strategy Committee.
As soon as practicable during the preparation of this Mandate you will need to discuss your proposal with an ICT Business Analyst and request them to rate your project separately in the right-most column using ValIT criteria.
The ICT Strategy Committee will select the statement which best describes your project under each of the headings for “Directive”, Business Impact”, Benefits Realisation” and “Customer Service”.
The total score obtained by each method will enable the ICT Strategy Committee to reach a decision in their approval deliberations.
Don’t forget to update the Table of Contents!!
Confidential Page 2 3/18/2010
Project Initiation Document
Cells on this row are worth / Directive / Business Impact / Benefits Realisation / Customer Service / Business Analyst Assessment1 / Approved by Council/VC as contributing to the University’s Strategic Goals / Essential to sustain business operations. / This is a key element of the USQ strategic plan.
Major improvements expected in business process. / This will deliver major service improvements for all customers. / Outcomes
0.9 / Approved by SLC / As above. / This is a key element of the Faculty or Department strategic plan.
Benefits > cost / This will deliver major service improvements for a specific customers group. / Alignment
0.8 / Approved by PVC/Director / As above. / This aligns with the Faculty or Department strategic plan.
Benefits > cost / This will deliver some service improvements for all customers. / Financial benefits
0.7 / Faculty or Department Executive initiative / This will have a significant effect on longer term business operations. / This aligns with objectives of the section’s business plan.
Benefits > cost / This will deliver some service improvements for a specific customers group. / Non financial benefits
0.6 / Faculty or Department Section initiative / As above. / This aligns with the section's operation plan. Benefits > cost / This will deliver minor service improvements for some customers.. / Resources
0.5 / Resulting benefits are not very clear. / This will have a significant effect on short term business operations. / There is little connection to any strategic plan.
Cost is greater than benefits / This will have little impact on customer service. / Expenditure
0.4 / Unlikely to get funding support / As above. / This does not align with the section's operation plan.
Cost is greater than benefits / This could deliver minor service degredation to some customers. / Risk drivers
0.3 / There is no general consensus / As above. / This does not align with objectives of the section’s business plan. Cost is much greater than benefits / This could deliver minor service degredation to all customers. / Assumptions and constraints
0.2 / There is no directive from senior management to make this happen. / This will have a minor impact on business operations. / This does not align with the Faculty or Department strategic plan.
Cost and benefit cannot be defined / This is likely to degrade service to some customers.
0.1 / There is no identified business requirement to do this. / As above. / This is contrary to the Faculty or Department strategic plan.
There is no requirement to do this. / This is likely to degrade service to all customers.
0.0 / Staff member initiative only / This will have very little impact on business operations. / This is contrary to the USQ strategic plan.
There is no requirement to do this. / This will degrade service to all customers. / BA TOTAL
ICT Stratcom TOTAL
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